March 28, 2005

Copy right Christjustifed

Motto 1809

Speak where the bible speaks, silent where the bible is silent

    Thomas Campbell a spiritual pioneer (non charismatic), preacher, called out people from denominations and congregations he was invited to preach, to join him and others, to return to the "original order" of Christianity. These men along with Thomas adopted a “Declaration and Address“ which on May 4, 1811 constituted themselves as a independent local congregation. They establish other independent congregations without any centralized hierarchy over the congregations, calling themselves disciples of Christ-churches of Christ. He printed a monthly periodical, the Christian Baptist, first issue dated July 4, 1823.
    Thomas Campbell in 1809 created a motto "speak where the bible speaks, silent where the bible is silent", to get more listeners past man made creeds and (can be concluded) unconsciously past the trinity (particularly the part of perceiving the holy sprit as an actual person), for it cause a stumbling block not allowing the perception of the holy spirit is the holy mental disposition of God. The motto enabled people to better perceive, focus on only what was written in regard to the original order of Christianity, in so doing they were better able to perceive, focus on the spirit (mental disposition, intent) of God in the inspired speaker or writer 2000 years ago.
   The motto had strengths and weaknesses. It had much bible basis, however it wasn't a scripture but a motto, that lack the ability pointing out in a few places in the new testament, very hard to discern circumstances, such as the mental dispostion, mindset of the people being written or spoken to, and the particular usage of a word applied by the inspired author. The bible in a few places seems apparent at face value, a mere appearance that speaks, is what the motto emphasizes at times, is where the motto of Campbell shows some weakness. The bible in a few places speaking is not as apparent today as was 2,000 years ago. In later years, the weakness in the motto, manifested itself to some degree. However the motto was very effective, especially in Campbell's day when more people were trapped in denominations,  that didn't practice the original order of christianity.
    Understanding, perceiving these three things
provides you the holy spirit (holy mental disposition, holy intent of the inspired writer).
  • The times
  •  Hard to discern circumstances, such as the mental dispostion, mindset of the people being written or spoken to
  • The particular usage of a word applied by the inspired author
   When the person uses the motto of Campbell liken as a scripture in a few places in the bible, with the face value meanings of words as used today and circumstances today, they fall short, stumbled, miss the mark.
  • Thomas Campbell created a motto, 200 years ago so people would to return to the "original order" of Christianity.
  • Christ Jesus and the Apostles used the word "spirit" (mental disposition) instead of the motto 1800 years later. Why the use of the motto, instead of the word spirit? Due much to the doctrine of the trinity.
  • The word spirit in the exhaustive concordance is defined, thought, mental disposition. The original intent, mental disposition of the inspired speaker or author, is the spirit.

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