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Partial Birth Spiritual Abortionist
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

  Partial birth spiritual abortion, many in the world are born of the spirit (word of Christ) enters through the hardness of the shell (sins) of their heart, where it conceives within the heart, believing Jesus is the Lord, they are born of the spirit (word of Christ). Then his word in their hearts quickens to confess, repent, but when his word would of quicken them to birth from water (baptism, immersion) for forgiveness of sins, they are instead spiritual aborted. They fall  from the spirit (word of Christ), fall from grace (unmeritorious righteousness (right acts), steps through faith (persuasion) in the working of God), the spiritual abortionist tells them at a prayer (sinner's prayer) belief only, they are saved. Has this happen to you?

History of the sinner's prayer.

   The faith only movement, has not the spirit of truth but the spirit of error, concerning the true salvation plan of God. During the time of repentance "mental turning away from sin", the moment if directed to, he or she would be baptized in Christ for forgiveness of sins, to be justified from sin, to enter into covenant. Instead their seduced by appearances of zeal, excitement, emotions, by especially TV false preachers, divert men, redirect them toward praying the "sinners prayer". They are told to count themselves forgiven of their sins, by man's authority, not by the authority of Jesus', Peter's , Paul's words, the Holy Spirit.
    Showing no urgency to b immersed because they were hoodwinked to thinking baptism is a mere outward sign, a seal as circumcise, where its never siad in the bible. They are told baptism is not for forgiveness of sins. Weeks, months, perhaps years later, they may be baptized for an outward sign only, a seal, has no justifying affect from sins. This new man made mode of baptism, for a "sign only" is not authorized in the bible, is not a scriptural baptism. Anyone who receives this man devised baptism, is now only following a commandment, persuasion of man, work of man, conjured up out of thin air.  
    It was in the days of Israel leaders wanted the adoration, homage of man, instead of the adoration from God. They would not humbly submit to the steps of faith of the will of God, told to them by the prophets, holy men sent to them from God, and so they wouldn't submit to Jesus and apostles teachings.

False Teachers

  Faith Only Movement

    Partial birth spiritual abortionist seduced, hoodwinked millions,
with the false teaching of the "sinner's prayer". Selling a lip service salvation plan, exploited on TV. Millions of men and woman died in their sins, due to the false salvation plan they teach.
  Some well known named people on TV and mega churches, Rick and Kay Warren (saddleback), Benny Hinn, Billy Graham (Crusades), Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Charles Stanley, John Hagee,  Robert Schuller I & II, Pat Robertson (700 club), Eastman Curtis, Jerry Falwell, Charles Swindoll, Jimmy Swaggart,  Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Max Lucado, Andrew Wommack, Arnold Murray, Ben Kinchlow, Guts Church - Tulsa, Billye Brim, Bob Coy, Bob Weiner, Bob Yandian, Butch Bruton, Carman, Casey Treat, Charles Capps, Chuck Norris, Creflo Dollar, Dennis Burke, Dennis Leonard, Kenneth Hagin, Dwight Thompson, Ed Cole, Ed Young, Fred Price, Adrian Rogers, Gerald Mann, Gregory Dickow, Hal Lindsey, Happy Caldwell, Hilton Sutton, Jack Hayford, Jack Van Impe, James Dobson, James Robison,  Jerry Savelle, Jesse Duplantis,  John Avanzini, John & Lisa Bevere, Josh McDowell, Juanita Bynum, Kate McVeigh, Keith Moore, Kirk Cameron, Larry Jones, Larry Lea, Leroy Thompson, Lindsay Roberts, Mac Hammond, Marilyn Hickey, Mario Murillo, Mark Hankins, Mike Barber, Mike Purkey, Morris Cerullo, Nicky Cruz, Oral & Richard Roberts,  Paula White, R.W. Schambach, Reinhard Bonnke, Rick Godwin,  Rodney Howard-Browne, Rod Parsley, Salem Family, Scott Webb, T.D. Jakes, T.L. & Daisy Osborn, Tom Anderson, Tommy Tenney, Willie George, Zola Levitt, Promise keepers, and many more.
ASV Matthew 7:13 for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby.

Roms 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness (unmeritorious provision of righteousness), and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
Matthew 7:21-23 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the "will"of my Father which is in heaven.

Sincerely John

God Bless

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