Published 2-26-2015 by John J. Nowak last edited 10/26//2019

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Stop Government Funding the Unconstitutional Deep
State Secular Religion Humanism
at 1800 Government Universities and Colleges

particularly Junk/fake/Pseudo (false) science contained in infidel (unbeliever) Philosophy's

Evolution-Sociology-Psychology-Psychiatry which Combined Promotes Atheistic,

Anti-Christian, Sexually Immoral, Marxist-Socialism-Communism,

Drugging (Neuroleptics), Baby Murder (abortion)

Violates the Establishment Clause


Unconstitutionally Undermines, Sways Elections to the Far Left

    A hundred million Christian citizens are being robbed of their tax dollars and full measured Constitutional Empowerment, by an unconstitutional house of cards, government multiple trillion tax dollar funded secular religion Humanism. The government funded secular religion humanism is further sustained by big Pharma's billions of dollars massive propaganda, lobbying and advertisement scheme of Democrats, Republicans and mass media.

  1. Who, when and what? The government violated for decades the U.S. Constitution First Amendment "Establishment Clause" had made law particularly funding/respecting/promoting an establishment/deep state secular religion Humanism made up of bias junk/fake/pseudoscience, containing atheistic, anti-Christian, sexually immoral, Marxist-socialism-communism, for drugging (Neuroleptics), and for baby murder (abortion).
  2. How? The government through the decades unconstitutionally massively created and promoted a systematically impose bias stacked and rigged faculty of professors and administration at hundreds of government universities and colleges. This bias and stacked deck favors and generates bias junk/fake/pseudoscience and fake news to provide false credence, combined are used to indoctrinate yearly millions (indoctrination camps) of gullible youthful citizen students in the secular religion humanism.
  3. The government's bias junk/fake/pseudoscience manifests in 1800 government universities and colleges administrations, teachers and their students "a sincere and meaningful belief occupying the life of the possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God", meets the required element that defines a Secular religion (1965-1970) U.S. v Seeqer U.S. 162, 176 , Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333.
  4. Humanism's goal? The government's secular religion Humanism's goal is to remove our nation's founding principles derived of the people (contained in Judeo-Christian biblical (66 book library) creationism, biblical sociology, biblical moral secular spiritual (mental disposition) solutions to solve harmful human behavior); replaced with the government-funded/respected/promoted secular religion humanism bias junk/fake/pseudoscience of atheistic, anti-Christian, sexually immoral, Marxist-socialism-communism, for drugging (Neuroleptics), and for baby murder (abortion).
  5. The First Amendment "Establishment Clause" in the Constitution declares, authorizes, demands and empowers all elected leaders, to begin earnestly the separation/removal/elimination of all government funding and promoting the deep state secular religion Humanism at all government institutions.

-Clear Violation of the Establishment Clause-

-An Elephant in the Room,


Free ride - Government funded with trillions of tax dollars

Stacked and Rigged Atheistic Humanism at 1800 State Universities and Colleges (Indoctrination Camps) in the USA-

- Greatest Threat to Babies (abortion-murdered 61,000,000)-Christianity-the People-Free Enterprise-Republic, Constitution, Since the Revolutionary War. -

(The Emperor Has No Clothes)

U.S. Constitution First Amendment:
  1. "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion,..."
The U.S. Courts and Supreme Court had defined a Secular religion:
  1. "first place there are forms of belief...accepted as religions and whose adherents, numbering in the millions, not include or require as essential the belief in a deity",  (1957)  Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda
  2. "Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are ... Secular Humanism, and others", (1961) US Supreme Court Torcaso v. Watkins (367 U.S. 488)
  3. Listed elements of a secular religion:
  •  "training and belief", 
  • "...a sincere and meaningful belief occupying in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God" (1965-1970) U.S. v Seeqer U.S. 162, 176 , Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333:WW
  1. The elephant in the room = Free dictionary definition: An obvious truth or fact, especially one regarded as embarrassing or undesirable, that is being intentionally ignored or left unaddressed:
  1. We the people are battling for decades brainwashing, indoctrination occurring at 1800 State Universities and Colleges which have become in a large measure atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion indoctrination camps. Where there is an unconstitutional government respect (amounts to direct funding and free publicity in trillions of tax dollars) for the atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion dogma-belief in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology, and Psychiatry is science, when there is ample significant evidence they are junk-fake science due to having a stacked deck of extremely bias researchers, teachers and administrators, rigged to favor atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion tenets.
  2. There exist ample significant evidence of a stacked, rigged extremely bias atheist, anti-Christian-humanism deck in the teachers, researchers and administrations at 1800 government universities and colleges. extending to other institutions of government promoting the secular religion of humanism consisting of unreplicatible, faddish, laboratory ineffectiveness, bias, fraud, prejudice, tyranny, persecution, anti-Christian indoctrination, political correctness,  sexually immoral behavior, harassment of citizens at government Universities, colleges, indoctrination even in kindergarten-12, created laws to punish those who do not submit and seizing children from their parents. 
  1. Unreplicatible = "There is no more fundamental requirement in science that the replicability of findings be established. Yet, in psychology few replication studies are attempted, and of these only a small proportion are published ( see N. C. Smith, 1970, for a more extensive discussion of this issue and for other arguments that experimental method as normally practiced has serious limitations).", "Perhaps the most important reason for the widespread belief in the replicability of psychological experiments in the absence of replicability is that experimentalist often fail to distinguish between concurrent and temporal reliability." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-
  2. Faddish = "As Greenwald (1975) has observed, findings in psychology often have a faddish quality about them. At one point, studies that support a particular phenomenon are favored, and at another point, studies that refute the phenomenon are favored." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-
  3. Laboratory Ineffectiveness = "...the laboratory is often ineffective because much human behavior is so sensitive to incidental sources of stimulation, that adequate control wouldn’t be achieved” -Psychological Research Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst. (1981)-
  4. Bias = "Some journals state that they do not accept replication studies, and others cast doubt on accepted conclusions." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-
  5. Fraud = "Moreover, for the person who makes no attempt to replicate his or her own findings, there is little danger that others will demonstrate that the findings are unreplicatable because in the rare event that the replication is undertaken by someone else, discrepant results can almost always be dismissed as the result of minor procedural differences.-Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-"
  6. (1991) Government Universities Preferred Hiring, Awarding Tenure to Liberal Professors, Overall Leftest Bias Dominate - Hans Tirpak, Director, Law Student Bar Association, University of Buffalo, Amherst "...colleges and universities have been and are in the practice of hiring and awarding tenure to liberal professors over equally qualified conservative professors,..", “...the growing awareness that most of America’s colleges and universities, including UB (University of Buffalo), have become dominated by leftist professors and administrators strongly support the inference.", "It might be stretching things a bit to assert that UB and/or similarly situation colleges or universities do not hire conservative professors. I hear UB has some in its political science department. I even met one about a year ago. I was quite surprised. With that exception, every professor I have met at UB in the 2 1/2 years I’ve been a student has seemed leftist" Buffalo Newspaper.
  7. (2009) Evidence of Bias Against Men and Boys in Mental Health Research (video)
  8. (2012) The Washington Times- Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement - 80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats, 90 percent identified as liberal
  9. (2013) University campus is akin to something between a big church or a small Vatican -  Why many professors are atheists: Academe as a secular religious community
  10. (2014) Inside Higher ED - Retaliation Claim Vindicated "Seven years after Mike Adams sued the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, charging that he was denied a promotion because of his political views, a federal jury agreed"
  11. (2015) Exposed: Christian Students Rejected, Failed, and Expelled for their Faith by State Universities- RED STATE
  12. (2016) Liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds
  1. We the people are battling an unconstitutional State atheist, anti-Christian-humanism Secular religion that has taken over the Democratic party and partially the Republican Party. Not battling merely a political party.
  2. We the people must restore the fundamental principle in the establishment clause, stopping government making law respecting particularly today an athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion establishment in the 1800 State Universities and colleges.
  1. The immense logistical control and power of the combined 1800 State Universities and Colleges some the size of cities, networking as a colossal atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religious denomination spread out in all fifty states, and across the globe, preaching atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion tenets, dogma of its junk-fake science to the masses, resulting in spreading the brainwashing, indoctrination to all areas of society:
  1. Evolution instead of being presented as a theory alongside with the other theory Creationism, they preach Evolution as so-called fact, exclusively. 
  2. Sociology, psychology, and psychiatry are very short sighting, biased observations and particularly psychiatry is an unprovable theory of so-called chemical imbalance that is preached exclusively = Resulting in drugging, especially by State schools upon vulnerable children, where State schools earn money, for every child they place in special ed to receive drugs, amounting to millions of dollars
  3. So-called free love (not free), beginning in 1966 was lectured-preached at the University of Berkeley, California with the approval the University administration, renamed as so-called sex education-safe sex (indoctrination) = A root cause of millions of murdered babies in abortion, creating militant harden baby murdering feminist, costing trillions of tax dollar expense in 70 government programs caring for the millions of unwed mothers and their children, and the fatherless children more prone to drugs, crime, sexual immorality, diseases etc.
  4. Sodomy, and pretending to be the opposite sex dogma is preached as acceptable, exclusively = Resulting in brain washing, indoctrination of tens of millions of voters, cause of diseases, fake marriages, harming real marriages, persecution of Christians closing down Christian owned shops.
  5. Predominately the adherents of the  atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion are for dissolving the second amendment that is the last defense against tyrants taking over the government, were for a tidal wave of Muslim immigration who 27 percent believe in violence and 51 percent believe in sharia law that would dissolve the U.S. Constitution, for illegal immigration-open borders what amounts to an invasion, for the hoax of global warming-climate change resulting in schemes that would bankrupt the country, and lead us into socialism-communism.

  1. The Deep State unconstitutional atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion establishment in government academia, 1800 universities, and colleges which are equivalent to 1800 secular religious indoctrination camps placed strategically all across America, California has over one hundred, is a significant factor turning the State far left and is the deep-rooted cause of abortion-murder.

  2. Where there exist an extremely bias stacked deck of so-called reseachers, teachers and administrators respecting an atheist, anti-Christian-humanism SECULAR RELIGION-more recently in history referred to as humanism in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology, and Psychiatry. ((2016) liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds
  3. Where the combined effect of 1800 Government Universities and colleges, some the size of cities have the power to indoctrinate tens of millions, bully its way in the public square, that's its secular religion tenets are revered to the point of exclusivity from all others.
  4. Where they are indoctrinating-brainwashing tens of millions of young men and woman students. Statistics show primarily prey on gullible young woman students that make up the majority of students since the 1970's (male-female ratio of 43.6–56.4)
  5. One of the main tenets, big lies of atheist, anti-Christian-humanism is so-called free love (is not free) contain in today's so-called sex education, first promulgated in the 1790's History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy), resulting in horrendous outcomes for woman and resurrected by Jefferson Poland who established the Sexual Freedom League (SFL) in 1966 and lectured with the approval of the University of Berkeley, California. Today as was in the 1960's, many woman attending government academia, become seduce and she acts out the secular-religious infidel-humanism indoctrination so-called free love (is not free), becomes impregnated, and due to the plight of the women without a husband, are directed toward another big lie of infidel-humanism indoctrination in so-called abortion, she is indoctrinated that it isn't murder. Many women then murders their babies so as to continue her studies, including her secular religious atheistic-infidel-humanism studies-indoctrination. Its no wonder there now exist millions of harden secular religious militant atheistic infidel-humanist feminist followers, and murder in abortion has been legal since the 1970's to deal with the big lie of the 1960's free love (is not free). Another tenet of athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion is promoting homosexuality, no wonder there is also since the 1960's a growing of numbers of homosexuals and even government officially recognizing another big lie, a marriage among homosexuals.
  6. The main motive of government academia-1800 government universities and colleges is greed after trillions of tax dollars in State and Federal funding, institutional funding, student aid, and grants for endless so-called studies, faculty pensions and political power to allow continuing of their secular religious atheistic infidel-humanist indoctrination scheme. Student loans have reached 1.5 trillion dollars.
  7. There is a multiplying effect of spreading further their indoctrination, when the indoctrinated student believers are placed on boards of corporations and mainstream media, respecting-promoting the tenets of the atheistic-Infidel-humanism secular religion in corporations.
  8. All these factors combine has unconstitutionally swayed election results to the far left, violated the establishment clause.
  9. Atheist, anti-Christian-humanism ultimate goal is to undermine and dissolve the nation's Judeo-Christian secular principled base Constitution and establish state-sponsored athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion derived Socialism-Communism-One World Government, following in the footsteps of its father Carl Marx, a father of sociology, a believer and practitioner in athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion.
  10. Solutions, laws need to be enacted to place the deep State atheist, anti-Christian-humanism SECULAR RELIGION on the outside of government, no longer government funded-respected in Government schools-institutions, and no longer forced upon citizens. Laws need to be enacted that state all citizens whenever in the presence of a Government school, institution, particularly a court of law will be provided a list of all law-abiding human behavior groups, to choose from, be it a traditional religion, non traditional religion or even a secular religion group to interact and seek counseling, none will be funded-respected by government.

  1. We the People the private sector are under attack for decades, by a conspiracy orchestrated by an unconstitutional Deep State sponsored secular religion made up of government employees-so called teachers and their tens of millions of indoctrinated following students, unconstitutionally swayed the nation's election results to the far left.
  2. The State Sponsored Secualar religion is set up first through an extremely bias stacked, rigged, deck in government academia (1800 universities, and colleges) as:
1.) its orchestrated center of power and influence,
2.) given an unconstitutional free ride, funded and its mere approval-association with the inside of government amounts to yearly hundreds of billions of tax dollars,
3.) spread throughout government institutions, taking over boards of many corporations, and mainstream mass media, and
4.) infiltrated, envelop, and controls predominantly the Democratic Party and a large portion of the Republican Party
  1. The unconstitutional State Secular Religion called Humanism, has unconstituionally systematically
  1. replaced "human Origin - Judeo-Christian - Genesis/Creation" of the people with State dogma "human Origin - atheistic, Infidel - Evolution", 
  2. replaced "Human behavior - Judeo-Christian - Morality" of the people with State dogma "Human behavior - atheistic, Infidel - Sociology"
  3. replaced "Human mental disposition - Judeo-Christian - Spirit, Spiritual, Spirituality", of the people with State dogma "Human mental disposition - atheistic, Infidel - Psychology"
  4. replaced "Human Solution - Judeo-Christian - Wisdom" of the people with State dogma "Human solution - atheistic, Infidel - Psychiatry"
  1. Consequently the State sponsored Humanism spreads their extremely bias humanism secular religion propaganda indoctrination, political correctness throughout all government institutions (Unconstitutional Deep State), corporations and mass media.
  1. Their main motive is greed after 100's billions of tax dollars every year for salaries, pensions, and in inmense sums of public tax payer money going to Big Pharma's so called psychiatric (happy) drugs-snake oil-short term feel good, false remedies based on bias fake science, causing:
  • Creates scaring and neuronal loss,
  • shrinkage and/or loss of brain tissue,
  • significant reduction in the total brain weight and volume.
  • Increase the concentration of tTG (a marker of programmed cell death) in the central nervous system of living humans.
  1. The  State Sponsored secular religion Humanism has generated an unconstitutional unwarranted wide trust and acceptance of the public, that unconstitutionally swayed election results to the far left.
  2. Humanism's ultimate goal is absolute political power, undermine and dissolve the nation's Judeo-Christian secular principled base constitution, and establish Humanism derived socialism-communism.
  3. Without the cornerstone of the Establishment Clause fully intact "Congress shall make no law RESPECTING an establishment of religion..." including a secular religion of humanism, our nation's founding heritage of Judeo-Christian secular principled based laws and remainder amendments-rights will continue to crumble and fall.
  4. The Founding Fathers assured in writing the first Amendment establishment clause, a State religion would never occur again.
  5. The fault lies with Congress and the Supreme Court, who permitted State respect-favoritism of a secular religion of Humanism, that breach the cornerstone of our constitution in the Establishment Clause.
  6. Conservative minded people, politicians and speakers need to unite and spearhead a movement to cut off the hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars unconstitutionally funding and respecting a State Secular Religion Establishment, and to stop its forced indoctrination of tens of millions of impressionable youthful citizen.
  7. If you remove the underpinning of the multiple billions in tax dollars spent every year for the State secular religion called humanism,  you will restore the U.S. Constitution to its rightful spirit of the founding fathers originating of, by and for the people. 
The unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism Establishment consists of:
  1. Yearly unconstitutional 100's of billions of tax dollar respect, in violation of the establishment clause.
  2. Atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy tenets that morphed through the ages, were re-branded to hide their origins, their chaos, and ruination to past civilizations.
  3. An Equivalent God in Truth and Correctness, consist of extremely bias dogma fake human origin  science & human behavior science.
  4. A stacked, rigged deck in the administration of government academia (1800 universities and colleges) for decades have discriminated, preferably awarding tenure to atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy following professors.
  5. Furthering the stacked, rigged deck at Government universities and colleges is due to the Christian student's rejection, refraining from the indoctrination of the deep State religion humanism.
  6. Yearly unconstitutional forced indoctrination of tens of millions of impressionable youthful citizens.
  7. The combined weight of 1800 government universities and colleges have in effect, unconstitutionally forcibly implemented their beliefs of the unconstitutional State secular religion humanism upon all government institutions, unconstitutionally swayed society and elections.
  8. Main stream media are co-conspirators, promoting the status quo government respect of the unconstitutional secular religion humanism.
  9. Besides Democrats, even a number of Republics accept significant lobbying funds for their campaigns from the unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism.
  10. CEO's, large corporations and Hollywood regularly bow down to the unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism, worried losing audience and shoppers.

The unconstitutional State Secular Religion of progressive Humanism Establishment within government 1800 universities and colleges are as if multiple State sponsored indoctrination camps in every State.

Additionally 100,000 k-12 government schools, where the State Secular Religion Establishment is also indoctrinating and conditioning in atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy tenets.

The state of California for example has over a hundred State sponsored indoctrination camps as State universities and colleges, wielding their unconstitutional tax-funded power and influence, indoctrination to sway tens of millions of impressionable youthful citizens and eventually tipped elections towards Atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti Judeo - Christian) philosophy tenet policies.

The unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism Establishment has four atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy main elements:

  • "Origin - atheistic, Infidel - Evolution" no creator, routinely indoctrinated as fact, based on atheistic world view, bias
  • "Human behavior - atheistic, Infidel - Sociology" promoters of sexual immorality/perversions so-called free love-safe sex-despises one woman and one man lifetime marriages, feminism-despises a woman's role at home, promotes baby murder in abortions, sodomy and socialism - big government micro managing every aspect of individual lives, observation of a very short segment of time human behavior, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  • "Human mental disposition - atheistic, Infidel - Psychology" man's discernment, mental disposition, atheistic world view, observation of a very short segment of time, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  • "Human solution - atheistic, Infidel - Psychiatry" their solution, remedy is drugging tens of millions of children where they enrich themselves on tax payer funds and insurance, based on the provable false theory of “chemical imbalance”, fraud.

The unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism Establishment for many decades been replacing our nation's Judeo-Christian secular principled heritage that originating from the private sector - THE PEOPLE. That was represented by our nation's founding fathers, beginning in the nations founding documents. These documents contain principles consisting of four elements found in the library of sixty-six books, by over forty authors, and of many generations of human behavior, referred to as the bible that are:

  • "Origin - Judeo-Christian - Genesis/Creation" a creator in the book of Genesis, our founding fathers gave homage and their trust four times to the creator, beginning with the Declaration of Independence in these words “nature's God”, “creator”, “supreme judge of the world”, and “with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION of Divine Providence”
  • "Human behavior - Judeo-Christian - Morality" contained in library of books called the bible, multiple observers for thousands of years, in multiple generations, written accounts of detailed human behavior, universal principles of moral human behavior created into laws, rights, versus immoral behavior, evil, for small centralized government-less over lording upon individuals, and for free enterprise-independent.
  • "Human mental disposition - Judeo-Christian - Spirit, Spiritual, Spirituality", man's discernment, mental disposition, vital principles, frame of mind, logic, train of thought, both secular and supernatural
  • "Human Solution - Judeo-Christian - Wisdom", insight, remedies/solutions that empowers one to overcome immoral behavior, brings inner peace, healthy moral lifestyles, and long life

I. Affirmatives:

A.) It is unconstitutional to use tax payer funds in the billions for "RESPECTING" atheistic, infidel (anti-Judaeo Christian) Philosophy (so-called wisdom) tenets under the titles of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry establishments.

Government cannot "MAKE LAW" that "FUNDS", give the status as "EXPERTS", status as "FACTS" and promote a "VERNACULAR, RULES, REGULATIONS and PROCEDURAL" under the titles of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry establishments, is a form of "RESPECTING", that marginalizes other particularly traditional religious establishments who also have much secular wisdom in human behavior, mental disposition, studies, remedies, vernacular, rules and their particular concept of the origin of man with God at its center.

B.) It is a violation of the Establishment Clause when the administration of massive government academia (1800 universities and colleges) gave tenure more so to fellow bias professor adherents of atheistic, infidel (anti-judeo Christian) Philosophy (so called wisdom) tenets, stacked and rigged the deck, created bias/fraudulent/fake science or Pseudo (meaning false, sham) science in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry, resulted in a sincere and meaningful belief occupying in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by God, a secular State religion.

  1. Beginning in 1991 to 2010 I tried my best and wrote a series of letters to Congress to the best of my ability on the human behavior group neutrality argument, special interest and secular religion argument, to warn America, some excerpts from the letters
  3. (1600's to 1850's) Judeo-Christian Principled Heritage Base of our Constitution and Government
  4. Detail study of the Establishment Clause, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution regarding a Secular Religion
  5. History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy)
  6. (Early 1800's to mid-1800's) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "sociology" - based on atheistic world view, promoters of sexual immorality/perversions, observation of a very short segment of time human behavior, social interactions, and between nations, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  7. (1859) Infidel philosophy morphed into being called "evolution" - no creator, even racism- based on atheistic world view
  8. (1879) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "psychology" - based on atheistic world view, man's discernment, mental disposition, atheistic world view, observation of a very short segment of time, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  9. (Early 1900's) Morphed-Infidelism took over a number of Protestant institutions, churches, colleges, and seminaries using the "inclusivist strategy":
  10. (1930 - 1950's) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "psychiatry" - based on atheistic world view, their solution, remedy is drugs where they enrich themselves, based on the provable false theory of “chemical imbalance”, fraud.

II: Amendment 28: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government

An amendment to the constitution is in order, if not according to the constitutional provision through Congress then convening a constitutional convention to inscribe as if in stone as much as possible an unmovable supreme law of the land, Amendment 28 Secular religions shall be removed from all Government/

Section One: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government.
Section Two: Religion to be officially recognized by the United States government as a human behavioral group with having a belief in God or a substitute in a sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God. Such as may exist in a person/possessor a “sense of things as in true, correct” that equates in similar regard as a “Supreme Being as in true, correct” outside of a traditional religion, still amounts to a religion.
Section Three: The "Theory of Evolution" and the theory of "Intelligent Design" will only be allowed to be taught by any nongovernment group on the outside of government through private means/funding only, be allowed access to government-funded academia and public schools K-12 to present a case for either. There will be no more government grants for either teaching or research on the "Theory of Evolution", which would also exclude the theory of "Intelligent Design".
Section Four: Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology, and Philosophy (infidel philosophy) to be officially recognized by the United States government, as human behavior groups, secular religions.
Section Five: Government shall make no law respecting an establishment of Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology, and Philosophy (infidel philosophy), or prohibiting the free exercise of.  Government will neither promote or establish psychologists, psychiatrist instead promote and establish social workers for feeding, sheltering, clothing, giving medical care, and stabilizing the emotional disturbed from harming themselves. Rarest, special circumstances, such as if someone dangers themselves or others, a group of people employed by the state, will be given the most minimal task, of stabilization, without drugs or counseling.
Section Six: Constitutional rights of the stabilized emotional disturbed, to choose from a list of groups for their counseling. Equal access to the stabilized emotional disturbed, by all law-abiding groups outside of government, either philosophy, psychology (non-traditional religion), or traditional religion and morality.
Section Seven: All influences, counseling will be given strictly to groups who are private funding only, religious or secular. All human behavior groups, establishments non-traditional secular religion, or traditional religion will only be on the outside of government, who fairly complete for private funding, the trust of the People, by the People only.
Section Eight: All law-abiding groups non-traditional secular religion or traditional religion can submit the name of their group and what they offer counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, as examples, on a list, which would be given to anyone who goes through the courts, jails, hospitals, schools, all state institutions of our nation. Which allows any individual to choose from the list for his or her counseling “private funded only”. No longer will people as in years past, be at the mercy of government employees, to insure their government jobs:

  • removing parts of the brains in lobotomies 
  • electrocuting their brains 
  • today drug induce chemical lobotomies claiming millions of American children are mentally ill, in government schools across our nation, government teachers are likened to the drug companies referral agents for Ritalin given to millions of children today, Class II narcotic. Subduing, and subjecting their minds, what is left of their minds, over to one particular human behavior group by government employees. Making them as money trees, for large corporations and their disciples through out state institutions profiteering from prescription drugs   

Section Nine: All providence would be private funding only, be left to the people to decide with their donations alone, to a human behavior group of their choosing, this solely to decide which type and the extant of a human behavior group’s reach, providing counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, prescription drugs, as examples would be offered. The empowerment will return to the people as it was originally designed in the constitution. The people will determine, dependent upon what they observe in their society if they will allow such use of drugs or limitation of such drugs.

Section Ten: The category of prescription drugs, psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, to be voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone under the age of 12 years old, under the age of 18 years old. If enough qualified signatures on a petition placed on a balled to be voted to prohibited altogether. Voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone in jail.

If not prohibited altogether, only voluntarily and with the permission of all three below, will be permitted to receive psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, for the maximum of three months:

A judge elected by the people every four years, anyone of the jurisdiction can be a candidate, if be for, against, or the limitation of granting and prohibiting specific psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, presented before the electorate. The judge will decide each case of his or her jurisdiction only, presented before his or her court. The person who will take the psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, must be present in front of the judge. The Judge cannot force anyone to take psychiatric drugs, antidepressants. 

  • Medical doctor
  • Human behavior group of one’s choosing. 
  • All three permissions from a judge, medical doctor and a human behavior group of one’s choosing, to renew the prescription up to one-year maximum usage of the prescription. Every year must go through same renewal process, including their presence before the judge.
If the judge determines will end the prescription, there will be provided a gradual lower dosage for weaning off the drugs that are addictive.
The people must retain a control, in voting for which judge to serve for four years, in granting or prohibiting psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, use.

Section Eleven: Break up the monopoly colossal government primary education (bias towards Infidelism morphed) establishment into three parts - Our Nation has a New Enemy Within Army of Disciples in Philosophy (Infidelism) 5-17-2010) :

  • One third state education
  • One third supported by vouchers private education
  • One third who home school their children (supported by a smaller percentage of money provided for mothers).

Section Twelve: The government schools, lock, trust, a monopoly on education, absolutely will be broken up, through vouchers (100 percentage amount of government school pays for per pupil), where the money follows to the child:

  • Parents to choose the particular institutions of government or a private institution that has a particular human behavioral persuasion of the parents choosing.
  • Private schools will receive government funds per student, parents choosing. They must meet standards of safety, be law abiding and minim hours per subject. As to religious instructions, being they are private institutions of the people, are exempt from restrictions from teaching tenets of their human behavior group, be it consisting of a God or not. An example such as any human behavior group, Christianity, Muslim, philosophy, psychology, atheism, etc.
  • Private schools must be law-abiding, violations of laws will lose their prevision to student's funds from the government. With the principle of equality to all human behavior groups, allows then public funds be used strictly according to the parent's sole choice of school. 
  • All public schools, will hand out diplomas at 10 grade, 16 years of age. Where some young men and woman will move on to marriage, not being hampered by not receiving a diploma, young women will begin families, instead of murdering their babies in abortion. Young men will work to support their family.
  • There will be optional two grades for occupational studies, especially for them who do not marry.
  • Schools with grades 9 to 12, will become open to other human behavior groups to use as facilities, consequently will then minus the among of pupil percentage government funds that follow the student, equal to the upkeep of the facilities. To keep order and peace in the facilities, all apostatizing, converting, would be excluded from the halls, except for a standardized bill board beside each doorway, what is offered in the room. There will be limits to the volume of sound coming from the rooms.
  • Facilities from 9 to 12 grades, will one hour after the regular classes, will be open to all human behavior groups of the local district, all ages, all citizens, for multiple use facilities, with a small fee required to rent rooms, hall, or gym for the expenses of the facilities to operate. All government facilities for 8 grade or lower, will be restricted from other groups use and after-hours facility use, for safety concerns, unless voted individually in each local district, the amount of facility availability, as long as equal to all.
  • The government must also encourage home schooling, such as an amount of money would be giving to the mothers to home school. 
  • Half the money that would be normally used by government schools per pupil, as an incentive for homeschooling. 50 percent of the full amount, due to more expenses when having children leave home for a school, the added cost of buildings and so the mother aren't only interested in the money. This to encourage mothers and make it easier for them to remain home. Where mothers and fathers training their own children is the idea setting over any other setting imagined by man or government bureaucracy. For mothers and fathers to care, nurture and teach their children in the ways of their choosing of a particular human behavior group, and in the ways of good citizenship.
  • To safe guard from abuses, from age of 5 to 11, every six months monitoring through a standardized test, and 12 years old to 15 years old, quarterly monitoring through government standardize test would be administered in the government school, for the basics reading, writing, math, history. Supervised by a government official, If not pass, then the child has to to be either sent to public school, or a private school. To protect home schooling from abuse and not to encourage an over abundance of having children, for financial gain only, each child addition, would receive one half of financial support, each child's before them. For example, say the first child receives 7,000, second would receive 3500, a third child would receive 1750, forth child and beyond will receive a minim of 1750.
  • As to discourage adultery, for any children born out of the marriage with another woman, will not be eligible to receive financial support, for home schooling, will only be eligible for private schooling or public schooling.
  • Any child born in the marriage, by another man, then her husband, will also not be eligible for financial support for home schooling for the particular child.
  • Either parent convicted of a felon will not be eligible for seven years to receive financial support, for home schooling.


  • All Physical world Philosophy associates itself with particularly rudiments/elements/properties of nature, the physical world around us can still be studied and only used in their respective science class rooms.
  • All Human Behavior Philosophy (infidel philosophy) and its offspring Psychology, Sociology and Psychiatry departments, must all cease and desist their operations, be removed from all State institutions. Where no so-called teacher/professor, student/disciple in these can receive any tuition funds of the public institution, government subsidies of government student aid, and pensions must be ended.
  • Why because its a violation of the Establishment Clause.
  • All political Philosophy such as Political (so-called) science departments being they have human behavior philosophy at their center, if not closed should be very much scrutinized and some compromise may be a more appropriate solution.
  • All the above philosophies would still be allowed access to particularly public higher education institutions approx 2,000 public universities and colleges.
  • Traditional or non-traditional religion will each be offered the same respect and allowances, where they can rent a room in a public institution as a club, and be treated the same, no less and no more than any other club, traditional religion or non-traditional religion. I propose they can also be offered to use for hourly periods of time rooms and halls free of charge on the campus, with the State institution's guidelines of total impartiality shown towards all groups.


  • Classrooms and halls, are to be used by either a non traditional or traditional religion by appointment only, appointed hourly time limits, the group must be law-abiding, sound levels must be under certain limits, absolutely no request for money while in the free classroom or hall, when the classroom or hall is occupied their proselytizing is limited to the inside the classroom or hall. In the hall way proselytizing is limited to only a simple sign, what the group offers can be easily slid the information in a standard adapter on the outside of the room near the side of the door, when the room would soon be occupied, for anyone to read. No leader, teacher or however one is called by the group, can receive any of the institution's tuition from the students or government subsidies for students.
  • Each group, secular religion or tradition religion, the only source of funds will be solely by private means off campus, such as directing anyone to a groups website, and/or in a rented groups room on campus where a request for donations is allowed to occur.

Mockers of the truth

Expect there be mockers of the truth, for they use mockery/ridicule/personal attacks as their weapon of choice. Timothy Dwight President 1795-1817 of Yale combating followers of atheistic, infidelism (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy) in his day replied "The cause which needs these weapons cannot be just; the doctrine which cannot be supported without them must be false.”, "He warned them against the bias of the world toward infidelity."


Please fervently pray that God saves us from the State unconstitutionally respecting a Secular Religion in "Sociology, Evolution, Psychology and Psychiatry" and its scourge of the country. It is up to individuals to place the spot light upon this major issue of our times, informing friends, family, churches, and organizations, to petition our government representatives to restore the primary core principle of our nation "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion" even a secular religion, to make our nation great again.


Section I

  1. Fact: Beginning in 1991 to 2010 I tried my best and wrote a series of letters to Congress to the best of my ability on the human behavior group neutrality argument, special interest and secular religion argument, to warn America, some excerpts from the letters
  2. (1600's to 1850's) Judeo-Christian Principled Heritage Base of our Constitution and Government
  3. Detail study of the Establishment Clause, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution regarding a Secular Religion

Section II

  1. History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy)
  2. 1840's Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called sociology, free divorce, utoptian socialist-socialism, free divorce, feminism, complex marriage, free love - based on Atheistic world view,1966 Free love taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval.
  3. 1859 Infidel Philosophy evolution - racism- based on atheistic world view
  4. 1879 Infidel Philosophy psychology - based on atheistic world view
  5. (Early 1900's) Morphed-Infidelism taken over a number of protestant institutions, churches, colleges and seminaries using the "inclusivist strategy":
  6. 1930- 1950's Infidel Philosophy psychiatry - based on atheistic world view

Section I

Fact: Beginning in 1991 to 2010 I tried my best and wrote a series of letters to Congress to the best of my ability on the human behavior group neutrality argument, special interest and secular religion argument, to warn America, some excerpts from the letters:

  1. 1991 Fact: "Our Nation the Untied States of America was constituted on the principle that our government must not fund, give official recognition of expertise, power of enforcement to any human behavioral group. This separation allows a fair selection by the majority of people to elect a representative, to govern with his principles from his human behavioral group or groups for a term of years." -Human Behavior Groups the Beginning of the End of our Constitution (1991) John Nowak-
  2. 1992 Fact: Special Interest Group majority members have special interest in three similarities: 1) college education 2) middle to upper income 3) refusal to give recognition and censors logic in people and books of other religions. Special Interest Group is propped up through government: 1) Funding 2) recognition of logic into a standard of laws for judging individuals and groups 3) power and prominence to intimidate and enforce their laws of logic. Special Interest Group is masquerading behind Psychology, Sociology, and philosophy (infidel philosophy), using special state powers and prominence to assist in: 1) indoctrination 2) drastic logic and behavior affect in individuals, families, jobs, entertainment and News media. 3) drastic logic and behavior affect in election, laws and enforcement. Special interest group branched out into government agencies after World War II. -Call For the Separation of Special Interest Group and State 1992 John Nowak-
  3. 1993 Fact: The people’s afflictions, trials, and observations bears me somber heartfelt reflection. My countrymen paths have been redirected unconstitutionally. The use of perceived notions of scientific credibility and the unconstitutional accompanying powers inside of government has allowed psychologists to generate an unwarranted suspicion across our country. The psychologist uses personnel experience, perceived sociological knowledge, and non-credible experiments to create human relation value polices, programs, and individual counseling. Supreme court has stated (Supreme Court judge commented) “among religions in this country which do not teach… a belief in the existence of God…(are) Buddhism, ethical culture, secular humanism, and others.” See Torcaso v. Watkin 367 U.S. 488.495n 11.  I John Nowak, a citizen of the United States of America contend Psychology is a secular religion. - Scientific Incredibility Secular Psychology a Religion 1993 John Nowak-
  4. 1995 Fact: "The government has subverted (traditional) religion and morality for about two generations through philosophy (infidel philosophy) and for about one generation through psychology, has been promoted, by governmental tenured teachers.-Declaration of Freedom of Religion and Morality from Governmental Subversion (1995) John Nowak-
  5. 2004 Fact: "A democracy is lost, when government selects and aligns itself with human behavior groups, through expertise status, involuntary enforcement in our courts, government agencies, armed forces, schools and universities (their grand buildings liken to temples of the state), by the amount of trillions of tax dollars, over the human behavior group of Christianity." -Vision to Restore Democracy And Biblical Morality of our Founding Fathers (2004) John Nowak-
  6. 2007 Fact: "Professors, teachers of Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology and Philosophy (infidel philosophy) have become as the nations priest to indoctrinate, dictate, program directly and indirectly their students (disciples), influencing unconstitutionally votes, causing the sensitive gage, the ballot box, elections to display faulty readings, especially the last forty to sixty years in America and democracies through out the world." -Constitutional Spirit Three Amendments to the Constitution (2007) John Nowak-
  7. 2007 Fact: "Will America see? She has gone off the mainstream spirit ( vital principle/mental disposition) of neutrality toward establishments, chartered by her founding fathers. Resulting in the primary source of subversion around the world of religion and particularly morality is from the State making laws respecting the establishments of philosophy and psychology." -Constitutional Spirit Three Amendments to the Constitution (2007) John Nowak-
  8. 2010 Fact: "Our founding fathers when written the constitution in 1787, had little clue, government will someday be a respecter of philosophy (infidel philosophy) and psychology in the vast government university and education system. Being the first government university institution wasn't established until 1801. All universities up until 1801 were of private citizenry. Yale, Princeton, many of religious grass roots. Wasn't until around 1879, Psychology began in German universities, acclaimed by the so called intelligentsia as a so called science. -Our Nation has a New Enemy Within Army of Disciples in Philosophy (infidel Philosophy) (2010) John Nowak-

To present a thorough case, we must go back in time to carefully observe the earliest sources, factual evidence of the formation of Judeo-Christian influence and have a detail study of the Establishment Clause "Wall of Separation" regarding secular religions.

(1600's to 1850's) Judeo-Christian Principled Heritage Base of our Constitution and Government

  1. Fact (1644) Roger Williams (Wikipedia) began the colony of Providence Plantation, which provided a refuge for religious minorities and non religious. Williams was a student of Native American languages and an advocate for fair dealings with Native Americans. Williams was arguably the first abolitionist in North America, having organized the first attempt to prohibit slavery in any of the original thirteen colonies.

  2. Fact: Williams took from many of the bible's old and new testament references to support and establish the principle “liberty of conscience” religious and non religious conscious, not to be persecuted by civil government. Williams described it as "hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wilderness of the world" the bed rock for “freedom of speech”, “freedom of the press”, and the First Amendment's “Establishment Clause” and "Free Exercise Clause".

  3. Fact: Williams first and later Locke used the parable of Jesus (Matt. 13:24-30) to support toleration, liberty of conscience:

  • Matt 13: 24 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, 25 but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds (tares) among the wheat and went away. 26 So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. 27 And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds (tares) you root up the wheat along with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.
  1. Fact: When the kingdom of heaven/church government is compared to civil government, the kingdom of heaven/church government awaits the final judgment of God, to deal with the tares, violators of the kingdom of heaven/church's rules and laws. Only does the the civil government become involved, when secular civil rules for the common good and peace of the state are broken.

  2. Fact: On the basis of a parable of Jesus in the New Testament, 1300 years of the State Catholic and State Protestant persecution of conscious would begin to crumble.

  3. Fact: (1776) Thomas Pain's wrote a book/tract “Common Sense” published on January 10, 1776 cited the argument, specifically stated in the old testament of the bible, that God was against having kings, that they will take advantage of them eventually, and overburden the people.

  4. Fact: “Common Sense” became the most widely published book at it's time, the equivalent if sold today, would be 15,000,000 copies in just three months.

  5. Fact: Paine gave his royalties from Common Sense to George Washington’s continental army. So the compelling interwoven secular/supernatural bible argument from the bible not only helped to give cause, support, it even fought the war by funding the war to establish our freedom and liberty. Can be said a book tip the scales, gave you your freedom and liberty today.

  6. Fact: Early Israel had a senate (elderly men in a representative body) representing the twelve tribes of Israel consisted of 70 elders (a 1,000 years before the establishment of ancient Greek senate).

  7. Fact: "55 Founding Fathers, we know what their sworn public confessions were. Twenty-eight were Episcopalians, eight were Presbyterians, seven were Congregationalists, two were Lutheran, two were Dutch Reformed, two were Methodist, two were Roman Catholic, one is unknown, and only three were deists --Williamson, Wilson, and Franklin." "Of the 55 delegates, virtually all of them were deeply committed Christians. Only three were deists. Even Franklin is equivocal because, though not an orthodox Christian, Franklin seems to have abandoned his deism early in life and moved back towards his Puritan roots. Indeed, it was 81 year old Franklin's emotional call to humble prayer on June 28, 1787, that was actually the turning point for a hopelessly stalled Constitutional convention. We have his appeal on record thanks to James Madison who took copious notes of the whole proceeding. His appeal contained no less than four direct quotations from Scripture. This does not sound like a man who was hostile to the Christian religion."

  8. Fact (1776) “Declaration of Independence” from the tyrannical king, an appeal by the founding fathers representing the people was to a God, referred four times to as  “nature's God”, “creator”, “supreme judge of the world”,  and “with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION of Divine Providence”.

  9. Fact (1887) Ben Franklin at age 81, stood up during the framing of our nation's Constitution, inadvertently testified as to the founding father's mental disposition during the days of the Revolutionary war “we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection”, in his request for prayer. Franklin quoted from the bible's old and New testament pointing to the particular God of the Judea - Christian persuasion.

  10. Fact: What The Founding Fathers said = University of Houston wondered if there was something unique about the government of the U.S. They gathered 15,000 quotes from the Founders and located where all of them came from. They then boiled that down to 3,154 quotes that had significant impact on the founding of America. It took them 10 years to finish the project, but they found that the three men most quoted by the Founding fathers were Blackstone, Montesquieu, and John Locke. They also found that the Bible was quoted: 4 times more often than Montesquieu, 12 times more often than Blackstone, and 16 times more often than Locke. Additionally, 34% of all quotes were from the Bible, and another 60% of the quotes were from men who were using the Bible to arrive at their conclusions. Added together, 94% of all the quotes of the Founders had their origin in the Bible, which shows the importance of God's word in their lives and of this Nation's founding. Quotes

  11. Fact: The U.S. Government was greatly influence and has much basis upon the Judeo-Christian principled morality and form of government particularly contained in the N.T. Church government order (non-denominational), with some slight variation, which is our nation's Judeo-Christian heritage. As similar to N.T. Church government of independent congregations there are independent states in our nation, where each state has its own government. The states similar as in the N.T. has elders (are overseers) and deacons (took care of the individual needs of the people), are defined in other words senators (means elders in Greek are overseers) and representatives (took care of the individual needs of the people).:

  12. Fact: The United States Federal Government is modeled slightly different in respects, being must have literal centralized planning and an army to protect a literal nation so we have a literal centralized government. In a federal government also modeled after a groups of elders and deacons in another words senators and representatives, and a central figure in the president. Compared to the N.T. Church of only independent congregations are only subject to the king of Kings and his apostles written words in rules and laws contained in the N.T as their sole centralized form of government.

  13. Fact: Our government was guided and modeled on principles of secular logic, morality particularly more so Christian New Testament teachings contained in the bible, having some but not exclusive relation to old testament principles, relating to living in harmony and peace with your fellow neighbor.

  14. Fact: The New Testament is called the perfect law of liberty. (James 1:25)

  15. Fact: Our Constitution has the phrase “Secure the Blessings of Liberty” indirectly gives homage to a God's providence of liberty.

  16. Fact: Our Constitution ends with "Seventeenth Day of September in The Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven."

  17. Fact: On Dec.15, 1791 was ratified the first Amendment of the Constitution called the “Establishment Clause" and “Free Exercise Clause”.

  18. Fact: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”

  19. Fact: That is up until recently, we have another State Religion in a non-traditional secular religion "Morphed-Infidelism", cloaked itself with a mere appearance of science, having a equivalent God effect as in mere appearances are truthful and correct to slip under the high wall of separation of State and Religion. Where once again a religion was place in all government institutions. Worst of all particularity placed in the courts of the land, that have persecuted "liberty of conscious" of citizens, used coercion, forced indoctrination and brain damaging drugging, to severely harm citizens even deaths, fleece Uncle Sam, the American citizenry in the trillions of multiple underlying cost, driving up the nation's deficit and medical cost rapidly.

  20. Fact: George Washington - Farewell Speech,  gave homage to God: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness--these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens."

  21. Fact: John Adams SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; JUDGE; DIPLOMAT; ONE OF TWO SIGNERS OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS; SECOND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES gave homage to God: Oct 11, 1798 ”We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”, On 28 June 1813 John Adams wrote "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were... the general principles of Christianity. …Now I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God", and the son of John Adams, John Quincy Adams Sixth President of the United States wrote in 1850 "The law given from Sinai was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and religious code; it contained many statutes . . . of universal application-laws essential to the existence of men in society, and most of which have been enacted by every nation which ever professed any code of laws."

  22. Fact: Thomas Jefferson words gave homage to God, are engraved on his Memiorial in Washington D.C.: “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever.” (excerpts are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital)

  23. Fact: Nation's heritage much was derived from the bible (means book), A LIBRARY OF 66 Books/letters, forty mostly elderly authors documenting detailed higher order of human behavior interactions, multiple generations through a time span of 4,000 years, thousands of human behavior interactions of worldly things:

  24. Fact: Thomas Jefferson's book divided out the secular content in the new testament from the supernatural content. Jefferson admired, wrote of Jesus secular logic as “most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man”. Jefferson’s book was printed by the U.S. government from 1904 to 1958 and given to every congressmen. Shows overwhelming evidence that the bible contains secular logic, that can't to a reasonable person, be denied.

  25. Fact: There are secular teachings, logic, principles contained in the bible.

  26. Fact: The word “secular” has two particular usages, one of which is: “of or pertaining to worldly things” The bible contains plenty of worldly things. In which Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers, many of whom were fully aware.

  27. Fact: The bible contains three types of spirit/logic: 

  1. distinctly secular spirit/logic in a sentence,

  2. distinctly supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence

  3. Interwoven, combined secular and supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence.

  1. Fact: "Spirit” has an important distinction AMONG A FEW distinctions in the bible, one particular distinction/concept is found in the highly acclaimed book, over a hundred years of research by hundreds of scholars into usages of words in the biblical era, called the exhaustive Strong's Concordance).

  2. Fact: 1984 edition Strong’s Concordance 4151: spirit = mental disposition, etc spirit, spiritual, spiritually, mind.

  3. Fact: The spirit or mental disposition, mind, be it – secular – or – supernatural – or combined, is the intent in the writer, or speaker behind their words. In another words, the word spirit equates to how we use the word psychology. The bible and it's forty authors describe the intent, mental disposition, mind in the word “spirit” at times. The word spirit was used around 600 times of either secular logic or supernatural logic in the bible.

  4. Fact: The bible in the words “Spirit, spiritual and spiritually” is ahead by thousands of years of the world's newer terminology “psychology, psychological and psychologically.

  5. Fact: Particularly in the Book of King Solomon named "Proverbs" in the Old testament exist hundreds of secular observations/studies of higher order of human behavior for young men to guide them, written in a very precise, short manner, called wisdom and proverbs.

  6. Fact: (1858) Abraham Lincoln used Mark 3:25 from the New testament, Jesus' statement “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” upon accepting the Illinois Republican Party's nomination as that state's United States senator. The “house divided” statement is in the bible can cut either way of the world only (secular) or supernaturally. Abraham Lincoln’s most acclaimed statement galvanizing his comprehension to the people his understanding of potential future events. “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become lawful in all the States, old as well as new — North as well as South."

  7. Fact: Many atheist, communist, socialist, evolutionist, and progressives, who are devotees to the unconstitutional State Secular Religion of morphed infidelism prop up in government will never acknowledge the bible contains large amounts of secular observations/studies of human behavior, lest they lose their Unconstitutional Secular Religion of Morphed Infidelism in government that is empowering them.

  8. Fact: Devotees to the unconstitutional State Secular Religion of Morphed infidelism will resort to infidelism's classic main weapon “ridicule and misinformation” to intimidate, marginalize and silence the truth.

Detail study of the Establishment Clause, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution regarding a Secular Religion:

First Amendment, Establishment Clause: 

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

Founding fathers primary focus:  Establishments/Sects of Christianity: Baptist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Anglican, etc.

Founding fathers secondary focus:  Establishments/Traditional religions: Christianity, Jewish, Islam, Hinduism, etc.

Nation's judeo-Christian Heritage exception: 

  1. All govt ELECTED officials beginning from the first document of the nation, the Declaration of Independence a petition, constitutionally permitted to give homage to “nature's God”, “creator”, “supreme judge of the world”, and “with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION of Divine Providence”, similar petitions and homage on the nations monuments, buildings, later currency, in elected officials prayers and the bible as a universally recognized source of both supernatural and secular knowledge of the founding fathers.

  2. Ben Franklin at age 81, stood up during the framing of our nation's Constitution, inadvertently testified as to the founding father's mental disposition during the days of the Revolutionary war “we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection”, in his request for prayer. Franklin quoted inadvertently testified from the bible's old and New testament pointing to the founding fathers particular God of the Judea - Christian persuasion.

  3. Government bureaucrats since they are non elected are simply the function of civil government are forbidden to initiate others during their government work hours in any official function prayer or homage to God.

  4. Exception in standard based heritage studies of the nation. I suggest comprise by every state legislature body, respecting the founding fathers neutrality towards all sects of Christianity.

  5. Elected officials and all citizens including children can initiate alone or others in prayer and homage to God at anytime, during any government function. Courtesy both ways. 

Founding fathers third focus:  Establishments/Secular religions: 

  1. Fact: When the establishment clause was crafted, was shown caution for neutrality sake, carefully selected were the words “establishment of religion” to differentiate between sects of Christianity, all types of religion, and even remotely a secular religion are not to be respected by Congress.

  2. Fact: Atheist hyper-reinterpreted the establishment clause, deceitfully prefer to exchange the word "establishment" to the word "Church" and erroneous argue, portraying anything that has mere association to “church”,  must be walled off from govt.

  3. Fact: They did not use the word “church” in the Establishment clause.

  4. Fact: Thomas Jefferson did not write the establishment clause.

  5. Fact; Jefferson 13 years afterwards when newly elected as the third president of the nation in 1802, responded to a letter from the baptist. Jefferson first reference citing the establishment cause in the constitutional. Jefferson continued to write, created a shortened phraseology, a summary in the words, “thus building a wall of separation between church and state” which in essence reiterated Roger Williams, who used many bible observations, to show the bible argues and supports a principle of sensible separation. Roger Williams phrase it in these words “hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wilderness of the world” in his book in 1644.

  6. Fact: Jefferson's metaphor of a wall of separation has been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court, in Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson's comments “may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment.”

  7. Fact: In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), Justice Hugo Black wrote: “In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state. 

  8. Fact: All four situations have the use of the word “church” 1.) in Roger Williams phrase in his book (1644), 2.) used by Thomas Jefferson (1802) in a letter, and the 3.) two Supreme court cases. 

  9. Fact: The plain reason for the specific word “church”, each situation above was dealing with particularly Christianity at the time, which is understandable. 

  10. Fact: Even so the word "church" was not used in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

  11. Fact: The reason why the the word "church" was not used in the First Amendment of the Constitution, is the tremendous weaknesses in the word “church” instead of the words "establishment of religion" particularly among atheist, whom many had been indoctrinated by the state into morphed infidelism (a form of atheism and a secular religion), etc. are now great adversaries against the bible/Christianity. Combine this with many atheist are ignorant of the bible's large amount of useful secular knowledge, will only point to statements that used the word “church”,  erroneous argue, portraying anything that has mere association to “church”,  must be walled off from govt. They decieve themselves and their listeners.

  12. Fact: The bible had greatly influence the rights of man by way of Roger Williams and the founding fathers, the heritage exception rule, historical founding founders statements in the founding documents. 

  13. Fact: The bible contains much secular knowledge and most importantly that the bible has three types of spirit/logic: 

1.) distinctly secular spirit/logic in a sentence very useful to the founding fathers, and later presidents

2.) combined secular and supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence useful to the founding fathers

3.) distinctly supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence

  1. Fact: It is the bible's secular knowledge of the surrounding world and studies, observations of higher forms of human behavior that was and still is very beneficial.

  2. Fact: Clear examples of secular knowledge is found in the the book of Proverbs, called wisdom, and other books of the bible exist hundreds of studies and observations of higher order forms of human behavior.

  3. Fact: "The establishment of psychology, a human behavior group, and a state secular establishment of religion originated from philosophy entered U.S. State universities in the 1890's afforded by rudimentary human behavior replicatablity having an aura of scientific respectability, slowly obtained government funding, publicity and prominence. While in govt had breached the Establishment clause "Wall of Separation" of the First Amendment, transformed itself into a secular religion by the aura of scientific respectability to cloak higher order of human behavior experimentation that is non-replicatable, was pawned to deceived Congresses and many citizens."

  4. Fact: "The U.S. Constitution is liken to a well crafted compass, precisely created mechanisms of government focus down to the delicately balanced needle empowering the people that directs the country in the proper course. The First Amendment's Establishment Clause is the fine turning of the compass meant to stop establishments of religion even an establishment of a non-traditional secular religion an unconstitutional mechanism from being placed in the compass. Reason is a non-traditional secular religion mechanism even if at first the affect is undetectable, but gradually through years and decades the affect substantially increases drawing the needle slowly further from it's true bearing, even while elections cycles swings the needle giving an illusion the bearing is true. The needle is off its true bearing, our country has fallen off course into chaos, where many citizens are harmed, suffer and many die."

  5. Fact: Congress must uphold the First Amendment of the Establishment Clause, remove the secular religion from government.

Section II

History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy)

  1. Fact: History shows us a similar age of tremendous immorality occurred: 1790's "Darkest period Spiritually and morally in the histyory of American Christianity" "As the Eighteenth century drew to a close in America, there was one of the darkest period in the time. ... infiltration of French infidelity. Infidel clubs were popular (before there were government funded universities or colleges). They were made up of men and women who studied the works of Voltaire, Voiney, and Paine, and indulged in all sorts of based and lascivious practices. In one such club it was said that the conduct of the females was such as to illustrate the practical effects of their beliefs. Not one of them could or would pretend to know who was the father of their offspring.", "Joel Parker wrote: We are fast becoming a nation of drunkards. We could ascertain that there are 300,000 drunkards in our land and that from ten to twenty thousand were annually assigned to the drunkard's graves. Piety seems to be flying out of our land, religion declined, morality extinguished, vice grew bold, profaneness, reveling, dishonesty,...","Youths, particularly those who have been liberally educated, and who, with strong passions and feeble principles, were votaries of sensuality and ambition, delighted in the prospect of unrestrained gratification, and, panting to be enrolled with men of passion and splendor, became enamored of the new [infidel] doctrines." (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch)

  1. Fact: " was said that the infidels of France raised among themselves three million francs for the purpose of printing and distributing books to corrupt the minds of the American People. Timothy Dwight President 1795-1817 of Yale, in 1797, to the candidates for the baccalaureate preached on: The Nature and Danger of infidel philosophy” pointed out a clear list of the characteristics, traits and tendencies of Philosophy (infidel Philosophy). Mr. Dwight's book is credited as one of the embers of the Second Great Awakening. His text was Colossians 2:8: “beware lest any many spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of man, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ”, “The philosophy (infidel) which has opposed Christianity in every succeeding age has uniformity wore the same character, with that described in the text. It has rested on the same foundations, proceeded from the same dispositions, aimed at the same ends and produced the same means. Satisfied with the justice of these assertions, I feel it, young gentlemen, to be my duty on this occasion to exhort you to beware lest you become prey to the philosophy (infidel philosophy) which opposes the Gospel; to prove to you this philosophy is vain and deceitful; to show you that you are in danger of becoming a prey to it; and to dissuade you by several arguments from thus yielding yourself a prey. I shall endeavor to prove to you, that this Philosophy is vain and deceitful" -Timothy Dwight-“You will observe, that it is a particular kind of Philosophy (infidel), against which all my arguments are directed. Philosophy at large, or the use and the attainments of our reason, in the candid and careful examination of every question, within the limits of our understanding, so far as it springs from a real desire of investigating truth, and proceeds on satisfactory evidence, is not only undeserving of censure, but deserving of the highest praise." -Timothy Dright-

  2. "He showed them that infidel philosophy of their day was merely a revival of what other philosophers taught. In this sermon he put these philosophers, as it were, in a procession. He made them march, one by one, before his listeners as he unfolded their teaching and the character it produced. (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch pp 19-26)

  1. Philosophers: Zeno taught, that all crimes were equal; that we ought never to forgive injuries; and that the most abominable lewdness is lawful.
  2. Plato taught that lewdness was justifiable and Cicero, that it was a crime of small magnitude.
  3. Aristippus taught that both theft and adultery were lawful.
  4. Menippus, because he had lost a sum of money, murdered himself; as did also Zeno, Cleanthes, Chrysippus, Cleombrotus, Cato the younger, and Brutus.
  5. Many of the ancient philosophers were noted for sodomy Seneca, Aristippus, Zeno and Zenophen.
  6. Xenophon was a notorious sodomite, and said in the absence of a boy, whom he kept. I would be blind to all things else, so that I might see Clinias” and again, “ thanks to the sun, which discloses to me the face of Clinias.”
  7. Plutarch, acknowledge the fact, makes for them an apology, that, though they corrupted their bodies, they made them amends for it by improving their souls.
  8. Both Zeno and Cleanthes taught that children may lawfully roast and eat their own parents as any other food.
  9. Diogenes and the Cynics generally taught that parents may lawfully sacrifice and eat their children.
  10. (Philosopher Lord Bolingbroke 1678—1751)  
  • man is only a superior animal;
  • that man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh.
  • Adultery is no violation of the law, or religion of nature;
  • that there is no wrong in lewdness except in the highest incest;
  • that the law or religion of nature forbids no incest except between the nearest relations and plainly supposes that all men and woman are unchaste and that there is no such thing as conjugal fidelity.
  1. Mr. Hume (Philosopher David Hume (1711 – 1776) declares:
  • that man is a mere machine, that is, an object operated on by external causes;
  • that suicide or self murder is lawful and commendable and of course virtuous;
  • that adultery must be practice, if we would obtain all the advantages of life;
  • that female infidelity (or adultery) when known is a small thing, when unknown, nothing,
  • that skepticism is the true and only wise wisdom of man;
  • that it is unreasonable to believe God to be wise and good.
  • The mortality and immateriality of the soul;
  • the doctrine that man is a mere animal,
  • that animal gratification is the chief end of our being,
  • that right and wrong depend solely on the decision of the magistrate;
  • that ridicule is the test of truth;
  • that we may lawfully get all things, if we get them safely;
  • that modesty is inspired only by prejudice and has its foundation in the mere desire of appearing to be superior to animals.
  • Adultery is lawful according to the religion of nature...
  1. “When we view the pernicious tendency of these doctrines, we may safely say that thoroughly practiced, they would overwhelm the world with that misery which scriptures exhibit as experience only in hell.” -Timothy Dwight-

Classic infidelism Ideologies main elements are:

  • there is no God or if there is a God it is unreasonable to believe God to be wise and good (anti-biblical)
  • lewdness, (anti-biblical)
  • adultery-Infidelity when known is a small thing, when unknown, nothing, (anti-biblical)
  • Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh, in other words one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse) when unknown, nothing (morphed, rebranded mid 1800's as "free love", multiple sex partners, radical sex) (anti-biblical), Contrast to the Historical biblical concept of "One Flesh Marriage" basis of shot gun marriages (biblical)
  • legalize moral vice making it seemingly safe, (anti-biblical)
  • premeditated murder of defenseless babies resulting from Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh (anti-biblical)
  • sodomy (anti-biblical)
  • suicide (anti-biblical)
  • that we may lawfully get all things, if we get them safely (anti-biblical)
  • that right and wrong depend solely on the decision of the magistrate (anti-biblical)
  • ridicule-misinformation-deceitful (anti-biblical)

Definition for Deceitful = intended to deceive; misleading; fraudulent: a deceitful action

  1. "Dwright warned them against another source of danger; namely, the contempt and ridicule with which Christianity is opposed. (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch)

  1. Lord Shaftesbury was a master in ridicule.

  2. Voltarie (1694-1778) said "Render those pedants as enormously ridiculous as you can. Ridicule will do everything."

  1. To this Dwight replied "The cause which needs these weapons cannot be just; the doctrine which cannot be supported without them must be false.”

  2. "He warned them against the bias of the world toward infidelity."

  1. Consider Mr. Dwight words were said 5 years before there was any government provided public education until 1801, previously all education institutions were mainly of religious private funded origins, teaching mainly up to 18 years of age. Compared to today there are about 1,800 public so called education institutions of so called higher learning, and about 100,000 public primary schools.

  2. "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." -Abraham Lincoln- 

  3. Our Government has become a House Built Upon Sand, as Abraham Lincoln in 1858 quoted from Jesus' words "A house divided against itself can't stand", another quote of Jesus bears a principled truth: "...likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it" -John Nowak 2014-

  1. Fact: Since then Infidel Philosophy's (unbeliever's) tenets have morphed were repackaged - rebranded as to hide their true origins/identity, to deceive many again causing misery and ruin in many broken lives, resulted in the combined deaths of 2-3 billion. Having a stack deck, Junk/Fake Science was sold under the lie as science, given a Supreme being truth, correctness-effect becomes a State Secular Religion:
  1. 1840's Infidel Philosophy sociology, free divorce, utoptian socialist-socialism, free divorce, frminism, complex marriage, free love - based on Atheistic world view,1966 Free love taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval. Today taught as safe sex to teenagers.
  2. 1859 Infidel Philosophy evolution - racism- based on atheistic world view
  3. 1879 Infidel Philosophy psychology - based on atheistic world view 
  4. 1930- 1950's Infidel Philosophy psychiatry - based on atheistic world view

(Early 1800's to mid 1800's) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "sociology" - based on atheistic (anti-Judeo Christian) world view.

Classical Infidel Philosophy leudness, infidelity, adultery:

Plato taught that lewdness was justifiable and Cicero, that it was a crime of small magnitude.
Aristippus taught that both theft and adultery were lawful.
( 1678—1751Philosopher Lord Bolingbroke) Adultery is lawful according to the religion of nature...
  • Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh.
  • Adultery is no violation of the law, or religion of nature;
  • There is no wrong in lewdness except in the highest incest;
(1711 – 1776) Philosopher David Hume taught that:
  • adultery must be practice, if we would obtain all the advantages of life
  • that female infidelity (or adultery) when known is a small thing, when unknown, nothing,
  • that animal gratification is the chief end of our being,
  • that we may lawfully get all things, if we get them safely;
  • that modesty is inspired only by prejudice and has its foundation in the mere desire of appearing to be superior to animals.

Sociology is simply cloaked (anti-judea Christian) philosophy was created with two elements, its first element was called  free divorce, feminism, complex marriage, then free love, which sprang its second element socialism/communism. The second element was championed by Karl Marx, its first element was championed again in 1966, where free love was taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval. Then in the 1980's free love morphed into being called safe sex, and was taught to tens of millions of teenagers.

(Early 1800's to mid 1800's) Sociology element two called free divorce, feminism, complex marriage, free love

"...sociologist Herbert Spencer argued in his Principles of Sociology for the implementation of free divorce." Wikipedia
 "Utopian socialism "Sharing the free-love ideals of the earlier social movements—as well as their feminism, pacifism, and simple communal life—were the utopian socialist communities of early-nineteenth-century France and Britain, associated with writers and thinkers such as Henri de Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier in France, and Robert Owen in England. Fourier, April 1772 – 10 October 1837) was a French philosopher and an influential early socialist thinker later associated with "utopian socialism". Fourier is, for instance, credited with having originated the word feminism in 1837... argued that true freedom could only occur without masters, without the ethos of work, and without suppressing passions: the suppression of passions is not only destructive to the individual, but to society as a whole. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one's difference" can actually enhance social integration." Wikipedia
"Robert Owen argued that marriage formed one of an "awful trinity" of oppressors to mankind, as well as religion and private property, and his son Robert Dale was a leading proponent of free divorce. The Saint-Simonian feminist Pauline Roland took a free-love stance against marriage, having four children in the 1830s, all of whom bore her name." Wikipedia
 "Free love began to coalesce into a movement in the mid to late 19th century. The term was coined by the socialist writer John Humphrey Noyes, although he preferred to use the term 'complex marriage'.   Wikipedia

(1840's) "Sociology" one of its founders is Karl Max, also founder of communism/socialism (credited to murdered 147 million people).

(Early 1800's to mid 1800's) Sociology element two called utoptian socialist-socialism, scientific socialism, socialism/communism.

Socialist - communism
  • The father of communism a sociologist Karl Marx 1840's, (Wikipedia) “Karl Marx was born on 5 May 1818 to Heinrich Marx  ….”, “Largely non-religious, Heinrich was a man...interested in the ideas of the philosophers Immanuel Kant and Voltaire. “, “A classic liberal...”. “Young Karl was privately educated, by Heinrich Marx, until 1830 ,...he entered Trier High School, whose headmaster, Hugo Wyttenbach, was a friend of his father. ...employing many liberal humanists as teachers, “In October 1835 at the age of 17, Marx travelled to the University of Bonn wishing to study philosophy ...”, “...Marx and Bauer were both atheists...”.  ...they scandalised their class by getting drunk, laughing in church, and galloping through the streets on donkeys.[48]”. “In 1843, Marx became co-editor of a new, radical leftist Parisian newspaper, the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (German-French Annals), then being set up by the German socialist Arnold Ruge to bring together German and French radicals “, “spring of 1845 his continued study of political economy, capital and capitalism had led Marx to the belief that the new political economic theory that he was espousing—scientific socialism—needed to be built on the base of a thoroughly developed materialistic view of the world."

(1966) Berkeley University, California is regarded as ground zero for the so called free love movement, allowed a group "Sexual Freedom League" who promoted and practice nude parties and orgies to lecture on tenets of atheistic, infidel (anti-judeo Christian) Philosophy (so called wisdom) "free love".

1966 Free love taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval. Dormitories where impressionable youthful citizens, particularly youthful woman were far away from their parent's protection and guidance were susceptible, became pregnant.
  • "in the mid-1960's, the free love movement established a place on U.S. college campuses and contributed to ongoing debates.... In 1963, New York City resident Jefferson Poland established the Sexual Freedom League (SFL) to promote free love (sometimes called free sex) and agitate for political reform, including the repeal of existing laws against abortion. (American Countercultures: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History)
  • "In 1966, having moved to the San Fransisco Bay Area, Poland founded a chapter at University of California, Berkley. Along with its counterpart, the east Bay SFL, the organization achieved national prominence for its promotion of nude parties and sex orgies. In addition to other activities promoting free love, the group distributed literature on birth control, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases on the college campus and lectured on these subjects with university approval.: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History)
  • 1967 Summer of Love
  • 1960's) Free love - Wikipedia
  • 1960's Infidel Philosophy "Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh" - based on atheistic world view, in other words "One Flesh" (mutual consented sexual intercourse) when unknown, was regarded as nothing, had morphed in being rebranded to sound more palatable in the mid 1800's, as "free love". Its supporters, believers partially through ignorance, selfishness, and rejection had attacked the biblical concept of "One Flesh" marriage the basis of shot gun marriages and promoted the premeditated murder of free love's unwanted babies in abortions (60,000,000 deaths USA, racist particularly more so Black babies in a Black Holocaust, 1.4 billion deaths across the world since 1980). Free love increased sodomy, the numbers of sodomist (aids 30,000,000 deaths), increase sexually transmitted diseases (110 million infected), and later taught as "safe sex" to teenagers by Government Schools. So called free love more recently brought us so called sodomist marriages:

(1980's) Free love was re-branded, disguised as so called "safe sex" taught to tens of millions of teenagers, promoted a mutiple sexual partners culture lifestyle rejecting self control, rejected marriage recognition/certificate, consequently in the heat of passion without self control throwing off so called safe sex, responsible for the premeditated murder of 60,000,000 babies, where so called free love/safe sex isn't free or safe, creating a yearly three trillion dollar tax and associated expense in:

  1. 70 welfare programs to take care of unwed mothers and their children (yearly cost a trillion dollars), increased fatherless children, children without motherly supervision, resulting in lawlessness/crime/drug abuse
  2. additional law enforcement, jails, lawyers, and courts
  3. additional healthcare for associated sexual diseases such as Aids, S.T.D.s infected 110 million americans
  4. additional healthcare for other lawlessness/crime/drug abuse associated health problems
  5. additional secular State religion in so called sociology, psychology and psychiatry
  6. in so called Obama care

Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows Sociology,  to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the defined principle by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.

Fact: Compared to thousands of years, when a couple (particularly virgins) became one flesh unknown to others and the woman was later found to be pregnant were forced to be officially recognized as married (Historical biblical concept of "One Flesh Marriage" basis of shot gun marriages - biblical, lifetime marriage). The One Flesh Marriage was based upon the principle found in the book of Genesis, marriage begins at the moment of "One Flesh" (mutual consented sexual intercourse) known or unknown to others, affirmed by Moses Laws forced recognition, then affirmed and confirmed by Jesus of Nazareth, assuring the greatest amount of peace and harmony in society, and assuring as much as possible two parent's caring for babies, what we call today a "shot gun marriage".

Fact: Moses had specified laws enforced marriage recognition among youthful couples (particularly virgin woman) who became "one flesh" unknown to others, for civil social peace and harmony, affirmed by Jesus of Nazareth a primary teaching of his church, where in the more recent age was referred to as a shot gun marriage.
Fact: Infidel morphed philosophy junk science blindness took advantage of another blindness in the 450 year old anti-biblical concept "one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse) (particularly virgins both male and female) when unknown is deemed as a sin, promulgated and promoted by the Catholic Group in Europe when was a state religion which influence many other religious groups to this day. (Sadly there are many religious people non-Catholics and Catholics would rather not have this exposed, for a number of reasons. Even so I hope you will consider why this major 450 year old error of the Catholic group must be exposed and publicized, if there is going to ever be a return of our nation to a solid ground of life time marriages from virginity to the grave, saving our nation from collapsing within through immorality.)

Fact: The government universities and colleges through their atheistic, infidel morphed philosophy bias junk science blindness in sociology, evolution, psychology, and psychiatry had propagated and promoted separating of youthful couples (particularly virgins) though various means,. - one of which comes down to love of money, filthy lucre, and deceitfulness -, particularly for the students tuition and fees. They kept the impressionable youthful pregnant woman students in their class rooms, hopeless and idolizing love of money in a career over motherhood; were deceived as Eve in the garden were persuaded not to interfere with their schooling, into thinking they aren't premeditated murdering their babies, in the rebranded word "abortion". This created a large segment of the female population into baby murderers, men haters, more evil then Nazism, and radical feminism. Which in part had influenced culture drastically increased the murdering of the youthful couple Complete Genetic Human lives (CGHL) in abortion, consequently started a chain reaction of connected ever increasing destructive multiple dire harmful behaviors.
  1. Fact: (2011) Each year 10 percent of college-age women become pregnant, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization founded by Planned Parenthood. Women 18-24 accounted for 44.4 percent of all abortions in 2008, and 74 percent of women who have abortions say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities.
  2. Fact: The male-female ratio in higher education has been steadily moved in favor of the females ever since the 1970s. Total enrollment figures show that females outnumbered their male counterparts for the first time in the late 1970s, and they have steadily increased their numerical advantage ever since.
(2008) 43.6 percent male and 56.4 percent female ration attend govenrment universites and colleges

Radical Feminism -Wikipedia

Fact: The 1800 Government Universities and colleges are built on blood money, 60,000,000 premeditated murdered Complete Genetic Human lives (CGHL) in abortion.

Fact: In the 1980's began to be taught "free love" to an even younger generation, morphed, rebranded to sound more palatable, as so called "safe sex" at the monopoly government schools, where 9 out of 10 teenagers are coerced to attend.

Fact: Nation's tremendous cost of morphed-Infidelism so called FREE LOVE and since 1980's morphed, been rebranded, taught as so called SAFE SEX to tens of millions of teenagers and its consequences, multiple partners, uninhibited sex, sodomist and the State not having a law that enforces officially recognizing youthful marriages (particularly involving virgins both the male and female) when occurs one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse) unknown to others; America is needlessly spending over a trillion dollars a year in trying to remedy unwed births, that is failing miserably and is a major factor for the National deficit bankrupting our nation:
  1. Increased unwanted babies
  2. Increased premeditated murder of babies in abortions (60,000,000)
  3. Increased womanizers
  4. Increased the number of adulterers, adultery
  5. Increased broken marriages
  6. Increased domestic violence
  7. Increased single mothers
  8. Increased poverty
  9. Increased drug addiction
  10. Increased crime
  11. Increased medical cost
  12. increased mentally unstable citizens
  13. Increased radical feminist, men haters, for men leaving them behind after taking advantage of them
  14. Increased distrust between opposite sexes consequently they turned to having sex with their own sex
  15. Increased the number of sodomist
  16. Increased the number of men and woman dressing up as the opposite sex
  17. Increased suicides
  18. Increased Big Government, big brother, nanny state
  19. Increased the need for more police, judges, and lawyers
  20. Increased the number of jails and jail population
  21. Increased State secular religion of unconstitutionally atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science sociology, psychology and brain damaging psychiatry drugs pretending to fix the chaos, instead are contributing factors creating the chaos for filthy lucre/money
  22. Increased dependents on the State, many disabled from the brain damaging psychiatry drugs for life costing tax payers billions
  23. Increased child abuse in its many forms
  24. Increased fatherless children during the full length of childhood and early teen years is a form of child abuse equivalent to child sexual abuse, a child in both instances is devalued, the parent has stop proper obligational care.
  25. Increased motherless children, during the full length of childhood and early teen years is a form of child abuse equivalent to child sexual abuse, a child in both instances is devalued, love of money/greed wins over the child, instilled in the child to love money/greed over others, creating a  generation of greed ravaging America, the parent has stop proper obligational care. Proper parent caring for their children is a pillar, just as much as religion and morality are pillars, great duties of men and citizens stated by George Washington in his farewell address as our first President of our nation. Many woman are chasing careers have neglected their children a form of child abuse, millions of children are raised at child care centers instead of by their mothers. Its one thing in an emergency a mother may need to work at times, but the State to make policies that propagates motherless children the full length of childhood and early teen years is a form of State sponsored child abuse:
  1. State's policy not having a law that enforces officially recognizing when becomes known youthful marriages when occurred at the moment of one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse particularly when both were virgins) unknown to others, results in fatherless children, and consequently even brings about motherless children, a form of child abuse
  2. State's policy in its Government Big Academia's self interest for money/filthy lucre for  particularly woman students tuition and fees, preys on two types of mothers "...public universities ... male-female ratio of 43.6–56.4.", promoting mothers to continue or start a career, consequently brings about motherless children, child abuse:
  1. Mothers who due to government not forcible recognizing their youthful marriage occurred at the moment of one flesh, are alone must defend for themselves, are entice to leave their children behind by government Big Academia for a career creating motherless children, child abuse
  2. Mothers who are living relatively comfortable with a husband, are entice to leave their children behind by government Big Academia for a career seeking riches creating motherless children, is a form of child abuse
  1. As for Mothers who are wealthy are in a class of their own child abusers, they hire nannies to raise their children is a form of child abuse, the child is devalued below the mother's care of the world/selfishness, is a form of child abuse
  1. Increased sexually transmitted diseases (1970's onward) Sexually transmitted diseases (110 million in USA) from so called Free Love Philosophy.
  2. (1970's onward) Aids (30,000,000 deaths) from so called Free Love Philosophy increased sodomy.
  3. (1980 onward) Infidelism Morphed into Abortion Philosophy (60,000,000 deaths USA, 1.4 billion deaths across the world)
  4. Earth Day: Abortion Has Killed 1-2 Billion Worldwide in 50 Years
  5. Infanticide in America, Obama voted against born alive (video)
  6. MAAFA 21 THE BLACK HOLOCAUST (video) "Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?"
  7. Increased spending of tax dollars (trillion dollars a year) so Government can pretend its fixing the train wreck, created the national debt of 20 trillion

(September 2009 "Since the beginning of the War on Poverty, government has spent $15.9 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dol­lars) on means-tested welfare. In comparison, the cost of all other wars in U.S. history was $6.4 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dollars).

In his first two years in office, President Barack Obama will increase annual federal welfare spending by one-third from $522 billion to $697 billion. The combined two-year increase will equal almost $263 billion ($88.2 bil­lion in FY 2009 plus $174.6 billion in FY 2010). After adjusting for inflation, this increase is two and a half times greater than any previous increase in federal welfare spending in U.S. history. As a share of the economy, annual fed­eral welfare spending will rise by roughly 1.2 percent of GDP.

Under President Obama, government will spend more on welfare in a single year than President George W. Bush spent on the war in Iraq during his entire presidency. According to the Congressional Research Service, the cost of the Iraq war through the end of the Bush Administration was around $622 billion. By contrast, annual federal and state means-tested welfare spending will reach $888 billion in FY 2010. Federal welfare spending alone will equal $697 billion in that year.

While campaigning for the presidency, Obama lamented that "the war in Iraq is costing each household about $100 per month." Applying the same standard to means-tested welfare spending reveals that welfare will cost each household $560 per month in 2009 and $638 per month in 2010."

  1. Increased the hidden cost and the tremendous hidden misery of so called free love if could put a price tag on, will be many more trillions of dollars a year
  1. Fact: Where now infidelity-adultery-free love is rampant, immorality that surpasses Hitler in 60,000,000 defenseless babies have been premeditated murdered rebranded as abortion, even recently where now America allows the premeditated murdered baby body parts to be sold for profit. We have even given the highest honor to sodomy, in officially giving the status of marriage.

  1. 1859 Infidel Philosophy Darwin's evolution - atheism - racism - based on atheistic world view:
In 1859 on the eve of the civil war was published by Charles Darwin "The Origin of Species..." proclaiming the "Theory of Evolution", in its full title were the words "...the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life" that was removed in later revisions, even so having the combined effect of saying:
  1. that African American slavery is justified according to the theory of evolution in the preservation of favored races (Darwin's racism)
  2. the bible is false
  3. Moses was a liar in writing the book of Genesis containing creation
  4. Jesus was a liar, when refers to the beginning, creation, Adam and Eve Matt 19:4, Mark 10:6,
  5. Declaration of Independence greatest principle of rights was a big lie "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
  6. the existence of the United States of America was based on a big lie
  7. Founding fathers of our nation were liars
  8. there is no creator/God

Darwin Evolution, racism:

Darwin did distinguish between various human races, or “species of men,” and he believed that some were superior to others (1871, p. 395). Although he steered clear of these ideas in The Origin of Species, his second major work on evolutionary theory, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, published in 1871, did address the issue.

Darwin began the first chapter of The Descent of Man with these words:

“He who wishes to decide whether man is the modified descendant of some pre-existing form, would probably first inquire whether man varies, however slightly, in bodily structure and in mental faculties; and if so, whether the variations are transmitted to his offspring in accordance with the laws which prevail with the lower animals” (1871, p. 395). Later, in his chapter titled “On the Affinities and Genealogy of Man,”

"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla" (p. 521, emp. added).

Apoligictics press "Clearly, Darwin was convinced that the more “civilized races” (e.g., Caucasian) would one day exterminate the more “savage races,” which he considered to be less evolved (and thus more ape-like) than Caucasians. Darwin believed that “the Negro” and “Australian” are more of a sub-species, somewhere between Caucasians and apes."

  1. Fact: The "Theory of Evolution" was introduced on government universities and colleges where exist - extreme bias, having major conflicts of interest, deceitfulness, bigotry --  in a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientist and administration who coveted POLITICAL POWER and WEALTH in prominence, name recognition, as individuals, as a group, job protection, increased salaries, tenure, increased pensions, chased lucrative government research grants.  Combined with similar bias scientist, journals, resulted in atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science. Tthey created as many as possible atheistic and infidel philosophy adherents and an muti-billion dollar industry of jobs involving the "Theory of Evolution" in government academia, in many other branches of government such as k-12, museums, and in the private sector such as movies, numerous documentaries, and thousands of books. All combined became an extremely bias panel of judges that bullied/determined the "Theory of Evolution" should be taught as true/fact and to continued being taught as true/fact. All due to the unconstitutional, unchecked power of Big Government Academia, 1800 government Universities and Colleges.

  1. Fact: An universal code, principle of conduct concerning a conflict of interest in any type of judge over any matter, can be obtained in 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:

(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

  1. Fact: It was a forgone conclusion - science wasn't the decided factor - but the - extremely bias, major conflicts of interest, deceitful, bigoted - liberal government academia, scientist and journals having a stacked deck of opening professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy to teach and to continued being taught the "Theory of Evolution" as "true/fact". 

  2. Fact: Precedent U.S Supreme Court cases that reveal types of known secular religions in existence and identifies the particular element that constitutes a secular religion in  “A sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God” in 1961, 1965 and 1970. 

  1. Fact: U.S. Supreme court case in 1961 a U.S Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black commentary concluded that outside of traditional religion is the existence of secular religions. "Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others." Torcaso v. Watkins, 397 U.S. 488, 495, n.ll (1961) See Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia, 101 U.S. App. D.C. 371, 249 F.2d 127; Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda, 153 Cal. App. 2d 673, 315 P.2d 394; II Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences 293; 4 Encyclopaedia Britannica (1957 ed.) 325-327; 21 id., at 797; Archer, Faiths Men Live By (2d ed. revised by Purinton), 120-138, 254-313; 1961 World Almanac 695, 712; Year Book of American Churches for 1961, at 29, 47.

Recently I found this section on the internet, I sense it fills in the gap (I colored the text green).

"Is "Secular Humanism" a "Religion"?

John Dewey described Humanism as our "common faith." Julian Huxley called it "Religion without Revelation." The first Humanist Manifesto spoke openly of Humanism as a religion. Many other Humanists could be cited who have acknowledged that Humanism is a religion. In fact, claiming that Humanism was "the new religion" was trendy for at least 100 years, perhaps beginning in 1875 with the publication of The Religion of Humanity by Octavius Brooks Frothingham (1822-1895), son of the distinguished Unitarian clergyman, Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham (1793-1870), pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Boston, 1815-1850. In the 1950's, Humanists sought and obtained tax-exempt status as religious organizations. Even the Supreme Court of the United States spoke in 1961 of Secular Humanism as a religion. It was a struggle to get atheism accepted as a religion, but it happened. From 1962-1980 this was not a controversial issue.

But then Christians began to challenge the "establishment of religion" which Secular Humanism in public schools represented. They used the same tactic Atheists had used to challenge prayer and Bible reading under the "Establishment Clause" of the First Amendment. Now the ACLU is involved. Now the question is controversial. Now Secular Humanists have completely reversed their strategy, and claim that Humanism is not at all religious, but is "scientific."

In 1961, the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that Secular Humanism was a religion. Nevertheless, many Humanists deny the significance of the Court's assertion. In order to buttress the claim that the identification of Secular Humanism as a religion in a footnote in the Torcaso case is more than mere "dicta," here is a memorandum prepared "[a]t the request of the staff of the Committee on Education and Labor” by Congressman John B. Conlan.

The U.S. Supreme Court cited Secular Humanism as a religion in the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins (367 U.S. 488). Roy Torcaso, the appellant, a practicing Humanist in Maryland, had refused to declare his belief in Almighty God, as then required by State law in order for him to be commissioned as a notary public. The Court held that the requirement for such an oath "invades appellant's freedom of belief and religion.

The Court declared in Torcaso that the "no establishment" clause of the First Amendment reached far more than churches of theistic faiths, that it is not the business of government or its agents to probe beliefs, and that therefore its inquiry is concluded by the fact of the profession of belief.

The Court stated: We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person to "profess a belief or disbelief in any religion." Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers,10 and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs.11

Footnote 11 concerning "religions founded on different beliefs" contains the Court's citation of Secular Humanism as a religion. It states

Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others. See Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia, 101 U.S. App. D.C. 371, 249 F.2d 127; Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda, 153 Cal. App. 2d 673, 315 P.2d 394; II Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 293; 4 Encyclopedia Britannica (1957 ed.) 325-327; 21 id., at 797; Archer, Faiths Men Live By (2d ed. revised by Purinton), 120-138, 254-313; 1961 World Almanac 695, 712; Year Book of American Churches for 1961, at 29, 47.

It is important to note that this citation of Secular Humanism as a religion is not merely dictum. The Supreme Court refers to the important 1957 case of Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia (101 U.S. App. D.C. 371) in its holding that Secular Humanism is a non-theistic religion within the meaning of the First Amendment.

The Ethical Culture movement is one denomination of Secular Humanism which reaches moral and cultural relativism, situation ethics, and attacks belief in a spiritual God and theistic values of the Old and New Testaments.

The Washington Ethical Society case involved denial of the Society's application for tax exemption as a religious organization. The U.S. Court of Appeals reversed the Tax Court's ruling, defined the Society as a religious organization, and granted its tax exemption.

The Court Stated: The sole issue raised is whether petitioner falls within the definition of a "church" or a "religious society" . . . . The taxing authority urges denial of the tax exemption asserting petitioner is not a religious society or church and that it does not use its buildings for religious worship since "religious" and "worship" require a belief in and teaching of a Supreme Being who controls the universe. The position of the tax Court, in denying tax exemption, was that belief in and teaching of the existence of a Divinity is essential to qualify under the statute. . . . To construe exemptions so strictly that unorthodox or minority forms of worship would be denied the exemption benefits granted to those conforming to the majority beliefs might well raise constitutional issues . . . . We hold on this record and under the controlling statutory language petitioner qualifies as "a religious corporation or society" . . . .

It is incumbent upon Congress to utilize this broad definition of religion in all its legislative actions bearing on the support or non-support of religion, within the context of the "no-establishment" clause of the First Amendment.

Other Justices have reflected back on the Torcaso opinion and confirmed our analysis.

Justice Scalia wrote:In Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488, 495, n. 11 (1961), we did indeed refer to "SECULAR HUMANISM" as a "religio[n]." Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987) note 6

Justice Harlan summed it all up: [Footnote 8] This Court has taken notice of the fact that recognized "religions" exist that "do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God," Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488, 495 n. 11, e. g., "Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, SECULAR HUMANISM and others." Ibid. See also Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia, 101 U.S. App. D.C. 371, 249 F.2d 127 (1957); 2 Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences 293; J. Archer, Faiths Men Live By 120-138, 254-313 (2d ed. revised by Purinton 1958); Stokes & Pfeffer, supra, n. 3, at 560. Welsh v. United States 398 U.S. 333 (1970) note 8

But many who favor a secularist "separation of church and state" will contend that fundamentalists invented the idea that Humanism is a religion. Like most Americans, these secularists do not understand the legal issues involved here.

The Humanist-dominated Court is permitting Secular Humanists to have their cake and eat it too.

Secular Humanism is a religion "for Free Exercise Clause purposes."

The Court has undeniably defined Secular Humanism as a religion "for free exercise purposes." When Secular Humanists want the benefits of a religion, they get them.

Tax Exemption.
Secular Humanism has been granted tax-exempt status as a religion. The Torcaso quote cited the cases.

Conscientious Objection.
Even though Congress originally granted conscientious objector status only to those who objected to war for religious reasons (i.e., because of a belief in God), the Supreme Court turned around and said that Humanists who don't believe in God are "religious" for C.O. purposes. U.S. v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163, 183, 85 S.Ct. 850, 13 L.Ed.2d 733, 746 (Holding that belief in a "Supreme Being" is not a necessary component of "religion," quoting a Secular Humanist source, "Thus the 'God' that we love . . . is . . . humanity.")
So Secular Humanism is emphatically and undeniably a religion -- "for free exercise purposes."
Any claim that "the clear weight of the caselaw" is against the proposition that Secular Humanism is a religion  is a misleading claim. Secular Humanism is a religion ("for free exercise clause purposes").

Secular Humanism is Not a religion "for Establishment Clause purposes."

But when Christians attempt to get the religion of Secular Humanism out of the government schools, based on the same emotional frame of mind which atheists had when they went to court against God in schools, then pro-secularist courts speak out of the other side of their faces and say that Secular Humanism is NOT a religion "for establishment clause purposes." This is slimy deceitful legalism at its worst.

But it explains why so many are confused about whether Secular Humanism is a religion.

Here is the rule: When Secular Humanists want the benefits of religion, Secular Humanism is a religion. When Secular Humanists are challenged for propagating their religion in public schools, it is not a religion. If that sounds insane, it is; but all insane people are still rational. This insanity is cloaked in the rational-sounding rhetoric of constitutional law. Remember:

Secular Humanism is a religion "for free exercise clause purposes," and it is not a religion "for establishment clause purposes."

Here's how it works. In Peloza v. Capistrano Unified School Dist., 37 F.3d 517 (9th Cir. 1994), a high school biology teacher tried to balance the teaching of evolutionism with creationism based on the claim that Secular Humanism (and its core belief, evolutionism) is a religion. The court emphatically rejected this claim:

We reject this claim because neither the Supreme Court, nor this circuit, has ever held that evolutionism or secular humanism are "religions" for Establishment Clause purposes. Indeed, both the dictionary definition of religion and the clear weight of the caselaw5 are to the contrary. The Supreme Court has held unequivocally that while the belief in a divine creator of the universe is a religious belief, the scientific theory that higher forms of life evolved from lower forms is not. Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 107 S.Ct. 2573, 96 L.Ed.2d 510 (1987) (holding unconstitutional, under Establishment Clause, Louisiana's "Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public School Instruction Act").

Note 5: See Smith v. Board of School Com'rs of Mobile County, 827 F.2d 684, 690-95 (11th Cir. 1987) (refusing to adopt district court's holding that "secular humanism" is a religion for Establishment Clause purposes; deciding case on other grounds); United States v. Allen, 760 F.2d 447, 450-51 (2d Cir. 1985) (quoting Tribe, American Constitutional Law 827-28 (1978), for the proposition that, while "religion" should be broadly interpreted for Free Exercise Clause purposes, "anything `arguably non-religious' should not be considered religious in applying the establishment clause").

Thus a teacher who wants to tell his students about his religious beliefs is free to do so if his religion is the religion of Secular Humanism, but may not tell his students about his religious beliefs if his religion is Christianity. Christians are not even allowed to discuss Christianity with students during lunch break, while Secular Humanists are allowed to teach the tenets of the religion of Secular Humanism from the blackboard during class.

Peloza alleges the school district ordered him to refrain from discussing his religious beliefs with students during "instructional time," and to tell any students who attempted to initiate such conversations with him to consult their parents or clergy. He claims the school district, in the following official reprimand, defined "instructional time" as any time the students are on campus, including lunch break and the time before, between, and after classes:

You are hereby directed to refrain from any attempt to convert students to Christianity or initiating conversations about your religious beliefs during instructional time, which the District believes includes any time students are required to be on campus as well as the time students immediately arrive for the purposes of attending school for instruction, lunch time, and the time immediately prior to students' departure after the instructional day.

Complaint at 16. Peloza seeks a declaration that this definition of instructional time is too broad, and that he should be allowed to participate in student-initiated discussions of religious matters when he is not actually teaching class.

The school district's interest in avoiding an Establishment Clause violation trumps Peloza's right to free speech.

While at the high school, whether he is in the classroom or outside of it during contract time, Peloza is not just any ordinary citizen. He is a teacher. He is one of those especially respected persons chosen to teach in the high school's classroom. He is clothed with the mantle of one who imparts knowledge and wisdom. His expressions of opinion are all the more believable because he is a teacher. The likelihood of high school students equating his views with those of the school is substantial. To permit him to discuss his religious beliefs with students during school time on school grounds would violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Such speech would not have a secular purpose, would have the primary effect of advancing religion, and would entangle the school with religion. In sum, it would flunk all three parts of the test articulated in Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602, 91 S.Ct. 2105, 29 L.Ed.2d 745 (1971). See Roberts v. Madigan, 921 F.2d 1047, 1056-58 (10th Cir. 1990) (teacher could be prohibited from reading Bible during silent reading period, and from stocking two books on Christianity on shelves, because these things could leave students with the impression that Christianity was officially sanctioned), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 112 S.Ct. 3025, 120 L.Ed.2d 896 (1992).
Secular Humanist teachers and school administrators (who are protected by the "free exercise" clause of the First Amendment as members of tax-exempt religious organizations and religious conscientious objectors) are free to propagate their views in schools, but Christians are not. If Christians propagate their views, it is an "establishment clause" violation, but not if Secular Humanists propagate their views.
Secular Humanism is a religion "for free exercise clause purposes," and it is not a religion "for establishment clause purposes.""
  1. Fact: Supreme court conscientious objection cases in 1965 and 1970 is shown may exist in a person/possessor a “sense of things as in true, correct” that equates in similar regard as a "Supreme Being as in true, correct” outside of a traditional religion, still amounts to religion. “A sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God” U.S. v Seeqer 380 U.S. 162,176 (1965) and Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333 (1970).

  2. Fact: The courts concluded humanism is a secular religion. The U.S. Supreme Court in the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins (367 U.S. 488) refers to the 1957 case of Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia (101 U.S. App. D.C. 371) in its holding that Secular Humanism is a non-theistic religion within the meaning of the First Amendment

  3. Fact: The courts concluded the "Theory of Evolution" isn't a secular religion even though its a tenet of the secular religion of humanism, on the false assumption, basis that the theory of evolution is unbiased science. Peloza v. Capistrano Unified School Dist., 37 F.3d 517 (9th Cir. 1994), Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 107 S.Ct. 2573, 96 L.Ed.2d 510 (1987)

  4. Fact: The "theory of Evolution" may have some scientific bells and whistles that it seemingly appears to be legitimate science, but it lacks one thing an unbiased panel of judges.

  5. Fact: The US SUPREME court failed to take into account evidence their assumption that evolution is unbiased science is flawed, being the "Theory of Evolution" was introduced on government universities and colleges where exist- extreme bias, having major conflicts of interest, deceitfulness, bigotry --  in a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors, scientist and administration.

  1. Professors, scientist and administration coveted POLITICAL POWER and WEALTH in prominence, name recognition, as individuals, as a group, job protection, increased salaries, tenure, increased pensions, chased lucrative government research grants, combined with similar bias scientist, and journals, resulted in atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science.
  2. They created as many possible atheistic and infidel philosophy adherents and an muti-billion dollar industry of jobs involving the "Theory of Evolution" in government academia, in many other branches of government such as k-12, museums, and in the private sector such as movies, numerous documentaries, and thousands of books.
  3. All combined became an extremely bias panel of judges that bullied/bigotry forced the "Theory of Evolution" to be taught as true/fact and to continued being taught as true/fact.
  4. All due to the unconstitutional, unchecked power of Big Government Academia, 1800 government Universities and Colleges.
  1. Fact: The "theory of evolution" is merely atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group combined with similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science.

  2. Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows "Evolution" to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the defined principle by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.

  3. Fact: When a government institution employee teaches the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact, its a reflection, extension of Congress in its government bureaucracy of government schools had made law respecting the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact.

  4. Fact: The "Theory of Evolution" began to be unconstitutionally taught as "fact" in public K-12, where 9 out of 10 children in America are coerced to attend in effect a monopoly, also unconstitutional.

  5. Fact: Their is no human experiment, tool, device, finding in the field, exhibit prop or illustration could prove without a doubt the theory of Evolution is true/fact.

  6. Fact: There can never be achieved anywhere in elected government, its bureaucracy or even outside of government a totally unbiased panel, or judge to determine the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact.

  7. Fact: Any employee of a government university or any other government institution that teaches the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact, is nothing more then teaching - atheistic and infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group, and similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science -, is a sham and scam played on American citizens to rob us of our tax dollars in the trillions, rob us of our our full measure of constitutional political power/influence individually and as groups outside of government, rob us of our tradition religion Christianity, rob us of our nation's Judeo-Christian principled heritage society and rob us of our Judeo-Christian heritage principled government.

  8. Fact: The evidence allows for only teaching "The theory of Evolution" as solely a theory would be constitutional, and that is only when "Intelligent Design" was also taught as a theory is also constitutional.

  9. Fact: However, since it is obvious that the "theory of Evolution" will be given an undue advantage over the "theory of Intelligent Design", in the government school system with an atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy lopsided leaning tenured professors/teachers, administrations and similar bias scientist, journals will inevitably not give the "theory of intelligent design" a fair objective presentation, so neither theory can be taught by any government employee or institution. Only would be allowed to be taught by any non government group on the outside of government through private means/funding only, be allowed access to government funded academia and public schools K-12 to present a case for either the "Theory of Evolution" or the theory of "Intelligent Design". There will be no more government grants for either teaching, or research on the "Theory of Evolution", which would also exclude the theory of "Intelligent Design". 

  10. Fact:  When the State University Atheistic, Infidel Secular Religion is officially recognized as a secular religion, then its followers, believers should not be granted conscientious objector status based upon:

  1. The Secular Religion origins is based on a factual State created fraud, would lend itself baseless the claim of conscious objector status.
  2. The state can't afford in the time of war, due to a massive State fraud, created millions to believe in a State Secular religion, to allow a mass exodus of soldiers, based upon a conscientious objector status.
  1. 1879 Infidel philosophy psychology - based on atheistic world view: (Late 1800's onward) 
  1. Constitutional Principled Argument: The State Left Neutrality and Began to Respect Human Behavior Group/Establishment

  1. Fact: In 1991, I had studied the bible for seven years since 1984, using a 100 year old resource called the Strong's concordance written and researched by over 100 biblical scholars; specifically use for identifying the usages (definitions) of words in biblical times. In my biblical research, had identified the word "spirit" in the Strongs' concordance that rendered its usage in biblical times as "mental disposition".

  2. Fact: 1984 edition Strong’s Concordance 4151: spirit = mental disposition, etc spirit, spiritual, spiritually, mind.

  3. Fact: In the bible the words "spirit, spiritual and spiritually" were use for thousands years for identifying the "mental disposition" in people, the same, equivalent and predates by thousands of years, the modern day words "Psychology, psychological and psychologically".

  4. Fact: The bible is not merely one book, but a library of of 66 books by over 40 authors crossing a large span of time, the bible having worldly logic and knowledge (secular information) at times independent/separated or combined at times with supernatural logic and knowledge (non-secular information). 

  5. Fact: Particularly the book of "Proverbs" contained in the bible, written in the tenth century B.C., among other books in the bible is in effect is a large source of in the field observational findings of both animal and human behavior, both lower and higher order of human behavior, to establish, define, predict and manipulate many secular aspects of human behavior to obtain beneficial secular results.

  6. Fact: Precedent USA Supreme court cases recognizes the separation of secular from non-secular information content in the bible, School District of Abington Twp.v.Schempp, 374 U.S. 374 U.S.203,225 (1963) Wwiley v. Franklin, 475 F. Supp. 390 (D. Tex 1910).

  7. Fact: A strong persuasive constitutional argument case can be made, the establishment of psychology and the establishments of traditional religion particular those who follow the bible, are both human behavior groups offering worldly logic and knowledge (secular information) and that for Congress/government to respect/ favor one over the other (with exception to the Judeo-Christian principled heritage of the nation) is unconstitutional, violates the premise and intent of the First Amendment Establishment Clause.

  1. (1879) Psychology Philosophy (University of Leipzig, Germany the first psychology laboratory)

  2. Fact: Around 1991 in my research at the University of Buffalo library, I sense had found a smoking gun, evidence in some research papers by Psychology researchers, their dismay of their own findings, evidence that shows the human behavior group in the establishment of psychology exhibited as a whole laboratory ineffectiveness, unreplicatiablity, bias, faddish, fraud and merely subjective in effect junk science.

  1. Laboratory Ineffectiveness = "...the laboratory is often ineffective because much human behavior is so sensitive to incidental sources of stimulation, that adequate control wouldn’t be achieved” -Psychological Research Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst. (1981)-

  2. Unreplicatible = "There is no more fundamental requirement in science that the replicability of findings be established. Yet, in psychology few replication studies are attempted, and of these only a small proportion are published ( see N. C. Smith, 1970, for a more extensive discussion of this issue and for other arguments that experimental method as normally practiced has serious limitations).", "Perhaps the most important reason for the widespread belief in the replicability of psychological experiments in the absence of replicability is that experimentalist often fail to distinguish between concurrent and temporal reliability." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-

  3. Bias = "Some journals state that they do not accept replication studies, and others cast doubt on accepted conclusions." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-

  4. Faddish = "As Greenwald (1975) has observed, findings in psychology often have a faddish quality about them. At one point, studies that support a particular phenomenon are favored, and at another point, studies that refute the phenomenon are favored." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-

  5. Fraud = "Moreover, for the person who makes no attempt to replicate his or her own findings, there is little danger that others will demonstrate that the findings are unreplicatable because in the rare event that the replication is undertaken by someone else, discrepant results can almost always be dismissed as the result of minor procedural differences.-Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-" "Typically there is not sufficient detail for readers to fully reconstruct what was done in a particular experiment, especially given the lack of agreement within psychology about the methods to be used." -The Needs of Other J.M. Innes, University of Adelaide South Australia-

  1. Fact: I also notice around 1991, an article titled "Are Universities Biased in Favor of Liberal Faculties?" in the Buffalo Newspaper by Hans Tirpak, Director, Law Student Bar Association, university of Buffalo, Amherst (1991). The article pointed out some valid observations of "extreme bias" on government universities and colleges, are dominated by leftest professors and administration and pertinent Supreme court case law that defined a Secular Religion.

  1. (Buffalo Newspaper 1991 Testimonial Evidence) Government Universities Preferred Hiring Awarding Tenure to Liberal Professors, Overall Leftest Bias Dominate: "...colleges and universities have been and are in the practice of hiring and awarding tenure to liberal professors over equally qualified conservative professors,..", “...the growing awareness that most of America’s colleges and universities, including UB (university of Buffalo), have become dominated by leftist professors and administrators strongly support the inference.", "It might be stretching things a bit to assert that UB and/or similarly situation colleges or  universities do not hire conservative professors. I hear UB has some in it’s political science department. I even met one about a year ago. I was quite surprised. With that exception, every professor I have met at UB in the 2 1/2 years I’ve been a student has seemed leftist" - Hans Tirpak, Director, Law Student Bar Association, university of Buffalo, Amherst (1991)

  2. Fact: Precedent U.S Supreme Court cases that reveal types of known secular religions in existence and identifies the particular element that constitutes a secular religion in  “A sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God” in 1961, 1965 and 1970. 

  1. Fact: Additional evidence - extreme bias:

  1. (2009) Evidence of Bias Against Men and Boys in Mental Health Research (video) "We have all grown to trust "research" and when we hear that a study shows that "X is correct" we tend to automatically believe that "X" is correct. Research has taken on an almost divine ethos that carries the seal of approval of correctness. If science says it, it must be so. The problem of course is that science, especially social science, is less than concrete and is much more slippery than measuring a distance or the tensile strength of a bar of steel. Mental health research is much more vulnerable to values and ideologies of the researchers. If a scientist believes a certain thing it usually has little impact on his measurements of the tensile strength of the bar of steel. No matter what he believes the measurement will likely be the same. But what about issues in social sciences where researchers come to the table with a large amount of preconceived ideas, allegiances to ideologies that espouse strong opinions about those being studied or have traumatic life histories that bias them against certain groups? Can those sorts of things influence the "findings" of a social science study? You bet they can. Gone is the impartial judge weighing the evidence and sifting through the data to find the truth. In today's world of social science research the opposite is happening: researchers are starting at their pre-conceived bias's and then designing research to prove that bias...."

  1. Fact: An universal code, principle of conduct concerning a conflict of interest in any type of judge over any matter, can be obtained in 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:

(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

  1. Fact: (2012 -The Washington Times- Evidence ) Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement

  • "...surveyed a roughly representative sample of academics and scholars in social psychology and found that “In decisions ranging from paper reviews to hiring, many social and personality psychologists admit that they would discriminate against openly conservative colleagues.”
  • "...80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats."
  • "...90 percent identified as liberal and only 4 percent as conservative."
  • Fact: (2015) Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results "In the investigation, a whopping 75% of the social psychology experiments were not replicated, meaning that the originally reported findings vanished when other scientists repeated the experiments. Half of the cognitive psychology studies failed the same test.", "Even when scientists could replicate original findings, the sizes of the effects they found were on average half as big as reported first time around."
  1. Fact: (2013 Article by Deathbytrolly Evidence) Why many professors are atheists: Academe as a secular religious community "The university campus is akin to something between a big church or a small Vatican. Frequently comprised of a mixture of historic classical architecture harkening back to a nobler, more charming past, and modern state-of-the-art research and educational facilities, universities are made to impress and dazzle. This grandiosity is enhanced by rich use of symbology: regal coats of arms, robes, idealistic ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions, massive painted portraits of esteemed former Presidents and eminent scholars, and the ivy, it’s hard to get over the ivy!"

  2. Fact: (2014 - Inside Higher ED - Evidence) Retaliation Claim Vindicated "Seven years after Mike Adams sued the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, charging that he was denied a promotion because of his political views, a federal jury agreed" "Adams sued in 2007 after being denied a promotion to full professor of sociology. He cited emails and statements from faculty colleagues taking issue with his views, which are outspoken and conservative.The Adams case was of particular interest to many who charge political bias in the academy because he is a political (and religious) convert.  He presented evidence that his faculty colleagues liked him when he was an atheist Democrat, but started to have concerns when he became a Christian Republican."

  3. 2015 Exposed: Christian Students Rejected, Failed, and Expelled for their Faith by State Universities "Public colleges and universities are taking the gloves off when it comes to Christian students on their campuses. Gone are the days of surreptitious slights against Christians; now it is open season on faith.  Blatant, in-your-face anti-Christian discrimination is the new norm. Christian students now face their applications being rejected because they let it slip out that they are a person of faith, receiving failing grades for daring to allow their religious beliefs to outweigh the omniscience of the educational elites, or being outright expelled for having the audacity to live in accordance with their faith."

  1. Fact: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY needed one more deception up its sleeve in what I call a cloak to deceive:

  1. Fact: Much of human behavior (higher order) experimentation is not scientifically replicatable in a laboratory to meet the bar of science.

  2. Fact: Rudimentary animal and human behavior experimentation findings shown replicatablity meets the bar of a science

  3. Fact: The psychology establishment's cloak to deceive is made up of an aura of scientific respectability in their rudimentary animal and human behavior experimentation has replication barely meets the bar of science, that was used to cloak, to deceptively emit/associate a sense of scientific respectability onto higher order of human behavior that experimentation findings show is not scientifically replicatable, a classic shell game to deceive.

  1. Fact: The psychology establishment's cloak to deceive is made up of rudimentary animal and human behavior laboratory experimentation, is used to create a “sense of things/cloak” that covers higher order of human behavior teaching, training and counseling that is not scientifically replicatable in a laboratory; with an appearance of SCIENCE, combine the -extreme bias- atheistic and infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group, and similar extreme bias journals constitutes as JUNK SCIENCE, even so is as associated with TRUTH, CORRECTNESS evokes sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor in a place parallel/equivalent to that filled by a SUPREME BEING as associated with TRUTH AND CORRECTNESS, can be constitutionally persuasively argued meets the Supreme court's ruling that defines a religion (secular) U.S. v Seeqer 380 U.S. 162,176 (1965) and Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333 (1970).

  2. Fact: Again it was a forgone conclusion science wasn't the main decided factor but the - extreme bias - among the 1800 government universities and colleges having a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientists to teach and to continued being taught "psychology" as a "science".

  3. Fact: The psychology establishment has shown to exhibit as a whole:

  1. (2012 -The Washington Times- Evidence ) Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement
  2. 90 percent identified as liberal and only 4 percent as conservative."
  3. laboratory ineffectiveness due to human behavior is so sensitive to incidental sources of stimulation, that adequate control wouldn’t be achieved
  4. unreplicatiable, few replication studies are attempted, often fail to distinguish between concurrent and temporal reliability
  5. bias journals,
  6. faddish favoring at one point then disfavoring at another point,
  7. fraud little danger that others will demonstrate that the findings are unreplicatable, discrepant results can almost always be dismissed as the result of minor procedural differences
  8. merely subjective, In reality, a person is deviant if a society says they are
  9. The extremely bias liberal government academia, stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientists, and administration,
  10. (August 2015 Evidence) Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results
  11. A cloak of rudimentary science to deceptively emit/associate a sense of scientific respectability onto higher order of human behavior that experimentation shows non replicatiablity,
  12. When shows some higher order of human behavior replicatablity must be deemed temporary due to the changing society norms and values impact on individuals and society
  13. The atheistic and infidel philosophy state secular religion due to being in all government Universities/Colleges, all government 100,000 elementary/secondary schools 9 out of 10 children attend (unconstitutional monopoly), all government jails, all government hospitals, all government Courts and all government protective services is a major contributing impact on individuals and society which is now tainting their so called observations, the driving force of human behavior manifestation in experimental results.
  1. Fact: You end up with a smoke and mirrors, a mere appearance show of junk science that deceives, that bypasses the cautionary guard of many citizens and especially when it unconstitutionally bypasses the U.S. Constitutional First Amendment Establishment Clause Wall, in essence Congresses erroneously put their stamp of approval (billions of tax dollars) on it, when it is at most an atheistic secular religion.

  2. Fact: The establishment of psychology originated from infidel philosophy entered U.S. State universities in the 1890's afforded by rudimentary human behavior replicatablity having an aura of scientific respectability, obtained Government funding, publicity and prominence. While in govt had violated the Establishment clause of the First Amendment, transformed itself into a secular religion by an aura of scientific respectability in the use of the cloak onto higher order of human behavior experimentation that is non- replicatable is pawned to deceive and sold to Congresses and many citizens.

  3. Fact: When government/Congress had made law respecting one particular human behavior group (secular religion) in the establishment of psychology, over the establishments of Judeo-Christian human behavior groups (traditional religion) that uses secular information contained in the library of books called the bible, such as the bible's earlier terminologies "spirit, spiritual and spiritually" defining "mental disposition" and the bible's a large source of in effect, in the field observational findings of both animal and human, both lower and higher order of human behavior, it can be constitutionally persuasively argued that government/Congress in effect had violated indirectly and directly the core, primary, supreme premise, intent and principle of our Constitutional First Amendment Establishment Clause "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion"

  4. Fact: The establishment of psychology is in fact a State Atheistic Secular Religion that had unconstitutionally received respect from Congress (violation of Establishment Clause) over other human behavior groups particularly traditional religion.

(Early 1900's) Morphed-Infidelism (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed, rebranded ancient Greek philosophy) taken over a number of protestant institutions, churches, colleges and seminaries using the "inclusivist strategy":

(Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch pp 223-235)

        1. Fact: "Under the spell of the evolutionary principle and a philosophy of immanence, the influential Christian theologians came to view Christianity as the highest expression of an essence common to all religions and to regard Christian experience as fully explainable from the study of naturalistic and behavioristic psychology.'

        2. Fact: "The bible was all but abandoned, and they turned to the universal movements of thought for the most significant disclosures of God and moral and spiritual absolutes"

        3. Fact: “no two liberals thought exactly the alike, but the general principles were the same.”

        4. Fact: "The Bible was to them merely a historical record of the developing religious consciousness of the Jewish people"

        5. Fact: "The Gospel, for the liberals, was utterly changed from the means of reconciliation with God, or the redemption of the soul from sin, or the liberation of man from the bondage of evil, to a sense of final piety, or brotherhood, or of mutual understanding and human betterment."

        6. Fact: "the church became, for liberals, merely a fraternal society with certain social benefits."

        7. Fact: "Liberals were not interested in carrying out the imperative the great commission, but they were vitally concerned with the control of machinery that would give them world influence and an opportunity to remake the international social order."

        8. Fact: "The liberal movement swept Christendom as wildfire, carried along by the growing popular evolutionary philosophy and the upsurge of science and invention. Higher education abandoned the Christian philosophy upon which it had grown to mammoth proportions. God-centered education was exchanged for a man-centered process, God's will was no longer the basic norm.  Man's mind became the measure of all things. The moral and spiritual ultimates, even truth itself,  were scrapped for relative values. Human social welfare became a matter of primary concern. The goal of education was no longer to fit men to live in harmony with the will of God. Education, in the new view, became an instrument by which the developing and changing person might continue in the quest for certainty. Genuine values and tenable ends and ideals could be found said liberals, only within movement of experience and not from authority, human or supernatural." 

        9. Fact: "In the atmosphere of the colleges and universities and their associated theological seminaries. the new intellectual movement found its most effective breeding ground. The new Baptist-related university of Chicago, backed by Rockefeller millions, headed by Dr. William  Rainey influence in the United States. Theological liberals first attacked strategic chairs of religion and the well = endowed seminaries of the leading protestant denominations. Bible believing professors were discredited by well  directed propaganda which made them appear as naive, obscurantist, unscholarly, and reactionary.

        10. Fact: "In many instances liberals falsely represented themselves to be evangelical, accepting under oath evangelical confessions of faith "with mental reservations' using orthodox words to convey liberal thought, and moving with caution until circumstances afforded safe opportunity to take on open stand for the new doctrines. 

        11. Fact: Often they used the so-called -- "inclusivist strategy" -- persuading orthodox institutions to admit liberals to their faculties on the ground that the principle of academic freedom required presentation of all viewpoints. When liberals attained majority status they set up new standards and by various devices eliminated all bible-believing professors. Once firmly entrenched in the institutions that trained the leadership of the churches, they next directed their strategies to obtain control of the important boards and commissions, and finally the administrative machinery of the whole denomination.” (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch pp 223-23

        12. Fact: "Protestant institutions that supports premeditated murder of innocent Complete Genetic Human Lives (abortion): United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, the Episcopalian Church, United Presbyterian Church, Lutheran Women's Caucus, The American Baptist Churches USA, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA)

  1.   1950's Infidel Philosophy psychiatry - based on atheistic world view:
  1. Equivalent God = God effect, so called -- expert, professional -- of human behavior, false mere appearance of truth and correctness, which automatically receives respect from Congress (violation of Establishment Clause) over other human behavior groups particularly traditional religion. Used a cloak in a mere use and appearance of methodologies of science to deceive Congress and the American people (Unconstitutional).
  1. (1900's) Psychiatry = Psychiatry morphed into constant inhuman, so called treatments:
  1. The History of Neuroleptics/psychiatric drugs (2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit

    The modern history of psychiatric drugs dates back to the early 1950s, when derivatives of the synthetic dye and rocket fuel industries were found to have medicinal properties. Following World War II, a wide variety of compounds came to be tested in humans. The antihistamine known as chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is generally regarded as the first “anti-psychotic” drug, responsible for igniting the psychopharmacology revolution. As Thorazine grew in popularity, medications replaced neurosurgery and shock therapies as the favored treatments for the institutionalized mentally ill.

    When, in 1955, Drs. Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker coined the term “neuroleptic” to describe Thorazine, they identified five defining properties of this prototype: the gradual reduction of psychotic symptoms, the induction of psychic indifference, sedation, movement abnormalities (parkinsonism), and predominant subcortical effects.4 At its inception, Thorazine was celebrated as a chemical lobotomizer due to behavioral effects which paralleled those associated with the removal of brain tissue.5 As the concept of lobotomy fell into disfavor, the alleged antipsychotic features of the neuroleptics came to be emphasized. Ultimately, the two terms became synonymous. Ignorant of the historical definition of neuroleptics as chemical lobotomizers, members of the psychiatric profession have only rarely acknowledged the fact that these dopamine blocking compounds have been, and continue to be, a major cause of brain injury and dementia. Nevertheless, the emergence of improved technologies and epidemiological investigations have made it possible to demonstrate why these medications should be characterized as neurotoxins, rather than neurotherapies.'Biological' psychiatry has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything neurological, 'biological, 'chemically-imbalanced' or 'genetic'" (1998) Dr. Fred Baughman Jr. Child Neurologist, Fellow of the American
  1. Biological' psychiatry has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything neurological, 'biological, 'chemically-imbalanced' or 'genetic'" (1998) Dr. Fred Baughman Jr. Child Neurologist, Fellow of the American

  2. DSM where they have almost 400 so called mental disorders, basically new moral laws simply voted on at a convention, based on solely behaviorsm, so they can bill and rip off the government, you and me by the billions (Unconstitutional) (1952)  DSM, Equivalent Bible, moral laws = The DSM-5 is the New World Order, Atheist's Moral Code, the psychiatrist's Bible .
  1. First psych drug become known as a chemical lobotomy: (1994) The dark side of psychiatric drugs (USA Today Magazine) "The major tranquilizers were able to create a zombie state, identical to that seen after a lobotomy, in a person whose brain remained intact. For this reason, Thorazine became known as a "chemical lobotomy."

  2. Later drugs hid negative study results, short term studies, sugar pills placebo have better results, major conflicts of interest with BIG PHARMA abound, and bribery involved

  3. (Early 1990's) Hillary Clinton attempted to have universal psychology, psychiatry (State Secular Religion) coverage in her health care plan

  4. (2007) Robert Whitaker Affidavit of evidence, a journalist writer about science and medicine, in a variety of forums for about 20 years.

  • They increase the likelihood that a person will become chronically ill.
  • They lead to early death (shorten by 25 years).
  • Drugs that were effective in curbing psychosis over the short term were making patients more likely to become psychotic over the long term.
  • The new “atypical” anti psychotics are not better than the old ones in terms of their safety and tolerability, and quality of life may even be worse on the new drugs than on the old ones.
  • Anti psychotics cause a host of debilitating physical, emotional and cognitive side effects:
  • Tardive dyskinesia,
  • Akathisia,
  • Emotional impairment,
  • and Cognitive impairment.
  • Other side effects of standard neuroleptics include an increased incidence of blindness,
  • fatal blood clots,
  • arrhythmia,
  • heat stroke,
  • swollen breasts,
  • leaking breasts,
  • obesity,
  • sexual dysfunction,
  • skin rashes and seizures,
  • and early death.
  • Schizophrenia patients now commit suicide at 20 times the rate they did prior to the use of neuroleptics.
  1. (2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit evidence before the Supreme Court for the State of Alaska: 

1) postmortem studies of human brain tissue
2) neuroimaging studies of living humans
3) postmortem studies of lab animal brain tissue
4) biological markers of cell damage in living humans
5) lab studies of cell cultures/chemical systemsfollowing drug exposureneuroleptic therapy- significant tissue damage - black dots represent scar tissue
    • Creates scaring and neuronal loss,
    • shrinkage and/or loss of brain tissue,
    • significant reduction in the total brain weight and volume.
    • Increase the concentration of tTG (a marker of programmed cell death) in the central nervous system of living humans.
  1. ((2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit Evidence before the Supreme Court for the State of Alaska: In 1977, Jellinger published his findings of neur opathological changes in the brain tissue of twenty-eight patients who had been exposed to neuroleptics for an average of four to five years. In most cases, the periods of drug treatment had been intermittent. . An example of the abnormalities is shown. This photo demonstrates reactive  gliosis (black dots  represent scar tissue) in the caudate of a patient who had received neuroleptic therapy. Patients in this study had received the following drug treatments: chlorpromazine (Thorazine), reserpine, haloperidol (Haldol), trifluoperazine (Stelazine), chlorprothixen (Taractan), thioridazine (Mellaril), tricyclic antidepressants, and/or minor tranquilizers.

  2. (1994) Studies documenting that long-term recovery rates are much higher for patients off antipsychotic medications (2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit evidence before the Supreme Court for the State of Alaska: studies documenting that long-term recovery rates are much higher for patients off antipsychotic medications. In 1994, Courtenay Harding at Boston University reported on the long-term outcomes of 82 chronic schizophrenics discharged from Vermont State Hospital in the late 1950s. She found that one-third of this cohort had recovered completely, and that all who did shared one characteristic: They had all stopped taking antipsychotic medication.  The notion that schizophrenics needed to stay on antipsychotics all their lives was a “myth,” Harding said.In the World Health Organization studies, 63% of patients in the poor countries had good outcomes, and only one-third became chronically ill. In the U.S and other developed countries, only 37% of patients had good outcomes, and the remaining patients did not fare so well. In the undeveloped countries, only 16% of patients were regularly maintained on antipsychotics, versus 61% of patients in the developed countries.  In response to this body of literature, physicians in Switzerland, Sweden and Finland have developed programs that involve minimizing use of antipsychotic drugs, and they are reporting much better results than what we see in the United States.  In particular, Jako Seikkula recently reported that five years after initial diagnosis, 82% of his psychotic patients are symptom-free, 86% have returned to their  jobs or to school, and only 14% of his patients are on antipsychotic medications. This spring, researchers at the University of Illinois Medical School reported on the long-term outcomes of schizophrenia patients in the Chicago area since 1990. They found that 40% of those who refused to take their antipsychotic medications were recovered at five-year and 15-year follow up exams, versus five percent of the medicated patients

  3. Dr. David Healy Bio  is an internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, scientist, and author. (2014) Psychiatry Gone Astray,

  • A professor of Psychiatry in Wales
  • studied medicine in Dublin, and at Cambridge University.
  • a former Secretary of the British Association for Psychopharmacology
  • has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, 200 other pieces, and 20 books, including The Antidepressant Era
  • The Creation of Psychopharmacology from Harvard University Press, The Psychopharmacologists Volumes 1-3 and Let Them Eat Prozac from New York University Press, and Mania from Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • David’s main areas of research are clinical trials in psychopharmacology, the history of psychopharmacology, and the impact of both trials and psychotropic drugs on our culture.
  • He has been involved as an expert witness in homicide and suicide trials involving psychotropic drugs, and in bringing problems with these drugs to the attention of American and British regulators, as well raising awareness of how pharmaceutical companies sell drugs by marketing diseases and co-opting academic opinion-leaders, ghost-writing their articles. 

"Our citizens would be far better off if we removed all the psychotropic drugs from the market, as doctors are unable to handle them. It is inescapable that their availability creates more harm than good. Psychiatrists should therefore do everything they can to treat as little as possible, in as short time as possible, or not at all, with psychotropic drugs."

  • Myth 1: Your disease is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain,
  • Myth 2: It’s no problem to stop treatment with antidepressants,
  • Myth 3: Psychotropic Drugs for Mental Illness are like Insulin for Diabetes,
  • Myth 4: Psychotropic drugs reduce the number of chronically ill patients,
  • Myth 5: Happy pills do not cause suicide in children and adolescents,
  • Myth 6: Happy pills have no side effects,
  • Myth 7: Happy pills are not addictive,
  • Myth 8: The prevalence of depression has increased a lot.
  • Myth 9: The main problem is not over treatment, but under treatment,
  • Myth 10: Antipsychotics prevent brain damage"
  1. Psychiatry drugs thousands of horror stories, SSRI Stories Antidepressant Nightmares documented

  2. School Shootings

  3. 6,000.000 Public teachers become as referral agents towards their students for Big Pharma, Psychiatry dangerous drugs, based on the fraudulent claim of Chemical Imbalance.

  4. 60 Minutes Does Chemical Imbalance Cause Depression? (video)

  5. 60 Minutes Treating Depression: Is there a placebo effect?

  6. (2008 PBS) The Medicated Child (video)

  7. (2008) Congress snuck in a rider to the TARP legislation to guarantee the State Secular religion passage that insurance companies to also pay for a secular religion establishment of Psychology's counseling, psychiatry drugging comparable in cost amount as to physical illnesses.

  8. A large number of psychiatrists are dishonest, because I see them giving people drugs that they know are brain damaging therapeutics, that they know do not have positive, long-term outcomes, that they know will not cure anything. They just take a list of symptoms and call it a mental illness or disorder.", "Children are given fake diagnosis left and right and put on mind altering drugs with suicidal side effects. Psychiatrists can diagnose mental illness today without any scientific proof. No blood tests, urine tests, or PET scans are required. The result is millions of children are labeled and stuck on these drugs, trapped in a culture of hopelessness." (2009) Ex Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Comes Clean, Reveals Horrors of Western Medicine  (Video) "

  9. Pharmaceutical companies want to keep people sick. They want to make others think that they are sick. And they do this for one reason: money. Did you know: * Pharmaceutical companies invest more than 35,000 Euro (over $50,000) per physician each year to get them to prescribe their products? * More than 75 percent of leading scientists in the field of medicine are "paid for" by the pharmaceutical industry? * Corruption prevailed in the approval and marketing of drugs in some cases? * Illnesses are made up by the pharmaceutical industry and specifically marketed to enhance sales and market shares for the companies in question? * Pharmaceutical companies increasingly target children? (2010) Side Effects: Death. Confessions of a Pharma-Insider "I bribed a Swedish professor to enhance the registration of Prozac in Sweden." -John Virapen  "Side Effects: Death" is the true story of corruption, bribery and fraud written by Dr. John Virapen, who has been called THE Big Pharma Insider. During his 35 years in the pharmaceutical industry internationally (most notably as general manager of Eli Lilly and Company in Sweden), Virapen was responsible for the marketing of several drugs, all of them with side effects. Now, Virapen is coming clean and telling all of the little secrets you were never intended to know

  10. (2012) Evidence There Is No Such Thing as Mental Illness - Stefan Molyneux- (video)

  11. The public mental health system is creating a huge class of chronic mental patients through forcing them to take ineffective, yet extremely harmful drugs Jim Gottstein Psych Rights Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) is a non-profit, public interest law firm whose mission is to mount a  strategic legal campaign against forced psychiatric drugging and electroshock in the United States akin to what Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP mounted in the 40's and 50's on behalf of African American civil rights. "Currently, due to the massive growth in psychiatric drugging of children and youth and the current targeting of them for even more psychiatric drugging, PsychRights has made attacking this problem a priority.  Children are virtually always forced to take these drugs because it is the adults in their lives who are making the decision.  This is an unfolding national tragedy of immense proportions.  As part of its mission, PsychRights is further dedicated to exposing the truth about these drugs and the courts being misled into ordering people to be drugged and subjected to other brain and body damaging interventions against their will."

  12. Neuroleptics

  13. GlaxoSmithKline: GUILTY in Largest Health Fraud Settlement in US History 3 billion (2012)

  14. Big Pharma’s Big Fines (2009 -2013)

  15. TED TALKS: Ben Goldacre: What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe (2012) (video)

  16. Bad Pharma: Drug research riddled with half truths, omissions, lies (Jan 27, 2013)

  17. (2013) Grand Total  0-17 Years - 8,389,034 of 74,500,000 (USA) are on psychiatric drugs Breakdown:(2013) Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.,  

    0-1 Years                274,804
    2-3 Years                370,778
    4-5 Years                500,948
    6-12 Years               4,130,340
    13-17 Years             3,617,593

  18. (2013) Over 274,000 infants (0-1 year olds) and some 370,000 toddlers (1-3 years age) in the U.S. were on anti anxiety (e.g. Xanax) and antidepressant (e.g. Prozac) drugs. This report also found over 1,400 infants were on ADHD drugs." -The Wall Street Journal"-"An analysis of 2013 IMS Data , Over 274,000 infants (0-1 year olds) and some 370,000 toddlers (1-3 years age) in the U.S. were on anti anxiety (e.g. Xanax) and antidepressant (e.g. Prozac) drugs. This report also found over 1,400 infants were on ADHD drugs." -The Wall Street Journal"- 

  1. (2014) Hillary care is now Obama care, on heath has a psychology, psychiatry drugging (State Secular Religion) coverage.

  2. (Feb 2015) Why Are So Many Toddlers Taking Psychiatric Drugs? Prozac for babies?

  3. (March 2015) Senate panel examines why California foster care system 'addicted' to psychiatric drugs

  1. Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems. In short, it is not only dangerous to start taking psychiatric drugs, it can also be dangerous to stop them.

  2. (2014) GlaxoSmithKline Fined $488.8M for 'Massive Bribery Network'

  3. Parents for label and drug free education,

  4. Mindfreedom Win human rights in the mental heath system

  5. Congress, the establishment of psychology plays both sides of the political aisle to assure their unconstitutional Congress's respect, so it won't be halted by the establishment wall of separation.The establishment of psychology and particularly psychiatry spends a large amount of lobby funds that enters the pockets on both sides of the political aisle of Congress, and billions in advertising for the national media that silences the national news media from exposing their bread and butter.

  • "The top twenty pharmaceutical companies and their two trade groups, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PHRMA) and Biotechnology Industry Organization, lobbied on at least 1,600 pieces of legislation between 1998 and 2004. According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, pharmaceutical companies spent $900 million on lobbying between 1998 and 2005, more than any other industry. During the same period, they donated $89.9 million to federal candidates and political parties, giving approximately three times as much to Republicans as to Democrats.[1] According to the Center for Public Integrity, from January 2005 through June 2006 alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent approximately $182 million on Federal lobbying.[2] The industry has 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C." Political influence, Pharmaceutical lobby in the U.S.
  1. Our nation's Constitution was as if sold down the river for perhaps decades more of continual violation of the Establishment Clause. The Supreme Court failed to upheld the Constitution, has sadly permitted the continued breach of the primary most important principle, the corner stone of the our constitution in the Establishment Clause that supports and holds together the frame work of rights to all citizens.

  2. Forced Drugging Defense Package

  3. Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows "Psychiatry" to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the defined principle by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.
  1. Psychs in Hot WATER

  1. Fact:  The "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" was introduced on government universities and colleges where exist - extreme bias in significant conflicts of interest, deceitfulness, bigotry --  by way of a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientist and administration. They coveted POLITICAL POWER INFLUENCE and WEALTH in prominence, name recognition, as individuals, as a group, job protection, increased salaries, tenure, increased pensions, chased lucrative government research grants, combined with similar bias scientist, journals, resulted in atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science. They unconstitutionally created significant numbers of atheistic and infidel philosophy adherents in a muti-trillion dollar State Secular Religion industry in government academia, in many other branches of government such as k-12, armed services, jails, courts, hospitals, protective services and in the private sector. All combined became an extremely bias panel of judges that UNCONSTITUTIONALLY bullied/determined  the  "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" should be taught as true/correct/fact and continues being taught as true/correct/fact, when its merely atheists and infidels stacked deck bias junk science.
  1. Fact: An universal code, principle of conduct concerning a conflict of interest in any type of judge over any matter, can be obtained in 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:

(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

  1. Fact: It was a forgone conclusion - science wasn't the decided factor - but the - extremely bias, major conflicts of interest, deceitful, bigoted - liberal government academia, stacked deck of opening professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientists and administration combined with similar bias, scientists, journals to teach and to continued being taught the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" as "true/correct/fact".

  2. Fact: Any government institution employee teaching the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" as "true/correct/fact", that is merely atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group derived junk science combined with similar bias scientists, journals, is unconstitutional according to precedent Supreme Court cases that defines a secular religion establishment, when has the element in a supreme being/God effect, the junk science that is falsely perceived as unbiased science, has an equivalent sense of true and correctness as a supreme being/God effect which many believe in, defines a secular religion Torcaso v. Watkins, 397 U.S. 488, 495, n.ll (1961), U.S. v Seeqer 380 U.S. 162,176 (1965) and Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333 (1970), and consequently violates the Establishment Clause "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...".

  3. Fact: Any employee of a government university or any other government institution that teaches the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" is true/fact, is nothing more then teaching - atheistic and infidel philosophy bias derived junk science, is a sham and scam, organized crime in a Rico violation committed against American citizens to rob us of:

  1. Fact: When government/Congress had made law respecting one particular human behavior group (secular religion) in the establishment of the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry", over the establishments of Judeo-Christian human behavior groups (traditional religion) that uses secular information contained in the library of sixty six books by thirty nine authors called the bible, such as the bible's earlier terminologies "spirit, spiritual and spiritually" defining "mental disposition" and the bible's a large source of in effect, in the field observational findings of both animal and human, lower and higher order behavior, it can be constitutionally persuasively argued that government/Congress in effect had violated indirectly and directly the core, primary, supreme premise, intent and principle of our Constitutional First Amendment Establishment Clause "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion"

  2.  Fact: The founding Fathers did not envision or establish in the formation of government, in the Constitution, such a large transfer of unchecked political power to 1800 government universities and colleges in effect political megaphones, a colossal government institutional bureaucracy respecting a secular religion of atheistic and infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group derived junk science, combined with similar bias scientist, journals, having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct which millions of impressionable youthful citizens are hood winked into believing, and where particularly Democratic politicians are in lock step, taking their marching orders.

  3. Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the definition by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.

  4. Fact: All religions be they secular or traditional could claim they promote the nation's general welfare, however this does not grant Presidents, Congresses and Judges the authority of the "General Welfare Clause" to breach the wall of separation in the "Establishment Clause".

  5. Fact: Presidents, Congresses and Judges for decades have violated the U.S. Constitution, have made law and ruled, respecting an establishment of a Secular Religion of Morphed-Infidelism.

  6. Fact: All courts of the land, including the U.S. Supreme Court have been unduly influence, through 150 years by merely atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group combined with similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science.

  7. Fact: All judges of the land now have major conflicts of interest in the many thousands of rulings supporting a mere atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group combined with similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry that it automatically excludes them from judging the constitutionality of the matter. Leaving such an important matter in the hands of so few, would be both unlawful according to 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge and extremely unwise.

  8. For the many reasons above, I John Jerome Nowak propose an amendment to the constitution is in order, if not according to the constitutional provision through Congress then convening a constitutional convention to inscribe as if in stone as much as possible an unmovable supreme law of the land, Amendment 28 Secular religions shall be removed from all Government

Section III

(2007) Solutions: Constitutional Spirit, Amendments to the Constitution and Federal law:

Amendment 28: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government

Section One: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government.

Section Two: Religion to be officially recognized by the United States government as a human behavioral group with having a belief in God or a substitute in a sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God. Such as may exist in a person/possessor a “sense of things as in true, correct” that equates in similar regard as a “Supreme Being as in true, correct” outside of a traditional religion, still amounts to religion.

Section Three: The "Theory of Evolution" and the theory of "Intelligent Design" will  only be allowed to be taught by any non government group on the outside of government through private means/funding only, be allowed access to government funded academia and public schools K-12 to present a case for either. There will be no more government grants for either teaching, or research on the "Theory of Evolution", which would also exclude the theory of "Intelligent Design".

Section Four: Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology and Philosophy (infidel philosophy) to be officially recognized by the United States government, as human behavior groups, secular religions. 

Section Five: Government shall make no law respecting an establishment of Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology and Philosophy (infidel philosophy), or prohibiting free exercise of.  Government will neither promote or establish psychologists, psychiatrist instead promote and establish social workers for feeding, sheltering, clothing, giving medical care, and stabilizing the emotional disturbed from harming themselves. Most rarest, special circumstances, such as if someone dangers themselves or others, a group of people employed by the state, will be given the most minimal task, of stabilization, without drugs or counseling. 

Section Six: Constitutional rights of the stabilized emotional disturbed, to choose from a list of groups for their counseling. Equal access to the stabilized emotional disturbed, by all law abiding groups outside of government, either philosophy, psychology (non-traditional religion), or traditional religion and morality. 

Section Seven: All influences, counseling will be given strictly to groups who are private funding only, religious or secular. All human behavior groups, establishments non-traditional secular religion, or traditional religion will only be on the outside of government, who fairly complete for private funding, the trust of the People, by the People only. 

Section Eight: All law abiding groups non-traditional secular religion, or traditional religion can submit their name of their group and what they offer counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, as examples, on a list, which would be given to anyone who goes through the courts, jails, hospitals, schools, all state institutions of our nation. Which allows any individual to choose from the list for his or her counseling “private funded only”. No longer will people as in years past, be at the mercy of government employees, to insure their government jobs: 

Section Nine: All providence would be private funding only, be left to the people to decide with their donations alone, to a human behavior group of their choosing, this solely to decide which type and the extant of a human behavior group’s reach, providing counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, prescription drugs, as examples would be offered. The empowerment will return to the people as it was originally designed in the constitution. The people will determine, dependent upon what they observe in their society, if they will allow such use of drugs or limitation of such drugs.

Section Ten: The category of prescription drugs, psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, to be voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone under the age of 12 years old, under the age of 18 years old. If enough qualified signatures on a petition, placed on a balled to be voted to prohibited all together. Voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone in jail.

  1. If not prohibited all together, only voluntarily and with the permission of all three below, will be permitted to receive a psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, for the maximum of three months:

  1. A judge elected by the people every four years, anyone of the jurisdiction can be a candidate, if be for, against, or the limitation of granting and prohibiting specific psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, presented before the electorate. The judge will decided each case of his or her jurisdiction only, presented before his or her court. The person who will take the psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, must be present in front of the judge. The Judge cannot force anyone to take psychiatric drugs, antidepressants. 

  2. Medical doctor

  3. Human behavior group of one’s choosing. 

  1. All three permissions from a judge, medical doctor and a human behavior group of one’s choosing, to renew the prescription up to one year maximum usage of the prescription. Every year must go through same renewal process, including their presence before the judge.

  2. If the judge determines will end the prescription, there will be provided a gradual lower dosage for weaning off the drugs that are addictive.

  3. The people must retain a control, in voting for which judge to serve for four years, in granting or prohibiting psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, use.

Section Eleven: Break up the monopoly colossal government primary education (bias towards Infidelism morphed) establishment into three parts - Our Nation has a New Enemy Within Army of Disciples in Philosophy (Infidelism) 5-17-2010) :

  1. One third state education

  2. One third supported by vouchers private education

  3. One third who home school their children (supported by a smaller percentage of money provided for mothers).

Section Twelve: The government schools, lock, trust, monopoly on education, absolutely will be broken up, through vouchers (100 percentage amount of government school pays for per pupil), where the money follows to the child:

  1. Parents to choose the particular institutions of government or a private institution that has a particular human behavioral persuasion of the parents choosing. 

  2. Private schools will receive government funds per student, parents choosing. They must meet standards of safety, be law abiding and minim hours per subject. As to religious instructions, being they are a private institutions of the people, are exempt from restrictions from teaching tenets of their human behavior group, be it consisting of a God or not. Example such as any human behavior group, Christianity, Muslim, philosophy, psychology, atheism, etc. 

  3. Private schools must be law abiding, violations of laws will loose their prevision to student's funds from government. With the principle of equality to all human behavior groups, allows then public funds be used strictly according to the parent's sole choice of school. 

  4. All public school, will hand out diplomas at 10 grade, 16 years of age. Where some young men and woman will move on to marriage, not being hampered by not receiving a diploma, young woman will begin families, instead of murdering their babies in abortion. Young men will work to support their family. 

  5. Their will be optional two grades for occupational studies, especially for them who do not marry. 

  6. School with grades 9 to 12, will become open to other human behavior groups to use as facilities, consequently will then minus the among of pupil percentage government funds that follows the student, equal to upkeep of the facilities. To keep order and peace in the facilities, all apostatizing, converting, would be excluded from the halls, except for a standardized bill board beside each doorway, what is offered in the room. Their will be limits to volume of sound coming form the rooms. 

  7. Facilities from 9 to 12 grades, will one hour after the regular classes, will be open to all human behavior groups of the local district, all ages, all citizens, for multiple use facilities, with a small fee required to rent rooms, hall, or gym for the expenses of the facilities to operate. All government facilities for 8 grade or lower, will be restricted from other groups use and after hours facility use, for safety concerns, unless voted individually in each local district, the amount of facility availability, as long as equal to all.

  8. Government must also encourage home schooling, such as an amount of money would be giving to the mothers to home school. 

  9. Half the money that would be normally used by government schools per pupil, as an incentive for homeschooling. 

  10. 50 percent of the full amount, due to more expenses when having children leave home for a school, the added cost of buildings and so the mother aren't only interested in the money. This to encourage mothers and make it more easier for them to remain home. Where mothers and fathers training their own children is the idea setting over any other setting imagined by man or government bureaucracy. For mothers and fathers to care, nurture and teach their children in the ways of their choosing of a particular human behavior group, and in the ways of good citizenship. 

  11. To safe guard from abuses, from age of 5 to 11, every six months monitoring through standardized test, and 12 years old to 15 years old, quarterly monitoring through government standardize test would be administered in the government school, for the basics reading, writing, math, history. Supervised by a government official, If not pass, then the child has to to be either sent to public school, or a private school. 

  12. To protect home schooling from abuse and not to encourage an over abundance of having children, for financial gain only, each child addition, would receive one half of financial support, each child's before them. For example say the first child receive 7,000, second would receive 3500, third child would receive 1750, forth child and beyond will receive a minim of 1750. 

  13. As to discourage adultery, for any children born out of the marriage with another woman, will not be eligible to receive financial support, for home schooling, will only be eligible for private schooling or public schooling. 

  14. Any child born in the marriage, by another man, then her husband, will also not be eligible for financial support for home schooling for the particular child.

  15. Either parent convicted of felon, will be not be eligible for seven years to receive financial support, for home schooling.


  1. All Physical world Philosophy associates itself with particularly rudiments/elements/properties of nature, the physical world around us, can be still be studied and only used in their respective science class rooms.

  2. All Human Behavior Philosophy (infidel philosophy) and it's offspring Psychology, Sociology and Psychiatry departments, must all cease and desist their operations, be removed from all State institutions. Where no so called teacher/professor, student/disciple in these can received any tuition funds of the public institution, government subsidies of government student aid, and pensions must be ended. Why because its a violation of the Establishment Clause.

  3. All political Philosophy such as Political (so called) science departments being they have human behavior philosophy at their center, if not closed should be very much scrutinized and some compromise may be a more appropriate solution.

  4. All the above philosophies, would still be allowed access to particularly public higher education institutions approx 2,000 public universities and colleges.

  5. Traditional or non-traditional religion will each be offered the same respect and allowances, where they can rent a room in a public institution as a club, and be treated the same, no less and no more then any other club, traditional religion or non-traditional religion. I propose they can also be offered to use for hourly periods of time rooms and halls free of charge on the campus, with the State institution's guidelines of total impartiality shown towards all groups.


  1. Classrooms and halls, are to be used by either a non traditional or traditional religion by appointment only, appointed hourly time limits, the group must be law abiding, sound levels must be under certain limits, absolutely no request for money while in the free classroom or hall, when the classroom or hall is occupied their proselytizing is limited to the inside the classroom or hall. In the hall way proselytizing is limited to only a simple sign, what the group offers can be easily slid the information in a standard adapter on the outside of the room near the side of the door, when the room would soon be occupied, for anyone to read. No leader, teacher or however one is called by the group, can receive any of the institution's tuition from the students or government subsidies for students.

  2. Each group, secular religion or tradition religion, only source of funds will be solely by private means off campus, such as directing anyone to a groups website, and/or in a rented groups room on campus where request for donations is allowed to occur.

Secular Religion Gate

Published 2-26-2015 by John J. Nowak last edited 4/28//2019

P - E - T - I - T - I - O - N

Please sign and share this petition. Thanks

Unconstitutional Deep State Secular Religion Humanism

(House of Cards Multiple Trillion Tax Dollar Secular Religion Humanism Propaganda Scheme by the Far Left)

Government Funded Secular Religion Humanism at 1800 Gov't Universities and Colleges
Atheistic, Anti-Christian, Sexual Immoral, Marxist-Socialism-Communism, For Drugging America, For Baby Murder in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology, and Psychiatry
Violates the Establishment Clause
Unconstitutionally Sways Elections to the Far Left

  1. Government violated the U.S. Constitution First Amendment "Establishment Clause" had made law particularly funding/respecting an establishment/deep state of the secular religion Humanism of atheistic, anti-Christian, sexual immoral, Marxist-socialism-communism, for drugging America, for baby murder in Government universities and colleges.
  2. Government through the decades unconstitutionally massively created and promoted a systematically impose bias stacked and rigged faculty of professors and administration at government universities and colleges. This manifest in favoring and generating bias junk/fake so-called science, fake news to provide false credence in philosophy's (so-called wisdom), a secular religion Humanism in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology, and Psychiatry.
  3. Government unconstitutionally indoctrinated hundreds of millions of gullible youthful citizen students in the secular religion humanism at 1800 government universities and colleges, unconstitutionally sways elections.
  4. Government's bias junk/fake so-called science manifests in themselves and their students "a sincere and meaningful belief occupying the life of the possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God", meets the required element that defines a Secular religion (1965-1970) U.S. v Seeqer U.S. 162, 176 , Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333.
  5. Government's secular relgion Humanism's goal is to replace our nation's founding principles derived of the people contained in Judeo-Christian biblical creationism, biblical sociology, biblical moral secular spiritual (mental disposition) solutions to solve harmful human behavior with atheistic, anti-Christian, sexual immoral, Marxist-socialism-communism, for drugging America, for baby murder.
  6. Government must separate/remove the deep state secular religion Humanism from all government institutions, where only private institutions and private citizens may promote, restore the First Amendment "Establishment Clause" of the US Constitution.

-Clear Violation of the Establishment Clause-

-An Elephant in the Room,


Free ride - Government funded with trillions of tax dollars

Stacked and Rigged Atheistic Humanism at 1800 State Universities and Colleges (Indoctrination Camps) in the USA-

- Greatest Threat to Babies (abortion-murdered 61,000,000)-Christianity-the People-Free Enterprise-Republic, Constitution, Since the Revolutionary War. -

(The Emperor Has No Clothes)

U.S. Constitution First Amendment:
  1. "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion,..."
The U.S. Courts and Supreme Court had defined a Secular religion:
  1. "first place there are forms of belief...accepted as religions and whose adherents, numbering in the millions, not include or require as essential the belief in a deity",  (1957)  Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda
  2. "Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are ... Secular Humanism, and others", (1961) US Supreme Court Torcaso v. Watkins (367 U.S. 488)
  3. Listed elements of a secular religion:
  •  "training and belief", 
  • "...a sincere and meaningful belief occupying in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God" (1965-1970) U.S. v Seeqer U.S. 162, 176 , Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333:WW
  1. The elephant in the room = Free dictionary definition: An obvious truth or fact, especially one regarded as embarrassing or undesirable, that is being intentionally ignored or left unaddressed:
  1. We the people are battling for decades brainwashing, indoctrination occurring at 1800 State Universities and Colleges which have become in a large measure atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion indoctrination camps. Where there is an unconstitutional government respect (amounts to direct funding and free publicity in trillions of tax dollars) for the atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion dogma-belief in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology, and Psychiatry is science, when there is ample significant evidence they are junk-fake science due to having a stacked deck of extremely bias researchers, teachers and administrators, rigged to favor atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion tenets.
  2. There exist ample significant evidence of a stacked, rigged extremely bias atheist, anti-Christian-humanism deck in the teachers, researchers and administrations at 1800 government universities and colleges. extending to other institutions of government promoting the secular religion of humanism consisting of unreplicatible, faddish, laboratory ineffectiveness, bias, fraud, prejudice, tyranny, persecution, anti-Christian indoctrination, political correctness,  sexually immoral behavior, harassment of citizens at government Universities, colleges, indoctrination even in kindergarten-12, created laws to punish those who do not submit and seizing children from their parents. 
  1. Unreplicatible = "There is no more fundamental requirement in science that the replicability of findings be established. Yet, in psychology few replication studies are attempted, and of these only a small proportion are published ( see N. C. Smith, 1970, for a more extensive discussion of this issue and for other arguments that experimental method as normally practiced has serious limitations).", "Perhaps the most important reason for the widespread belief in the replicability of psychological experiments in the absence of replicability is that experimentalist often fail to distinguish between concurrent and temporal reliability." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-
  2. Faddish = "As Greenwald (1975) has observed, findings in psychology often have a faddish quality about them. At one point, studies that support a particular phenomenon are favored, and at another point, studies that refute the phenomenon are favored." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-
  3. Laboratory Ineffectiveness = "...the laboratory is often ineffective because much human behavior is so sensitive to incidental sources of stimulation, that adequate control wouldn’t be achieved” -Psychological Research Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst. (1981)-
  4. Bias = "Some journals state that they do not accept replication studies, and others cast doubt on accepted conclusions." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-
  5. Fraud = "Moreover, for the person who makes no attempt to replicate his or her own findings, there is little danger that others will demonstrate that the findings are unreplicatable because in the rare event that the replication is undertaken by someone else, discrepant results can almost always be dismissed as the result of minor procedural differences.-Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-"
  6. (1991) Government Universities Preferred Hiring, Awarding Tenure to Liberal Professors, Overall Leftest Bias Dominate - Hans Tirpak, Director, Law Student Bar Association, University of Buffalo, Amherst "...colleges and universities have been and are in the practice of hiring and awarding tenure to liberal professors over equally qualified conservative professors,..", “...the growing awareness that most of America’s colleges and universities, including UB (University of Buffalo), have become dominated by leftist professors and administrators strongly support the inference.", "It might be stretching things a bit to assert that UB and/or similarly situation colleges or universities do not hire conservative professors. I hear UB has some in its political science department. I even met one about a year ago. I was quite surprised. With that exception, every professor I have met at UB in the 2 1/2 years I’ve been a student has seemed leftist" Buffalo Newspaper.
  7. (2009) Evidence of Bias Against Men and Boys in Mental Health Research (video)
  8. (2012) The Washington Times- Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement - 80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats, 90 percent identified as liberal
  9. (2013) University campus is akin to something between a big church or a small Vatican -  Why many professors are atheists: Academe as a secular religious community
  10. (2014) Inside Higher ED - Retaliation Claim Vindicated "Seven years after Mike Adams sued the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, charging that he was denied a promotion because of his political views, a federal jury agreed"
  11. (2015) Exposed: Christian Students Rejected, Failed, and Expelled for their Faith by State Universities- RED STATE
  12. (2016) Liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds
  1. We the people are battling an unconstitutional State atheist, anti-Christian-humanism Secular religion that has taken over the Democratic party and partially the Republican Party. Not battling merely a political party.
  2. We the people must restore the fundamental principle in the establishment clause, stopping government making law respecting particularly today an athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion establishment in the 1800 State Universities and colleges.
  1. The immense logistical control and power of the combined 1800 State Universities and Colleges some the size of cities, networking as a colossal atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religious denomination spread out in all fifty states, and across the globe, preaching atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion tenets, dogma of its junk-fake science to the masses, resulting in spreading the brainwashing, indoctrination to all areas of society:
  1. Evolution instead of being presented as a theory alongside with the other theory Creationism, they preach Evolution as so-called fact, exclusively. 
  2. Sociology, psychology, and psychiatry are very short sighting, biased observations and particularly psychiatry is an unprovable theory of so-called chemical imbalance that is preached exclusively = Resulting in drugging, especially by State schools upon vulnerable children, where State schools earn money, for every child they place in special ed to receive drugs, amounting to millions of dollars
  3. So-called free love (not free), beginning in 1966 was lectured-preached at the University of Berkeley, California with the approval the University administration, renamed as so-called sex education-safe sex (indoctrination) = A root cause of millions of murdered babies in abortion, creating militant harden baby murdering feminist, costing trillions of tax dollar expense in 70 government programs caring for the millions of unwed mothers and their children, and the fatherless children more prone to drugs, crime, sexual immorality, diseases etc.
  4. Sodomy, and pretending to be the opposite sex dogma is preached as acceptable, exclusively = Resulting in brain washing, indoctrination of tens of millions of voters, cause of diseases, fake marriages, harming real marriages, persecution of Christians closing down Christian owned shops.
  5. Predominately the adherents of the  atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion are for dissolving the second amendment that is the last defense against tyrants taking over the government, were for a tidal wave of Muslim immigration who 27 percent believe in violence and 51 percent believe in sharia law that would dissolve the U.S. Constitution, for illegal immigration-open borders what amounts to an invasion, for the hoax of global warming-climate change resulting in schemes that would bankrupt the country, and lead us into socialism-communism.

  1. The Deep State unconstitutional atheist, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion establishment in government academia, 1800 universities, and colleges which are equivalent to 1800 secular religious indoctrination camps placed strategically all across America, California has over one hundred, is a significant factor turning the State far left and is the deep-rooted cause of abortion-murder.

  2. Where there exist an extremely bias stacked deck of so-called reseachers, teachers and administrators respecting an atheist, anti-Christian-humanism SECULAR RELIGION-more recently in history referred to as humanism in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology, and Psychiatry. ((2016) liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds
  3. Where the combined effect of 1800 Government Universities and colleges, some the size of cities have the power to indoctrinate tens of millions, bully its way in the public square, that's its secular religion tenets are revered to the point of exclusivity from all others.
  4. Where they are indoctrinating-brainwashing tens of millions of young men and woman students. Statistics show primarily prey on gullible young woman students that make up the majority of students since the 1970's (male-female ratio of 43.6–56.4)
  5. One of the main tenets, big lies of atheist, anti-Christian-humanism is so-called free love (is not free) contain in today's so-called sex education, first promulgated in the 1790's History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy), resulting in horrendous outcomes for woman and resurrected by Jefferson Poland who established the Sexual Freedom League (SFL) in 1966 and lectured with the approval of the University of Berkeley, California. Today as was in the 1960's, many woman attending government academia, become seduce and she acts out the secular-religious infidel-humanism indoctrination so-called free love (is not free), becomes impregnated, and due to the plight of the women without a husband, are directed toward another big lie of infidel-humanism indoctrination in so-called abortion, she is indoctrinated that it isn't murder. Many women then murders their babies so as to continue her studies, including her secular religious atheistic-infidel-humanism studies-indoctrination. Its no wonder there now exist millions of harden secular religious militant atheistic infidel-humanist feminist followers, and murder in abortion has been legal since the 1970's to deal with the big lie of the 1960's free love (is not free). Another tenet of athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion is promoting homosexuality, no wonder there is also since the 1960's a growing of numbers of homosexuals and even government officially recognizing another big lie, a marriage among homosexuals.
  6. The main motive of government academia-1800 government universities and colleges is greed after trillions of tax dollars in State and Federal funding, institutional funding, student aid, and grants for endless so-called studies, faculty pensions and political power to allow continuing of their secular religious atheistic infidel-humanist indoctrination scheme. Student loans have reached 1.5 trillion dollars.
  7. There is a multiplying effect of spreading further their indoctrination, when the indoctrinated student believers are placed on boards of corporations and mainstream media, respecting-promoting the tenets of the atheistic-Infidel-humanism secular religion in corporations.
  8. All these factors combine has unconstitutionally swayed election results to the far left, violated the establishment clause.
  9. Atheist, anti-Christian-humanism ultimate goal is to undermine and dissolve the nation's Judeo-Christian secular principled base Constitution and establish state-sponsored athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion derived Socialism-Communism-One World Government, following in the footsteps of its father Carl Marx, a father of sociology, a believer and practitioner in athiest, anti-Christian-humanism secular religion.
  10. Solutions, laws need to be enacted to place the deep State atheist, anti-Christian-humanism SECULAR RELIGION on the outside of government, no longer government funded-respected in Government schools-institutions, and no longer forced upon citizens. Laws need to be enacted that state all citizens whenever in the presence of a Government school, institution, particularly a court of law will be provided a list of all law-abiding human behavior groups, to choose from, be it a traditional religion, non traditional religion or even a secular religion group to interact and seek counseling, none will be funded-respected by government.

  1. We the People the private sector are under attack for decades, by a conspiracy orchestrated by an unconstitutional Deep State sponsored secular religion made up of government employees-so called teachers and their tens of millions of indoctrinated following students, unconstitutionally swayed the nation's election results to the far left.
  2. The State Sponsored Secualar religion is set up first through an extremely bias stacked, rigged, deck in government academia (1800 universities, and colleges) as:
1.) its orchestrated center of power and influence,
2.) given an unconstitutional free ride, funded and its mere approval-association with the inside of government amounts to yearly hundreds of billions of tax dollars,
3.) spread throughout government institutions, taking over boards of many corporations, and mainstream mass media, and
4.) infiltrated, envelop, and controls predominantly the Democratic Party and a large portion of the Republican Party
  1. The unconstitutional State Secular Religion called Humanism, has unconstituionally systematically
  1. replaced "human Origin - Judeo-Christian - Genesis/Creation" of the people with State dogma "human Origin - atheistic, Infidel - Evolution", 
  2. replaced "Human behavior - Judeo-Christian - Morality" of the people with State dogma "Human behavior - atheistic, Infidel - Sociology"
  3. replaced "Human mental disposition - Judeo-Christian - Spirit, Spiritual, Spirituality", of the people with State dogma "Human mental disposition - atheistic, Infidel - Psychology"
  4. replaced "Human Solution - Judeo-Christian - Wisdom" of the people with State dogma "Human solution - atheistic, Infidel - Psychiatry"
  1. Consequently the State sponsored Humanism spreads their extremely bias humanism secular religion propaganda indoctrination, political correctness throughout all government institutions (Unconstitutional Deep State), corporations and mass media.
  1. Their main motive is greed after 100's billions of tax dollars every year for salaries, pensions, and in inmense sums of public tax payer money going to Big Pharma's so called psychiatric (happy) drugs-snake oil-short term feel good, false remedies based on bias fake science, causing:
  • Creates scaring and neuronal loss,
  • shrinkage and/or loss of brain tissue,
  • significant reduction in the total brain weight and volume.
  • Increase the concentration of tTG (a marker of programmed cell death) in the central nervous system of living humans.
  1. The  State Sponsored secular religion Humanism has generated an unconstitutional unwarranted wide trust and acceptance of the public, that unconstitutionally swayed election results to the far left.
  2. Humanism's ultimate goal is absolute political power, undermine and dissolve the nation's Judeo-Christian secular principled base constitution, and establish Humanism derived socialism-communism.
  3. Without the cornerstone of the Establishment Clause fully intact "Congress shall make no law RESPECTING an establishment of religion..." including a secular religion of humanism, our nation's founding heritage of Judeo-Christian secular principled based laws and remainder amendments-rights will continue to crumble and fall.
  4. The Founding Fathers assured in writing the first Amendment establishment clause, a State religion would never occur again.
  5. The fault lies with Congress and the Supreme Court, who permitted State respect-favoritism of a secular religion of Humanism, that breach the cornerstone of our constitution in the Establishment Clause.
  6. Conservative minded people, politicians and speakers need to unite and spearhead a movement to cut off the hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars unconstitutionally funding and respecting a State Secular Religion Establishment, and to stop its forced indoctrination of tens of millions of impressionable youthful citizen.
  7. If you remove the underpinning of the multiple billions in tax dollars spent every year for the State secular religion called humanism,  you will restore the U.S. Constitution to its rightful spirit of the founding fathers originating of, by and for the people. 
The unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism Establishment consists of:
  1. Yearly unconstitutional 100's of billions of tax dollar respect, in violation of the establishment clause.
  2. Atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy tenets that morphed through the ages, were re-branded to hide their origins, their chaos, and ruination to past civilizations.
  3. An Equivalent God in Truth and Correctness, consist of extremely bias dogma fake human origin  science & human behavior science.
  4. A stacked, rigged deck in the administration of government academia (1800 universities and colleges) for decades have discriminated, preferably awarding tenure to atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy following professors.
  5. Furthering the stacked, rigged deck at Government universities and colleges is due to the Christian student's rejection, refraining from the indoctrination of the deep State religion humanism.
  6. Yearly unconstitutional forced indoctrination of tens of millions of impressionable youthful citizens.
  7. The combined weight of 1800 government universities and colleges have in effect, unconstitutionally forcibly implemented their beliefs of the unconstitutional State secular religion humanism upon all government institutions, unconstitutionally swayed society and elections.
  8. Main stream media are co-conspirators, promoting the status quo government respect of the unconstitutional secular religion humanism.
  9. Besides Democrats, even a number of Republics accept significant lobbying funds for their campaigns from the unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism.
  10. CEO's, large corporations and Hollywood regularly bow down to the unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism, worried losing audience and shoppers.

The unconstitutional State Secular Religion of progressive Humanism Establishment within government 1800 universities and colleges are as if multiple State sponsored indoctrination camps in every State.

Additionally 100,000 k-12 government schools, where the State Secular Religion Establishment is also indoctrinating and conditioning in atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy tenets.

The state of California for example has over a hundred State sponsored indoctrination camps as State universities and colleges, wielding their unconstitutional tax-funded power and influence, indoctrination to sway tens of millions of impressionable youthful citizens and eventually tipped elections towards Atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti Judeo - Christian) philosophy tenet policies.

The unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism Establishment has four atheistic, Infidel (ancient Greek anti-Judeo - Christian) philosophy main elements:

  • "Origin - atheistic, Infidel - Evolution" no creator, routinely indoctrinated as fact, based on atheistic world view, bias
  • "Human behavior - atheistic, Infidel - Sociology" promoters of sexual immorality/perversions so-called free love-safe sex-despises one woman and one man lifetime marriages, feminism-despises a woman's role at home, promotes baby murder in abortions, sodomy and socialism - big government micro managing every aspect of individual lives, observation of a very short segment of time human behavior, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  • "Human mental disposition - atheistic, Infidel - Psychology" man's discernment, mental disposition, atheistic world view, observation of a very short segment of time, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  • "Human solution - atheistic, Infidel - Psychiatry" their solution, remedy is drugging tens of millions of children where they enrich themselves on tax payer funds and insurance, based on the provable false theory of “chemical imbalance”, fraud.

The unconstitutional State Secular Religion Humanism Establishment for many decades been replacing our nation's Judeo-Christian secular principled heritage that originating from the private sector - THE PEOPLE. That was represented by our nation's founding fathers, beginning in the nations founding documents. These documents contain principles consisting of four elements found in the library of sixty-six books, by over forty authors, and of many generations of human behavior, referred to as the bible that are:

  • "Origin - Judeo-Christian - Genesis/Creation" a creator in the book of Genesis, our founding fathers gave homage and their trust four times to the creator, beginning with the Declaration of Independence in these words “nature's God”, “creator”, “supreme judge of the world”, and “with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION of Divine Providence”
  • "Human behavior - Judeo-Christian - Morality" contained in library of books called the bible, multiple observers for thousands of years, in multiple generations, written accounts of detailed human behavior, universal principles of moral human behavior created into laws, rights, versus immoral behavior, evil, for small centralized government-less over lording upon individuals, and for free enterprise-independent.
  • "Human mental disposition - Judeo-Christian - Spirit, Spiritual, Spirituality", man's discernment, mental disposition, vital principles, frame of mind, logic, train of thought, both secular and supernatural
  • "Human Solution - Judeo-Christian - Wisdom", insight, remedies/solutions that empowers one to overcome immoral behavior, brings inner peace, healthy moral lifestyles, and long life

I. Affirmatives:

A.) It is unconstitutional to use tax payer funds in the billions for "RESPECTING" atheistic, infidel (anti-Judaeo Christian) Philosophy (so-called wisdom) tenets under the titles of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry establishments.

Government cannot "MAKE LAW" that "FUNDS", give the status as "EXPERTS", status as "FACTS" and promote a "VERNACULAR, RULES, REGULATIONS and PROCEDURAL" under the titles of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry establishments, is a form of "RESPECTING", that marginalizes other particularly traditional religious establishments who also have much secular wisdom in human behavior, mental disposition, studies, remedies, vernacular, rules and their particular concept of the origin of man with God at its center.

B.) It is a violation of the Establishment Clause when the administration of massive government academia (1800 universities and colleges) gave tenure more so to fellow bias professor adherents of atheistic, infidel (anti-judeo Christian) Philosophy (so called wisdom) tenets, stacked and rigged the deck, created bias/fraudulent/fake science or Pseudo (meaning false, sham) science in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry, resulted in a sincere and meaningful belief occupying in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by God, a secular State religion.

  1. Beginning in 1991 to 2010 I tried my best and wrote a series of letters to Congress to the best of my ability on the human behavior group neutrality argument, special interest and secular religion argument, to warn America, some excerpts from the letters
  3. (1600's to 1850's) Judeo-Christian Principled Heritage Base of our Constitution and Government
  4. Detail study of the Establishment Clause, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution regarding a Secular Religion
  5. History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy)
  6. (Early 1800's to mid-1800's) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "sociology" - based on atheistic world view, promoters of sexual immorality/perversions, observation of a very short segment of time human behavior, social interactions, and between nations, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  7. (1859) Infidel philosophy morphed into being called "evolution" - no creator, even racism- based on atheistic world view
  8. (1879) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "psychology" - based on atheistic world view, man's discernment, mental disposition, atheistic world view, observation of a very short segment of time, faddish and bias against traditional religion
  9. (Early 1900's) Morphed-Infidelism took over a number of Protestant institutions, churches, colleges, and seminaries using the "inclusivist strategy":
  10. (1930 - 1950's) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "psychiatry" - based on atheistic world view, their solution, remedy is drugs where they enrich themselves, based on the provable false theory of “chemical imbalance”, fraud.

II: Amendment 28: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government

An amendment to the constitution is in order, if not according to the constitutional provision through Congress then convening a constitutional convention to inscribe as if in stone as much as possible an unmovable supreme law of the land, Amendment 28 Secular religions shall be removed from all Government/

Section One: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government.
Section Two: Religion to be officially recognized by the United States government as a human behavioral group with having a belief in God or a substitute in a sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God. Such as may exist in a person/possessor a “sense of things as in true, correct” that equates in similar regard as a “Supreme Being as in true, correct” outside of a traditional religion, still amounts to a religion.
Section Three: The "Theory of Evolution" and the theory of "Intelligent Design" will only be allowed to be taught by any nongovernment group on the outside of government through private means/funding only, be allowed access to government-funded academia and public schools K-12 to present a case for either. There will be no more government grants for either teaching or research on the "Theory of Evolution", which would also exclude the theory of "Intelligent Design".
Section Four: Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology, and Philosophy (infidel philosophy) to be officially recognized by the United States government, as human behavior groups, secular religions.
Section Five: Government shall make no law respecting an establishment of Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology, and Philosophy (infidel philosophy), or prohibiting the free exercise of.  Government will neither promote or establish psychologists, psychiatrist instead promote and establish social workers for feeding, sheltering, clothing, giving medical care, and stabilizing the emotional disturbed from harming themselves. Rarest, special circumstances, such as if someone dangers themselves or others, a group of people employed by the state, will be given the most minimal task, of stabilization, without drugs or counseling.
Section Six: Constitutional rights of the stabilized emotional disturbed, to choose from a list of groups for their counseling. Equal access to the stabilized emotional disturbed, by all law-abiding groups outside of government, either philosophy, psychology (non-traditional religion), or traditional religion and morality.
Section Seven: All influences, counseling will be given strictly to groups who are private funding only, religious or secular. All human behavior groups, establishments non-traditional secular religion, or traditional religion will only be on the outside of government, who fairly complete for private funding, the trust of the People, by the People only.
Section Eight: All law-abiding groups non-traditional secular religion or traditional religion can submit the name of their group and what they offer counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, as examples, on a list, which would be given to anyone who goes through the courts, jails, hospitals, schools, all state institutions of our nation. Which allows any individual to choose from the list for his or her counseling “private funded only”. No longer will people as in years past, be at the mercy of government employees, to insure their government jobs:

  • removing parts of the brains in lobotomies 
  • electrocuting their brains 
  • today drug induce chemical lobotomies claiming millions of American children are mentally ill, in government schools across our nation, government teachers are likened to the drug companies referral agents for Ritalin given to millions of children today, Class II narcotic. Subduing, and subjecting their minds, what is left of their minds, over to one particular human behavior group by government employees. Making them as money trees, for large corporations and their disciples through out state institutions profiteering from prescription drugs   

Section Nine: All providence would be private funding only, be left to the people to decide with their donations alone, to a human behavior group of their choosing, this solely to decide which type and the extant of a human behavior group’s reach, providing counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, prescription drugs, as examples would be offered. The empowerment will return to the people as it was originally designed in the constitution. The people will determine, dependent upon what they observe in their society if they will allow such use of drugs or limitation of such drugs.

Section Ten: The category of prescription drugs, psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, to be voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone under the age of 12 years old, under the age of 18 years old. If enough qualified signatures on a petition placed on a balled to be voted to prohibited altogether. Voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone in jail.

If not prohibited altogether, only voluntarily and with the permission of all three below, will be permitted to receive psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, for the maximum of three months:

A judge elected by the people every four years, anyone of the jurisdiction can be a candidate, if be for, against, or the limitation of granting and prohibiting specific psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, presented before the electorate. The judge will decide each case of his or her jurisdiction only, presented before his or her court. The person who will take the psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, must be present in front of the judge. The Judge cannot force anyone to take psychiatric drugs, antidepressants. 

  • Medical doctor
  • Human behavior group of one’s choosing. 
  • All three permissions from a judge, medical doctor and a human behavior group of one’s choosing, to renew the prescription up to one-year maximum usage of the prescription. Every year must go through same renewal process, including their presence before the judge.
If the judge determines will end the prescription, there will be provided a gradual lower dosage for weaning off the drugs that are addictive.
The people must retain a control, in voting for which judge to serve for four years, in granting or prohibiting psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, use.

Section Eleven: Break up the monopoly colossal government primary education (bias towards Infidelism morphed) establishment into three parts - Our Nation has a New Enemy Within Army of Disciples in Philosophy (Infidelism) 5-17-2010) :

  • One third state education
  • One third supported by vouchers private education
  • One third who home school their children (supported by a smaller percentage of money provided for mothers).

Section Twelve: The government schools, lock, trust, a monopoly on education, absolutely will be broken up, through vouchers (100 percentage amount of government school pays for per pupil), where the money follows to the child:

  • Parents to choose the particular institutions of government or a private institution that has a particular human behavioral persuasion of the parents choosing.
  • Private schools will receive government funds per student, parents choosing. They must meet standards of safety, be law abiding and minim hours per subject. As to religious instructions, being they are private institutions of the people, are exempt from restrictions from teaching tenets of their human behavior group, be it consisting of a God or not. An example such as any human behavior group, Christianity, Muslim, philosophy, psychology, atheism, etc.
  • Private schools must be law-abiding, violations of laws will lose their prevision to student's funds from the government. With the principle of equality to all human behavior groups, allows then public funds be used strictly according to the parent's sole choice of school. 
  • All public schools, will hand out diplomas at 10 grade, 16 years of age. Where some young men and woman will move on to marriage, not being hampered by not receiving a diploma, young women will begin families, instead of murdering their babies in abortion. Young men will work to support their family.
  • There will be optional two grades for occupational studies, especially for them who do not marry.
  • Schools with grades 9 to 12, will become open to other human behavior groups to use as facilities, consequently will then minus the among of pupil percentage government funds that follow the student, equal to the upkeep of the facilities. To keep order and peace in the facilities, all apostatizing, converting, would be excluded from the halls, except for a standardized bill board beside each doorway, what is offered in the room. There will be limits to the volume of sound coming from the rooms.
  • Facilities from 9 to 12 grades, will one hour after the regular classes, will be open to all human behavior groups of the local district, all ages, all citizens, for multiple use facilities, with a small fee required to rent rooms, hall, or gym for the expenses of the facilities to operate. All government facilities for 8 grade or lower, will be restricted from other groups use and after-hours facility use, for safety concerns, unless voted individually in each local district, the amount of facility availability, as long as equal to all.
  • The government must also encourage home schooling, such as an amount of money would be giving to the mothers to home school. 
  • Half the money that would be normally used by government schools per pupil, as an incentive for homeschooling. 50 percent of the full amount, due to more expenses when having children leave home for a school, the added cost of buildings and so the mother aren't only interested in the money. This to encourage mothers and make it easier for them to remain home. Where mothers and fathers training their own children is the idea setting over any other setting imagined by man or government bureaucracy. For mothers and fathers to care, nurture and teach their children in the ways of their choosing of a particular human behavior group, and in the ways of good citizenship.
  • To safe guard from abuses, from age of 5 to 11, every six months monitoring through a standardized test, and 12 years old to 15 years old, quarterly monitoring through government standardize test would be administered in the government school, for the basics reading, writing, math, history. Supervised by a government official, If not pass, then the child has to to be either sent to public school, or a private school. To protect home schooling from abuse and not to encourage an over abundance of having children, for financial gain only, each child addition, would receive one half of financial support, each child's before them. For example, say the first child receives 7,000, second would receive 3500, a third child would receive 1750, forth child and beyond will receive a minim of 1750.
  • As to discourage adultery, for any children born out of the marriage with another woman, will not be eligible to receive financial support, for home schooling, will only be eligible for private schooling or public schooling.
  • Any child born in the marriage, by another man, then her husband, will also not be eligible for financial support for home schooling for the particular child.
  • Either parent convicted of a felon will not be eligible for seven years to receive financial support, for home schooling.


  • All Physical world Philosophy associates itself with particularly rudiments/elements/properties of nature, the physical world around us can still be studied and only used in their respective science class rooms.
  • All Human Behavior Philosophy (infidel philosophy) and its offspring Psychology, Sociology and Psychiatry departments, must all cease and desist their operations, be removed from all State institutions. Where no so-called teacher/professor, student/disciple in these can receive any tuition funds of the public institution, government subsidies of government student aid, and pensions must be ended.
  • Why because its a violation of the Establishment Clause.
  • All political Philosophy such as Political (so-called) science departments being they have human behavior philosophy at their center, if not closed should be very much scrutinized and some compromise may be a more appropriate solution.
  • All the above philosophies would still be allowed access to particularly public higher education institutions approx 2,000 public universities and colleges.
  • Traditional or non-traditional religion will each be offered the same respect and allowances, where they can rent a room in a public institution as a club, and be treated the same, no less and no more than any other club, traditional religion or non-traditional religion. I propose they can also be offered to use for hourly periods of time rooms and halls free of charge on the campus, with the State institution's guidelines of total impartiality shown towards all groups.


  • Classrooms and halls, are to be used by either a non traditional or traditional religion by appointment only, appointed hourly time limits, the group must be law-abiding, sound levels must be under certain limits, absolutely no request for money while in the free classroom or hall, when the classroom or hall is occupied their proselytizing is limited to the inside the classroom or hall. In the hall way proselytizing is limited to only a simple sign, what the group offers can be easily slid the information in a standard adapter on the outside of the room near the side of the door, when the room would soon be occupied, for anyone to read. No leader, teacher or however one is called by the group, can receive any of the institution's tuition from the students or government subsidies for students.
  • Each group, secular religion or tradition religion, the only source of funds will be solely by private means off campus, such as directing anyone to a groups website, and/or in a rented groups room on campus where a request for donations is allowed to occur.

Mockers of the truth

Expect there be mockers of the truth, for they use mockery/ridicule/personal attacks as their weapon of choice. Timothy Dwight President 1795-1817 of Yale combating followers of atheistic, infidelism (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy) in his day replied "The cause which needs these weapons cannot be just; the doctrine which cannot be supported without them must be false.”, "He warned them against the bias of the world toward infidelity."


Please fervently pray that God saves us from the State unconstitutionally respecting a Secular Religion in "Sociology, Evolution, Psychology and Psychiatry" and its scourge of the country. It is up to individuals to place the spot light upon this major issue of our times, informing friends, family, churches, and organizations, to petition our government representatives to restore the primary core principle of our nation "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion" even a secular religion, to make our nation great again.


Section I

  1. Fact: Beginning in 1991 to 2010 I tried my best and wrote a series of letters to Congress to the best of my ability on the human behavior group neutrality argument, special interest and secular religion argument, to warn America, some excerpts from the letters
  2. (1600's to 1850's) Judeo-Christian Principled Heritage Base of our Constitution and Government
  3. Detail study of the Establishment Clause, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution regarding a Secular Religion

Section II

  1. History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy)
  2. 1840's Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called sociology, free divorce, utoptian socialist-socialism, free divorce, feminism, complex marriage, free love - based on Atheistic world view,1966 Free love taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval.
  3. 1859 Infidel Philosophy evolution - racism- based on atheistic world view
  4. 1879 Infidel Philosophy psychology - based on atheistic world view
  5. (Early 1900's) Morphed-Infidelism taken over a number of protestant institutions, churches, colleges and seminaries using the "inclusivist strategy":
  6. 1930- 1950's Infidel Philosophy psychiatry - based on atheistic world view

Section I

Fact: Beginning in 1991 to 2010 I tried my best and wrote a series of letters to Congress to the best of my ability on the human behavior group neutrality argument, special interest and secular religion argument, to warn America, some excerpts from the letters:

  1. 1991 Fact: "Our Nation the Untied States of America was constituted on the principle that our government must not fund, give official recognition of expertise, power of enforcement to any human behavioral group. This separation allows a fair selection by the majority of people to elect a representative, to govern with his principles from his human behavioral group or groups for a term of years." -Human Behavior Groups the Beginning of the End of our Constitution (1991) John Nowak-
  2. 1992 Fact: Special Interest Group majority members have special interest in three similarities: 1) college education 2) middle to upper income 3) refusal to give recognition and censors logic in people and books of other religions. Special Interest Group is propped up through government: 1) Funding 2) recognition of logic into a standard of laws for judging individuals and groups 3) power and prominence to intimidate and enforce their laws of logic. Special Interest Group is masquerading behind Psychology, Sociology, and philosophy (infidel philosophy), using special state powers and prominence to assist in: 1) indoctrination 2) drastic logic and behavior affect in individuals, families, jobs, entertainment and News media. 3) drastic logic and behavior affect in election, laws and enforcement. Special interest group branched out into government agencies after World War II. -Call For the Separation of Special Interest Group and State 1992 John Nowak-
  3. 1993 Fact: The people’s afflictions, trials, and observations bears me somber heartfelt reflection. My countrymen paths have been redirected unconstitutionally. The use of perceived notions of scientific credibility and the unconstitutional accompanying powers inside of government has allowed psychologists to generate an unwarranted suspicion across our country. The psychologist uses personnel experience, perceived sociological knowledge, and non-credible experiments to create human relation value polices, programs, and individual counseling. Supreme court has stated (Supreme Court judge commented) “among religions in this country which do not teach… a belief in the existence of God…(are) Buddhism, ethical culture, secular humanism, and others.” See Torcaso v. Watkin 367 U.S. 488.495n 11.  I John Nowak, a citizen of the United States of America contend Psychology is a secular religion. - Scientific Incredibility Secular Psychology a Religion 1993 John Nowak-
  4. 1995 Fact: "The government has subverted (traditional) religion and morality for about two generations through philosophy (infidel philosophy) and for about one generation through psychology, has been promoted, by governmental tenured teachers.-Declaration of Freedom of Religion and Morality from Governmental Subversion (1995) John Nowak-
  5. 2004 Fact: "A democracy is lost, when government selects and aligns itself with human behavior groups, through expertise status, involuntary enforcement in our courts, government agencies, armed forces, schools and universities (their grand buildings liken to temples of the state), by the amount of trillions of tax dollars, over the human behavior group of Christianity." -Vision to Restore Democracy And Biblical Morality of our Founding Fathers (2004) John Nowak-
  6. 2007 Fact: "Professors, teachers of Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology and Philosophy (infidel philosophy) have become as the nations priest to indoctrinate, dictate, program directly and indirectly their students (disciples), influencing unconstitutionally votes, causing the sensitive gage, the ballot box, elections to display faulty readings, especially the last forty to sixty years in America and democracies through out the world." -Constitutional Spirit Three Amendments to the Constitution (2007) John Nowak-
  7. 2007 Fact: "Will America see? She has gone off the mainstream spirit ( vital principle/mental disposition) of neutrality toward establishments, chartered by her founding fathers. Resulting in the primary source of subversion around the world of religion and particularly morality is from the State making laws respecting the establishments of philosophy and psychology." -Constitutional Spirit Three Amendments to the Constitution (2007) John Nowak-
  8. 2010 Fact: "Our founding fathers when written the constitution in 1787, had little clue, government will someday be a respecter of philosophy (infidel philosophy) and psychology in the vast government university and education system. Being the first government university institution wasn't established until 1801. All universities up until 1801 were of private citizenry. Yale, Princeton, many of religious grass roots. Wasn't until around 1879, Psychology began in German universities, acclaimed by the so called intelligentsia as a so called science. -Our Nation has a New Enemy Within Army of Disciples in Philosophy (infidel Philosophy) (2010) John Nowak-

To present a thorough case, we must go back in time to carefully observe the earliest sources, factual evidence of the formation of Judeo-Christian influence and have a detail study of the Establishment Clause "Wall of Separation" regarding secular religions.

(1600's to 1850's) Judeo-Christian Principled Heritage Base of our Constitution and Government

  1. Fact (1644) Roger Williams (Wikipedia) began the colony of Providence Plantation, which provided a refuge for religious minorities and non religious. Williams was a student of Native American languages and an advocate for fair dealings with Native Americans. Williams was arguably the first abolitionist in North America, having organized the first attempt to prohibit slavery in any of the original thirteen colonies.

  2. Fact: Williams took from many of the bible's old and new testament references to support and establish the principle “liberty of conscience” religious and non religious conscious, not to be persecuted by civil government. Williams described it as "hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wilderness of the world" the bed rock for “freedom of speech”, “freedom of the press”, and the First Amendment's “Establishment Clause” and "Free Exercise Clause".

  3. Fact: Williams first and later Locke used the parable of Jesus (Matt. 13:24-30) to support toleration, liberty of conscience:

  • Matt 13: 24 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, 25 but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds (tares) among the wheat and went away. 26 So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. 27 And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds (tares) you root up the wheat along with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.
  1. Fact: When the kingdom of heaven/church government is compared to civil government, the kingdom of heaven/church government awaits the final judgment of God, to deal with the tares, violators of the kingdom of heaven/church's rules and laws. Only does the the civil government become involved, when secular civil rules for the common good and peace of the state are broken.

  2. Fact: On the basis of a parable of Jesus in the New Testament, 1300 years of the State Catholic and State Protestant persecution of conscious would begin to crumble.

  3. Fact: (1776) Thomas Pain's wrote a book/tract “Common Sense” published on January 10, 1776 cited the argument, specifically stated in the old testament of the bible, that God was against having kings, that they will take advantage of them eventually, and overburden the people.

  4. Fact: “Common Sense” became the most widely published book at it's time, the equivalent if sold today, would be 15,000,000 copies in just three months.

  5. Fact: Paine gave his royalties from Common Sense to George Washington’s continental army. So the compelling interwoven secular/supernatural bible argument from the bible not only helped to give cause, support, it even fought the war by funding the war to establish our freedom and liberty. Can be said a book tip the scales, gave you your freedom and liberty today.

  6. Fact: Early Israel had a senate (elderly men in a representative body) representing the twelve tribes of Israel consisted of 70 elders (a 1,000 years before the establishment of ancient Greek senate).

  7. Fact: "55 Founding Fathers, we know what their sworn public confessions were. Twenty-eight were Episcopalians, eight were Presbyterians, seven were Congregationalists, two were Lutheran, two were Dutch Reformed, two were Methodist, two were Roman Catholic, one is unknown, and only three were deists --Williamson, Wilson, and Franklin." "Of the 55 delegates, virtually all of them were deeply committed Christians. Only three were deists. Even Franklin is equivocal because, though not an orthodox Christian, Franklin seems to have abandoned his deism early in life and moved back towards his Puritan roots. Indeed, it was 81 year old Franklin's emotional call to humble prayer on June 28, 1787, that was actually the turning point for a hopelessly stalled Constitutional convention. We have his appeal on record thanks to James Madison who took copious notes of the whole proceeding. His appeal contained no less than four direct quotations from Scripture. This does not sound like a man who was hostile to the Christian religion."

  8. Fact (1776) “Declaration of Independence” from the tyrannical king, an appeal by the founding fathers representing the people was to a God, referred four times to as  “nature's God”, “creator”, “supreme judge of the world”,  and “with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION of Divine Providence”.

  9. Fact (1887) Ben Franklin at age 81, stood up during the framing of our nation's Constitution, inadvertently testified as to the founding father's mental disposition during the days of the Revolutionary war “we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection”, in his request for prayer. Franklin quoted from the bible's old and New testament pointing to the particular God of the Judea - Christian persuasion.

  10. Fact: What The Founding Fathers said = University of Houston wondered if there was something unique about the government of the U.S. They gathered 15,000 quotes from the Founders and located where all of them came from. They then boiled that down to 3,154 quotes that had significant impact on the founding of America. It took them 10 years to finish the project, but they found that the three men most quoted by the Founding fathers were Blackstone, Montesquieu, and John Locke. They also found that the Bible was quoted: 4 times more often than Montesquieu, 12 times more often than Blackstone, and 16 times more often than Locke. Additionally, 34% of all quotes were from the Bible, and another 60% of the quotes were from men who were using the Bible to arrive at their conclusions. Added together, 94% of all the quotes of the Founders had their origin in the Bible, which shows the importance of God's word in their lives and of this Nation's founding. Quotes

  11. Fact: The U.S. Government was greatly influence and has much basis upon the Judeo-Christian principled morality and form of government particularly contained in the N.T. Church government order (non-denominational), with some slight variation, which is our nation's Judeo-Christian heritage. As similar to N.T. Church government of independent congregations there are independent states in our nation, where each state has its own government. The states similar as in the N.T. has elders (are overseers) and deacons (took care of the individual needs of the people), are defined in other words senators (means elders in Greek are overseers) and representatives (took care of the individual needs of the people).:

  12. Fact: The United States Federal Government is modeled slightly different in respects, being must have literal centralized planning and an army to protect a literal nation so we have a literal centralized government. In a federal government also modeled after a groups of elders and deacons in another words senators and representatives, and a central figure in the president. Compared to the N.T. Church of only independent congregations are only subject to the king of Kings and his apostles written words in rules and laws contained in the N.T as their sole centralized form of government.

  13. Fact: Our government was guided and modeled on principles of secular logic, morality particularly more so Christian New Testament teachings contained in the bible, having some but not exclusive relation to old testament principles, relating to living in harmony and peace with your fellow neighbor.

  14. Fact: The New Testament is called the perfect law of liberty. (James 1:25)

  15. Fact: Our Constitution has the phrase “Secure the Blessings of Liberty” indirectly gives homage to a God's providence of liberty.

  16. Fact: Our Constitution ends with "Seventeenth Day of September in The Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven."

  17. Fact: On Dec.15, 1791 was ratified the first Amendment of the Constitution called the “Establishment Clause" and “Free Exercise Clause”.

  18. Fact: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”

  19. Fact: That is up until recently, we have another State Religion in a non-traditional secular religion "Morphed-Infidelism", cloaked itself with a mere appearance of science, having a equivalent God effect as in mere appearances are truthful and correct to slip under the high wall of separation of State and Religion. Where once again a religion was place in all government institutions. Worst of all particularity placed in the courts of the land, that have persecuted "liberty of conscious" of citizens, used coercion, forced indoctrination and brain damaging drugging, to severely harm citizens even deaths, fleece Uncle Sam, the American citizenry in the trillions of multiple underlying cost, driving up the nation's deficit and medical cost rapidly.

  20. Fact: George Washington - Farewell Speech,  gave homage to God: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness--these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens."

  21. Fact: John Adams SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; JUDGE; DIPLOMAT; ONE OF TWO SIGNERS OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS; SECOND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES gave homage to God: Oct 11, 1798 ”We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”, On 28 June 1813 John Adams wrote "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were... the general principles of Christianity. …Now I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God", and the son of John Adams, John Quincy Adams Sixth President of the United States wrote in 1850 "The law given from Sinai was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and religious code; it contained many statutes . . . of universal application-laws essential to the existence of men in society, and most of which have been enacted by every nation which ever professed any code of laws."

  22. Fact: Thomas Jefferson words gave homage to God, are engraved on his Memiorial in Washington D.C.: “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever.” (excerpts are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital)

  23. Fact: Nation's heritage much was derived from the bible (means book), A LIBRARY OF 66 Books/letters, forty mostly elderly authors documenting detailed higher order of human behavior interactions, multiple generations through a time span of 4,000 years, thousands of human behavior interactions of worldly things:

  24. Fact: Thomas Jefferson's book divided out the secular content in the new testament from the supernatural content. Jefferson admired, wrote of Jesus secular logic as “most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man”. Jefferson’s book was printed by the U.S. government from 1904 to 1958 and given to every congressmen. Shows overwhelming evidence that the bible contains secular logic, that can't to a reasonable person, be denied.

  25. Fact: There are secular teachings, logic, principles contained in the bible.

  26. Fact: The word “secular” has two particular usages, one of which is: “of or pertaining to worldly things” The bible contains plenty of worldly things. In which Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers, many of whom were fully aware.

  27. Fact: The bible contains three types of spirit/logic: 

  1. distinctly secular spirit/logic in a sentence,

  2. distinctly supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence

  3. Interwoven, combined secular and supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence.

  1. Fact: "Spirit” has an important distinction AMONG A FEW distinctions in the bible, one particular distinction/concept is found in the highly acclaimed book, over a hundred years of research by hundreds of scholars into usages of words in the biblical era, called the exhaustive Strong's Concordance).

  2. Fact: 1984 edition Strong’s Concordance 4151: spirit = mental disposition, etc spirit, spiritual, spiritually, mind.

  3. Fact: The spirit or mental disposition, mind, be it – secular – or – supernatural – or combined, is the intent in the writer, or speaker behind their words. In another words, the word spirit equates to how we use the word psychology. The bible and it's forty authors describe the intent, mental disposition, mind in the word “spirit” at times. The word spirit was used around 600 times of either secular logic or supernatural logic in the bible.

  4. Fact: The bible in the words “Spirit, spiritual and spiritually” is ahead by thousands of years of the world's newer terminology “psychology, psychological and psychologically.

  5. Fact: Particularly in the Book of King Solomon named "Proverbs" in the Old testament exist hundreds of secular observations/studies of higher order of human behavior for young men to guide them, written in a very precise, short manner, called wisdom and proverbs.

  6. Fact: (1858) Abraham Lincoln used Mark 3:25 from the New testament, Jesus' statement “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” upon accepting the Illinois Republican Party's nomination as that state's United States senator. The “house divided” statement is in the bible can cut either way of the world only (secular) or supernaturally. Abraham Lincoln’s most acclaimed statement galvanizing his comprehension to the people his understanding of potential future events. “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become lawful in all the States, old as well as new — North as well as South."

  7. Fact: Many atheist, communist, socialist, evolutionist, and progressives, who are devotees to the unconstitutional State Secular Religion of morphed infidelism prop up in government will never acknowledge the bible contains large amounts of secular observations/studies of human behavior, lest they lose their Unconstitutional Secular Religion of Morphed Infidelism in government that is empowering them.

  8. Fact: Devotees to the unconstitutional State Secular Religion of Morphed infidelism will resort to infidelism's classic main weapon “ridicule and misinformation” to intimidate, marginalize and silence the truth.

Detail study of the Establishment Clause, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution regarding a Secular Religion:

First Amendment, Establishment Clause: 

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

Founding fathers primary focus:  Establishments/Sects of Christianity: Baptist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Anglican, etc.

Founding fathers secondary focus:  Establishments/Traditional religions: Christianity, Jewish, Islam, Hinduism, etc.

Nation's judeo-Christian Heritage exception: 

  1. All govt ELECTED officials beginning from the first document of the nation, the Declaration of Independence a petition, constitutionally permitted to give homage to “nature's God”, “creator”, “supreme judge of the world”, and “with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION of Divine Providence”, similar petitions and homage on the nations monuments, buildings, later currency, in elected officials prayers and the bible as a universally recognized source of both supernatural and secular knowledge of the founding fathers.

  2. Ben Franklin at age 81, stood up during the framing of our nation's Constitution, inadvertently testified as to the founding father's mental disposition during the days of the Revolutionary war “we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection”, in his request for prayer. Franklin quoted inadvertently testified from the bible's old and New testament pointing to the founding fathers particular God of the Judea - Christian persuasion.

  3. Government bureaucrats since they are non elected are simply the function of civil government are forbidden to initiate others during their government work hours in any official function prayer or homage to God.

  4. Exception in standard based heritage studies of the nation. I suggest comprise by every state legislature body, respecting the founding fathers neutrality towards all sects of Christianity.

  5. Elected officials and all citizens including children can initiate alone or others in prayer and homage to God at anytime, during any government function. Courtesy both ways. 

Founding fathers third focus:  Establishments/Secular religions: 

  1. Fact: When the establishment clause was crafted, was shown caution for neutrality sake, carefully selected were the words “establishment of religion” to differentiate between sects of Christianity, all types of religion, and even remotely a secular religion are not to be respected by Congress.

  2. Fact: Atheist hyper-reinterpreted the establishment clause, deceitfully prefer to exchange the word "establishment" to the word "Church" and erroneous argue, portraying anything that has mere association to “church”,  must be walled off from govt.

  3. Fact: They did not use the word “church” in the Establishment clause.

  4. Fact: Thomas Jefferson did not write the establishment clause.

  5. Fact; Jefferson 13 years afterwards when newly elected as the third president of the nation in 1802, responded to a letter from the baptist. Jefferson first reference citing the establishment cause in the constitutional. Jefferson continued to write, created a shortened phraseology, a summary in the words, “thus building a wall of separation between church and state” which in essence reiterated Roger Williams, who used many bible observations, to show the bible argues and supports a principle of sensible separation. Roger Williams phrase it in these words “hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wilderness of the world” in his book in 1644.

  6. Fact: Jefferson's metaphor of a wall of separation has been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court, in Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson's comments “may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment.”

  7. Fact: In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), Justice Hugo Black wrote: “In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state. 

  8. Fact: All four situations have the use of the word “church” 1.) in Roger Williams phrase in his book (1644), 2.) used by Thomas Jefferson (1802) in a letter, and the 3.) two Supreme court cases. 

  9. Fact: The plain reason for the specific word “church”, each situation above was dealing with particularly Christianity at the time, which is understandable. 

  10. Fact: Even so the word "church" was not used in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

  11. Fact: The reason why the the word "church" was not used in the First Amendment of the Constitution, is the tremendous weaknesses in the word “church” instead of the words "establishment of religion" particularly among atheist, whom many had been indoctrinated by the state into morphed infidelism (a form of atheism and a secular religion), etc. are now great adversaries against the bible/Christianity. Combine this with many atheist are ignorant of the bible's large amount of useful secular knowledge, will only point to statements that used the word “church”,  erroneous argue, portraying anything that has mere association to “church”,  must be walled off from govt. They decieve themselves and their listeners.

  12. Fact: The bible had greatly influence the rights of man by way of Roger Williams and the founding fathers, the heritage exception rule, historical founding founders statements in the founding documents. 

  13. Fact: The bible contains much secular knowledge and most importantly that the bible has three types of spirit/logic: 

1.) distinctly secular spirit/logic in a sentence very useful to the founding fathers, and later presidents

2.) combined secular and supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence useful to the founding fathers

3.) distinctly supernatural spirit/logic in a sentence

  1. Fact: It is the bible's secular knowledge of the surrounding world and studies, observations of higher forms of human behavior that was and still is very beneficial.

  2. Fact: Clear examples of secular knowledge is found in the the book of Proverbs, called wisdom, and other books of the bible exist hundreds of studies and observations of higher order forms of human behavior.

  3. Fact: "The establishment of psychology, a human behavior group, and a state secular establishment of religion originated from philosophy entered U.S. State universities in the 1890's afforded by rudimentary human behavior replicatablity having an aura of scientific respectability, slowly obtained government funding, publicity and prominence. While in govt had breached the Establishment clause "Wall of Separation" of the First Amendment, transformed itself into a secular religion by the aura of scientific respectability to cloak higher order of human behavior experimentation that is non-replicatable, was pawned to deceived Congresses and many citizens."

  4. Fact: "The U.S. Constitution is liken to a well crafted compass, precisely created mechanisms of government focus down to the delicately balanced needle empowering the people that directs the country in the proper course. The First Amendment's Establishment Clause is the fine turning of the compass meant to stop establishments of religion even an establishment of a non-traditional secular religion an unconstitutional mechanism from being placed in the compass. Reason is a non-traditional secular religion mechanism even if at first the affect is undetectable, but gradually through years and decades the affect substantially increases drawing the needle slowly further from it's true bearing, even while elections cycles swings the needle giving an illusion the bearing is true. The needle is off its true bearing, our country has fallen off course into chaos, where many citizens are harmed, suffer and many die."

  5. Fact: Congress must uphold the First Amendment of the Establishment Clause, remove the secular religion from government.

Section II

History of Infidel Philosophy (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed ancient Greek philosophy)

  1. Fact: History shows us a similar age of tremendous immorality occurred: 1790's "Darkest period Spiritually and morally in the histyory of American Christianity" "As the Eighteenth century drew to a close in America, there was one of the darkest period in the time. ... infiltration of French infidelity. Infidel clubs were popular (before there were government funded universities or colleges). They were made up of men and women who studied the works of Voltaire, Voiney, and Paine, and indulged in all sorts of based and lascivious practices. In one such club it was said that the conduct of the females was such as to illustrate the practical effects of their beliefs. Not one of them could or would pretend to know who was the father of their offspring.", "Joel Parker wrote: We are fast becoming a nation of drunkards. We could ascertain that there are 300,000 drunkards in our land and that from ten to twenty thousand were annually assigned to the drunkard's graves. Piety seems to be flying out of our land, religion declined, morality extinguished, vice grew bold, profaneness, reveling, dishonesty,...","Youths, particularly those who have been liberally educated, and who, with strong passions and feeble principles, were votaries of sensuality and ambition, delighted in the prospect of unrestrained gratification, and, panting to be enrolled with men of passion and splendor, became enamored of the new [infidel] doctrines." (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch)

  1. Fact: " was said that the infidels of France raised among themselves three million francs for the purpose of printing and distributing books to corrupt the minds of the American People. Timothy Dwight President 1795-1817 of Yale, in 1797, to the candidates for the baccalaureate preached on: The Nature and Danger of infidel philosophy” pointed out a clear list of the characteristics, traits and tendencies of Philosophy (infidel Philosophy). Mr. Dwight's book is credited as one of the embers of the Second Great Awakening. His text was Colossians 2:8: “beware lest any many spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of man, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ”, “The philosophy (infidel) which has opposed Christianity in every succeeding age has uniformity wore the same character, with that described in the text. It has rested on the same foundations, proceeded from the same dispositions, aimed at the same ends and produced the same means. Satisfied with the justice of these assertions, I feel it, young gentlemen, to be my duty on this occasion to exhort you to beware lest you become prey to the philosophy (infidel philosophy) which opposes the Gospel; to prove to you this philosophy is vain and deceitful; to show you that you are in danger of becoming a prey to it; and to dissuade you by several arguments from thus yielding yourself a prey. I shall endeavor to prove to you, that this Philosophy is vain and deceitful" -Timothy Dwight-“You will observe, that it is a particular kind of Philosophy (infidel), against which all my arguments are directed. Philosophy at large, or the use and the attainments of our reason, in the candid and careful examination of every question, within the limits of our understanding, so far as it springs from a real desire of investigating truth, and proceeds on satisfactory evidence, is not only undeserving of censure, but deserving of the highest praise." -Timothy Dright-

  2. "He showed them that infidel philosophy of their day was merely a revival of what other philosophers taught. In this sermon he put these philosophers, as it were, in a procession. He made them march, one by one, before his listeners as he unfolded their teaching and the character it produced. (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch pp 19-26)

  1. Philosophers: Zeno taught, that all crimes were equal; that we ought never to forgive injuries; and that the most abominable lewdness is lawful.
  2. Plato taught that lewdness was justifiable and Cicero, that it was a crime of small magnitude.
  3. Aristippus taught that both theft and adultery were lawful.
  4. Menippus, because he had lost a sum of money, murdered himself; as did also Zeno, Cleanthes, Chrysippus, Cleombrotus, Cato the younger, and Brutus.
  5. Many of the ancient philosophers were noted for sodomy Seneca, Aristippus, Zeno and Zenophen.
  6. Xenophon was a notorious sodomite, and said in the absence of a boy, whom he kept. I would be blind to all things else, so that I might see Clinias” and again, “ thanks to the sun, which discloses to me the face of Clinias.”
  7. Plutarch, acknowledge the fact, makes for them an apology, that, though they corrupted their bodies, they made them amends for it by improving their souls.
  8. Both Zeno and Cleanthes taught that children may lawfully roast and eat their own parents as any other food.
  9. Diogenes and the Cynics generally taught that parents may lawfully sacrifice and eat their children.
  10. (Philosopher Lord Bolingbroke 1678—1751)  
  • man is only a superior animal;
  • that man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh.
  • Adultery is no violation of the law, or religion of nature;
  • that there is no wrong in lewdness except in the highest incest;
  • that the law or religion of nature forbids no incest except between the nearest relations and plainly supposes that all men and woman are unchaste and that there is no such thing as conjugal fidelity.
  1. Mr. Hume (Philosopher David Hume (1711 – 1776) declares:
  • that man is a mere machine, that is, an object operated on by external causes;
  • that suicide or self murder is lawful and commendable and of course virtuous;
  • that adultery must be practice, if we would obtain all the advantages of life;
  • that female infidelity (or adultery) when known is a small thing, when unknown, nothing,
  • that skepticism is the true and only wise wisdom of man;
  • that it is unreasonable to believe God to be wise and good.
  • The mortality and immateriality of the soul;
  • the doctrine that man is a mere animal,
  • that animal gratification is the chief end of our being,
  • that right and wrong depend solely on the decision of the magistrate;
  • that ridicule is the test of truth;
  • that we may lawfully get all things, if we get them safely;
  • that modesty is inspired only by prejudice and has its foundation in the mere desire of appearing to be superior to animals.
  • Adultery is lawful according to the religion of nature...
  1. “When we view the pernicious tendency of these doctrines, we may safely say that thoroughly practiced, they would overwhelm the world with that misery which scriptures exhibit as experience only in hell.” -Timothy Dwight-

Classic infidelism Ideologies main elements are:

  • there is no God or if there is a God it is unreasonable to believe God to be wise and good (anti-biblical)
  • lewdness, (anti-biblical)
  • adultery-Infidelity when known is a small thing, when unknown, nothing, (anti-biblical)
  • Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh, in other words one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse) when unknown, nothing (morphed, rebranded mid 1800's as "free love", multiple sex partners, radical sex) (anti-biblical), Contrast to the Historical biblical concept of "One Flesh Marriage" basis of shot gun marriages (biblical)
  • legalize moral vice making it seemingly safe, (anti-biblical)
  • premeditated murder of defenseless babies resulting from Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh (anti-biblical)
  • sodomy (anti-biblical)
  • suicide (anti-biblical)
  • that we may lawfully get all things, if we get them safely (anti-biblical)
  • that right and wrong depend solely on the decision of the magistrate (anti-biblical)
  • ridicule-misinformation-deceitful (anti-biblical)

Definition for Deceitful = intended to deceive; misleading; fraudulent: a deceitful action

  1. "Dwright warned them against another source of danger; namely, the contempt and ridicule with which Christianity is opposed. (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch)

  1. Lord Shaftesbury was a master in ridicule.

  2. Voltarie (1694-1778) said "Render those pedants as enormously ridiculous as you can. Ridicule will do everything."

  1. To this Dwight replied "The cause which needs these weapons cannot be just; the doctrine which cannot be supported without them must be false.”

  2. "He warned them against the bias of the world toward infidelity."

  1. Consider Mr. Dwight words were said 5 years before there was any government provided public education until 1801, previously all education institutions were mainly of religious private funded origins, teaching mainly up to 18 years of age. Compared to today there are about 1,800 public so called education institutions of so called higher learning, and about 100,000 public primary schools.

  2. "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." -Abraham Lincoln- 

  3. Our Government has become a House Built Upon Sand, as Abraham Lincoln in 1858 quoted from Jesus' words "A house divided against itself can't stand", another quote of Jesus bears a principled truth: "...likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it" -John Nowak 2014-

  1. Fact: Since then Infidel Philosophy's (unbeliever's) tenets have morphed were repackaged - rebranded as to hide their true origins/identity, to deceive many again causing misery and ruin in many broken lives, resulted in the combined deaths of 2-3 billion. Having a stack deck, Junk/Fake Science was sold under the lie as science, given a Supreme being truth, correctness-effect becomes a State Secular Religion:
  1. 1840's Infidel Philosophy sociology, free divorce, utoptian socialist-socialism, free divorce, frminism, complex marriage, free love - based on Atheistic world view,1966 Free love taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval. Today taught as safe sex to teenagers.
  2. 1859 Infidel Philosophy evolution - racism- based on atheistic world view
  3. 1879 Infidel Philosophy psychology - based on atheistic world view 
  4. 1930- 1950's Infidel Philosophy psychiatry - based on atheistic world view

(Early 1800's to mid 1800's) Infidel Philosophy morphed into being called "sociology" - based on atheistic (anti-Judeo Christian) world view.

Classical Infidel Philosophy leudness, infidelity, adultery:

Plato taught that lewdness was justifiable and Cicero, that it was a crime of small magnitude.
Aristippus taught that both theft and adultery were lawful.
( 1678—1751Philosopher Lord Bolingbroke) Adultery is lawful according to the religion of nature...
  • Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh.
  • Adultery is no violation of the law, or religion of nature;
  • There is no wrong in lewdness except in the highest incest;
(1711 – 1776) Philosopher David Hume taught that:
  • adultery must be practice, if we would obtain all the advantages of life
  • that female infidelity (or adultery) when known is a small thing, when unknown, nothing,
  • that animal gratification is the chief end of our being,
  • that we may lawfully get all things, if we get them safely;
  • that modesty is inspired only by prejudice and has its foundation in the mere desire of appearing to be superior to animals.

Sociology is simply cloaked (anti-judea Christian) philosophy was created with two elements, its first element was called  free divorce, feminism, complex marriage, then free love, which sprang its second element socialism/communism. The second element was championed by Karl Marx, its first element was championed again in 1966, where free love was taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval. Then in the 1980's free love morphed into being called safe sex, and was taught to tens of millions of teenagers.

(Early 1800's to mid 1800's) Sociology element two called free divorce, feminism, complex marriage, free love

"...sociologist Herbert Spencer argued in his Principles of Sociology for the implementation of free divorce." Wikipedia
 "Utopian socialism "Sharing the free-love ideals of the earlier social movements—as well as their feminism, pacifism, and simple communal life—were the utopian socialist communities of early-nineteenth-century France and Britain, associated with writers and thinkers such as Henri de Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier in France, and Robert Owen in England. Fourier, April 1772 – 10 October 1837) was a French philosopher and an influential early socialist thinker later associated with "utopian socialism". Fourier is, for instance, credited with having originated the word feminism in 1837... argued that true freedom could only occur without masters, without the ethos of work, and without suppressing passions: the suppression of passions is not only destructive to the individual, but to society as a whole. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one's difference" can actually enhance social integration." Wikipedia
"Robert Owen argued that marriage formed one of an "awful trinity" of oppressors to mankind, as well as religion and private property, and his son Robert Dale was a leading proponent of free divorce. The Saint-Simonian feminist Pauline Roland took a free-love stance against marriage, having four children in the 1830s, all of whom bore her name." Wikipedia
 "Free love began to coalesce into a movement in the mid to late 19th century. The term was coined by the socialist writer John Humphrey Noyes, although he preferred to use the term 'complex marriage'.   Wikipedia

(1840's) "Sociology" one of its founders is Karl Max, also founder of communism/socialism (credited to murdered 147 million people).

(Early 1800's to mid 1800's) Sociology element two called utoptian socialist-socialism, scientific socialism, socialism/communism.

Socialist - communism
  • The father of communism a sociologist Karl Marx 1840's, (Wikipedia) “Karl Marx was born on 5 May 1818 to Heinrich Marx  ….”, “Largely non-religious, Heinrich was a man...interested in the ideas of the philosophers Immanuel Kant and Voltaire. “, “A classic liberal...”. “Young Karl was privately educated, by Heinrich Marx, until 1830 ,...he entered Trier High School, whose headmaster, Hugo Wyttenbach, was a friend of his father. ...employing many liberal humanists as teachers, “In October 1835 at the age of 17, Marx travelled to the University of Bonn wishing to study philosophy ...”, “...Marx and Bauer were both atheists...”.  ...they scandalised their class by getting drunk, laughing in church, and galloping through the streets on donkeys.[48]”. “In 1843, Marx became co-editor of a new, radical leftist Parisian newspaper, the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (German-French Annals), then being set up by the German socialist Arnold Ruge to bring together German and French radicals “, “spring of 1845 his continued study of political economy, capital and capitalism had led Marx to the belief that the new political economic theory that he was espousing—scientific socialism—needed to be built on the base of a thoroughly developed materialistic view of the world."

(1966) Berkeley University, California is regarded as ground zero for the so called free love movement, allowed a group "Sexual Freedom League" who promoted and practice nude parties and orgies to lecture on tenets of atheistic, infidel (anti-judeo Christian) Philosophy (so called wisdom) "free love".

1966 Free love taught/lectured at the Univerity of California, Berkley with university approval. Dormitories where impressionable youthful citizens, particularly youthful woman were far away from their parent's protection and guidance were susceptible, became pregnant.
  • "in the mid-1960's, the free love movement established a place on U.S. college campuses and contributed to ongoing debates.... In 1963, New York City resident Jefferson Poland established the Sexual Freedom League (SFL) to promote free love (sometimes called free sex) and agitate for political reform, including the repeal of existing laws against abortion. (American Countercultures: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History)
  • "In 1966, having moved to the San Fransisco Bay Area, Poland founded a chapter at University of California, Berkley. Along with its counterpart, the east Bay SFL, the organization achieved national prominence for its promotion of nude parties and sex orgies. In addition to other activities promoting free love, the group distributed literature on birth control, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases on the college campus and lectured on these subjects with university approval.: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History)
  • 1967 Summer of Love
  • 1960's) Free love - Wikipedia
  • 1960's Infidel Philosophy "Man's chief end is to gratify the appetites and inclinations of the flesh" - based on atheistic world view, in other words "One Flesh" (mutual consented sexual intercourse) when unknown, was regarded as nothing, had morphed in being rebranded to sound more palatable in the mid 1800's, as "free love". Its supporters, believers partially through ignorance, selfishness, and rejection had attacked the biblical concept of "One Flesh" marriage the basis of shot gun marriages and promoted the premeditated murder of free love's unwanted babies in abortions (60,000,000 deaths USA, racist particularly more so Black babies in a Black Holocaust, 1.4 billion deaths across the world since 1980). Free love increased sodomy, the numbers of sodomist (aids 30,000,000 deaths), increase sexually transmitted diseases (110 million infected), and later taught as "safe sex" to teenagers by Government Schools. So called free love more recently brought us so called sodomist marriages:

(1980's) Free love was re-branded, disguised as so called "safe sex" taught to tens of millions of teenagers, promoted a mutiple sexual partners culture lifestyle rejecting self control, rejected marriage recognition/certificate, consequently in the heat of passion without self control throwing off so called safe sex, responsible for the premeditated murder of 60,000,000 babies, where so called free love/safe sex isn't free or safe, creating a yearly three trillion dollar tax and associated expense in:

  1. 70 welfare programs to take care of unwed mothers and their children (yearly cost a trillion dollars), increased fatherless children, children without motherly supervision, resulting in lawlessness/crime/drug abuse
  2. additional law enforcement, jails, lawyers, and courts
  3. additional healthcare for associated sexual diseases such as Aids, S.T.D.s infected 110 million americans
  4. additional healthcare for other lawlessness/crime/drug abuse associated health problems
  5. additional secular State religion in so called sociology, psychology and psychiatry
  6. in so called Obama care

Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows Sociology,  to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the defined principle by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.

Fact: Compared to thousands of years, when a couple (particularly virgins) became one flesh unknown to others and the woman was later found to be pregnant were forced to be officially recognized as married (Historical biblical concept of "One Flesh Marriage" basis of shot gun marriages - biblical, lifetime marriage). The One Flesh Marriage was based upon the principle found in the book of Genesis, marriage begins at the moment of "One Flesh" (mutual consented sexual intercourse) known or unknown to others, affirmed by Moses Laws forced recognition, then affirmed and confirmed by Jesus of Nazareth, assuring the greatest amount of peace and harmony in society, and assuring as much as possible two parent's caring for babies, what we call today a "shot gun marriage".

Fact: Moses had specified laws enforced marriage recognition among youthful couples (particularly virgin woman) who became "one flesh" unknown to others, for civil social peace and harmony, affirmed by Jesus of Nazareth a primary teaching of his church, where in the more recent age was referred to as a shot gun marriage.
Fact: Infidel morphed philosophy junk science blindness took advantage of another blindness in the 450 year old anti-biblical concept "one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse) (particularly virgins both male and female) when unknown is deemed as a sin, promulgated and promoted by the Catholic Group in Europe when was a state religion which influence many other religious groups to this day. (Sadly there are many religious people non-Catholics and Catholics would rather not have this exposed, for a number of reasons. Even so I hope you will consider why this major 450 year old error of the Catholic group must be exposed and publicized, if there is going to ever be a return of our nation to a solid ground of life time marriages from virginity to the grave, saving our nation from collapsing within through immorality.)

Fact: The government universities and colleges through their atheistic, infidel morphed philosophy bias junk science blindness in sociology, evolution, psychology, and psychiatry had propagated and promoted separating of youthful couples (particularly virgins) though various means,. - one of which comes down to love of money, filthy lucre, and deceitfulness -, particularly for the students tuition and fees. They kept the impressionable youthful pregnant woman students in their class rooms, hopeless and idolizing love of money in a career over motherhood; were deceived as Eve in the garden were persuaded not to interfere with their schooling, into thinking they aren't premeditated murdering their babies, in the rebranded word "abortion". This created a large segment of the female population into baby murderers, men haters, more evil then Nazism, and radical feminism. Which in part had influenced culture drastically increased the murdering of the youthful couple Complete Genetic Human lives (CGHL) in abortion, consequently started a chain reaction of connected ever increasing destructive multiple dire harmful behaviors.
  1. Fact: (2011) Each year 10 percent of college-age women become pregnant, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization founded by Planned Parenthood. Women 18-24 accounted for 44.4 percent of all abortions in 2008, and 74 percent of women who have abortions say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities.
  2. Fact: The male-female ratio in higher education has been steadily moved in favor of the females ever since the 1970s. Total enrollment figures show that females outnumbered their male counterparts for the first time in the late 1970s, and they have steadily increased their numerical advantage ever since.
(2008) 43.6 percent male and 56.4 percent female ration attend govenrment universites and colleges

Radical Feminism -Wikipedia

Fact: The 1800 Government Universities and colleges are built on blood money, 60,000,000 premeditated murdered Complete Genetic Human lives (CGHL) in abortion.

Fact: In the 1980's began to be taught "free love" to an even younger generation, morphed, rebranded to sound more palatable, as so called "safe sex" at the monopoly government schools, where 9 out of 10 teenagers are coerced to attend.

Fact: Nation's tremendous cost of morphed-Infidelism so called FREE LOVE and since 1980's morphed, been rebranded, taught as so called SAFE SEX to tens of millions of teenagers and its consequences, multiple partners, uninhibited sex, sodomist and the State not having a law that enforces officially recognizing youthful marriages (particularly involving virgins both the male and female) when occurs one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse) unknown to others; America is needlessly spending over a trillion dollars a year in trying to remedy unwed births, that is failing miserably and is a major factor for the National deficit bankrupting our nation:
  1. Increased unwanted babies
  2. Increased premeditated murder of babies in abortions (60,000,000)
  3. Increased womanizers
  4. Increased the number of adulterers, adultery
  5. Increased broken marriages
  6. Increased domestic violence
  7. Increased single mothers
  8. Increased poverty
  9. Increased drug addiction
  10. Increased crime
  11. Increased medical cost
  12. increased mentally unstable citizens
  13. Increased radical feminist, men haters, for men leaving them behind after taking advantage of them
  14. Increased distrust between opposite sexes consequently they turned to having sex with their own sex
  15. Increased the number of sodomist
  16. Increased the number of men and woman dressing up as the opposite sex
  17. Increased suicides
  18. Increased Big Government, big brother, nanny state
  19. Increased the need for more police, judges, and lawyers
  20. Increased the number of jails and jail population
  21. Increased State secular religion of unconstitutionally atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science sociology, psychology and brain damaging psychiatry drugs pretending to fix the chaos, instead are contributing factors creating the chaos for filthy lucre/money
  22. Increased dependents on the State, many disabled from the brain damaging psychiatry drugs for life costing tax payers billions
  23. Increased child abuse in its many forms
  24. Increased fatherless children during the full length of childhood and early teen years is a form of child abuse equivalent to child sexual abuse, a child in both instances is devalued, the parent has stop proper obligational care.
  25. Increased motherless children, during the full length of childhood and early teen years is a form of child abuse equivalent to child sexual abuse, a child in both instances is devalued, love of money/greed wins over the child, instilled in the child to love money/greed over others, creating a  generation of greed ravaging America, the parent has stop proper obligational care. Proper parent caring for their children is a pillar, just as much as religion and morality are pillars, great duties of men and citizens stated by George Washington in his farewell address as our first President of our nation. Many woman are chasing careers have neglected their children a form of child abuse, millions of children are raised at child care centers instead of by their mothers. Its one thing in an emergency a mother may need to work at times, but the State to make policies that propagates motherless children the full length of childhood and early teen years is a form of State sponsored child abuse:
  1. State's policy not having a law that enforces officially recognizing when becomes known youthful marriages when occurred at the moment of one flesh (mutual consented sexual intercourse particularly when both were virgins) unknown to others, results in fatherless children, and consequently even brings about motherless children, a form of child abuse
  2. State's policy in its Government Big Academia's self interest for money/filthy lucre for  particularly woman students tuition and fees, preys on two types of mothers "...public universities ... male-female ratio of 43.6–56.4.", promoting mothers to continue or start a career, consequently brings about motherless children, child abuse:
  1. Mothers who due to government not forcible recognizing their youthful marriage occurred at the moment of one flesh, are alone must defend for themselves, are entice to leave their children behind by government Big Academia for a career creating motherless children, child abuse
  2. Mothers who are living relatively comfortable with a husband, are entice to leave their children behind by government Big Academia for a career seeking riches creating motherless children, is a form of child abuse
  1. As for Mothers who are wealthy are in a class of their own child abusers, they hire nannies to raise their children is a form of child abuse, the child is devalued below the mother's care of the world/selfishness, is a form of child abuse
  1. Increased sexually transmitted diseases (1970's onward) Sexually transmitted diseases (110 million in USA) from so called Free Love Philosophy.
  2. (1970's onward) Aids (30,000,000 deaths) from so called Free Love Philosophy increased sodomy.
  3. (1980 onward) Infidelism Morphed into Abortion Philosophy (60,000,000 deaths USA, 1.4 billion deaths across the world)
  4. Earth Day: Abortion Has Killed 1-2 Billion Worldwide in 50 Years
  5. Infanticide in America, Obama voted against born alive (video)
  6. MAAFA 21 THE BLACK HOLOCAUST (video) "Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?"
  7. Increased spending of tax dollars (trillion dollars a year) so Government can pretend its fixing the train wreck, created the national debt of 20 trillion

(September 2009 "Since the beginning of the War on Poverty, government has spent $15.9 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dol­lars) on means-tested welfare. In comparison, the cost of all other wars in U.S. history was $6.4 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dollars).

In his first two years in office, President Barack Obama will increase annual federal welfare spending by one-third from $522 billion to $697 billion. The combined two-year increase will equal almost $263 billion ($88.2 bil­lion in FY 2009 plus $174.6 billion in FY 2010). After adjusting for inflation, this increase is two and a half times greater than any previous increase in federal welfare spending in U.S. history. As a share of the economy, annual fed­eral welfare spending will rise by roughly 1.2 percent of GDP.

Under President Obama, government will spend more on welfare in a single year than President George W. Bush spent on the war in Iraq during his entire presidency. According to the Congressional Research Service, the cost of the Iraq war through the end of the Bush Administration was around $622 billion. By contrast, annual federal and state means-tested welfare spending will reach $888 billion in FY 2010. Federal welfare spending alone will equal $697 billion in that year.

While campaigning for the presidency, Obama lamented that "the war in Iraq is costing each household about $100 per month." Applying the same standard to means-tested welfare spending reveals that welfare will cost each household $560 per month in 2009 and $638 per month in 2010."

  1. Increased the hidden cost and the tremendous hidden misery of so called free love if could put a price tag on, will be many more trillions of dollars a year
  1. Fact: Where now infidelity-adultery-free love is rampant, immorality that surpasses Hitler in 60,000,000 defenseless babies have been premeditated murdered rebranded as abortion, even recently where now America allows the premeditated murdered baby body parts to be sold for profit. We have even given the highest honor to sodomy, in officially giving the status of marriage.

  1. 1859 Infidel Philosophy Darwin's evolution - atheism - racism - based on atheistic world view:
In 1859 on the eve of the civil war was published by Charles Darwin "The Origin of Species..." proclaiming the "Theory of Evolution", in its full title were the words "...the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life" that was removed in later revisions, even so having the combined effect of saying:
  1. that African American slavery is justified according to the theory of evolution in the preservation of favored races (Darwin's racism)
  2. the bible is false
  3. Moses was a liar in writing the book of Genesis containing creation
  4. Jesus was a liar, when refers to the beginning, creation, Adam and Eve Matt 19:4, Mark 10:6,
  5. Declaration of Independence greatest principle of rights was a big lie "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
  6. the existence of the United States of America was based on a big lie
  7. Founding fathers of our nation were liars
  8. there is no creator/God

Darwin Evolution, racism:

Darwin did distinguish between various human races, or “species of men,” and he believed that some were superior to others (1871, p. 395). Although he steered clear of these ideas in The Origin of Species, his second major work on evolutionary theory, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, published in 1871, did address the issue.

Darwin began the first chapter of The Descent of Man with these words:

“He who wishes to decide whether man is the modified descendant of some pre-existing form, would probably first inquire whether man varies, however slightly, in bodily structure and in mental faculties; and if so, whether the variations are transmitted to his offspring in accordance with the laws which prevail with the lower animals” (1871, p. 395). Later, in his chapter titled “On the Affinities and Genealogy of Man,”

"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla" (p. 521, emp. added).

Apoligictics press "Clearly, Darwin was convinced that the more “civilized races” (e.g., Caucasian) would one day exterminate the more “savage races,” which he considered to be less evolved (and thus more ape-like) than Caucasians. Darwin believed that “the Negro” and “Australian” are more of a sub-species, somewhere between Caucasians and apes."

  1. Fact: The "Theory of Evolution" was introduced on government universities and colleges where exist - extreme bias, having major conflicts of interest, deceitfulness, bigotry --  in a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientist and administration who coveted POLITICAL POWER and WEALTH in prominence, name recognition, as individuals, as a group, job protection, increased salaries, tenure, increased pensions, chased lucrative government research grants.  Combined with similar bias scientist, journals, resulted in atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science. Tthey created as many as possible atheistic and infidel philosophy adherents and an muti-billion dollar industry of jobs involving the "Theory of Evolution" in government academia, in many other branches of government such as k-12, museums, and in the private sector such as movies, numerous documentaries, and thousands of books. All combined became an extremely bias panel of judges that bullied/determined the "Theory of Evolution" should be taught as true/fact and to continued being taught as true/fact. All due to the unconstitutional, unchecked power of Big Government Academia, 1800 government Universities and Colleges.

  1. Fact: An universal code, principle of conduct concerning a conflict of interest in any type of judge over any matter, can be obtained in 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:

(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

  1. Fact: It was a forgone conclusion - science wasn't the decided factor - but the - extremely bias, major conflicts of interest, deceitful, bigoted - liberal government academia, scientist and journals having a stacked deck of opening professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy to teach and to continued being taught the "Theory of Evolution" as "true/fact". 

  2. Fact: Precedent U.S Supreme Court cases that reveal types of known secular religions in existence and identifies the particular element that constitutes a secular religion in  “A sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God” in 1961, 1965 and 1970. 

  1. Fact: U.S. Supreme court case in 1961 a U.S Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black commentary concluded that outside of traditional religion is the existence of secular religions. "Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others." Torcaso v. Watkins, 397 U.S. 488, 495, n.ll (1961) See Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia, 101 U.S. App. D.C. 371, 249 F.2d 127; Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda, 153 Cal. App. 2d 673, 315 P.2d 394; II Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences 293; 4 Encyclopaedia Britannica (1957 ed.) 325-327; 21 id., at 797; Archer, Faiths Men Live By (2d ed. revised by Purinton), 120-138, 254-313; 1961 World Almanac 695, 712; Year Book of American Churches for 1961, at 29, 47.

Recently I found this section on the internet, I sense it fills in the gap (I colored the text green).

"Is "Secular Humanism" a "Religion"?

John Dewey described Humanism as our "common faith." Julian Huxley called it "Religion without Revelation." The first Humanist Manifesto spoke openly of Humanism as a religion. Many other Humanists could be cited who have acknowledged that Humanism is a religion. In fact, claiming that Humanism was "the new religion" was trendy for at least 100 years, perhaps beginning in 1875 with the publication of The Religion of Humanity by Octavius Brooks Frothingham (1822-1895), son of the distinguished Unitarian clergyman, Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham (1793-1870), pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Boston, 1815-1850. In the 1950's, Humanists sought and obtained tax-exempt status as religious organizations. Even the Supreme Court of the United States spoke in 1961 of Secular Humanism as a religion. It was a struggle to get atheism accepted as a religion, but it happened. From 1962-1980 this was not a controversial issue.

But then Christians began to challenge the "establishment of religion" which Secular Humanism in public schools represented. They used the same tactic Atheists had used to challenge prayer and Bible reading under the "Establishment Clause" of the First Amendment. Now the ACLU is involved. Now the question is controversial. Now Secular Humanists have completely reversed their strategy, and claim that Humanism is not at all religious, but is "scientific."

In 1961, the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that Secular Humanism was a religion. Nevertheless, many Humanists deny the significance of the Court's assertion. In order to buttress the claim that the identification of Secular Humanism as a religion in a footnote in the Torcaso case is more than mere "dicta," here is a memorandum prepared "[a]t the request of the staff of the Committee on Education and Labor” by Congressman John B. Conlan.

The U.S. Supreme Court cited Secular Humanism as a religion in the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins (367 U.S. 488). Roy Torcaso, the appellant, a practicing Humanist in Maryland, had refused to declare his belief in Almighty God, as then required by State law in order for him to be commissioned as a notary public. The Court held that the requirement for such an oath "invades appellant's freedom of belief and religion.

The Court declared in Torcaso that the "no establishment" clause of the First Amendment reached far more than churches of theistic faiths, that it is not the business of government or its agents to probe beliefs, and that therefore its inquiry is concluded by the fact of the profession of belief.

The Court stated: We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person to "profess a belief or disbelief in any religion." Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers,10 and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs.11

Footnote 11 concerning "religions founded on different beliefs" contains the Court's citation of Secular Humanism as a religion. It states

Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others. See Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia, 101 U.S. App. D.C. 371, 249 F.2d 127; Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda, 153 Cal. App. 2d 673, 315 P.2d 394; II Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 293; 4 Encyclopedia Britannica (1957 ed.) 325-327; 21 id., at 797; Archer, Faiths Men Live By (2d ed. revised by Purinton), 120-138, 254-313; 1961 World Almanac 695, 712; Year Book of American Churches for 1961, at 29, 47.

It is important to note that this citation of Secular Humanism as a religion is not merely dictum. The Supreme Court refers to the important 1957 case of Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia (101 U.S. App. D.C. 371) in its holding that Secular Humanism is a non-theistic religion within the meaning of the First Amendment.

The Ethical Culture movement is one denomination of Secular Humanism which reaches moral and cultural relativism, situation ethics, and attacks belief in a spiritual God and theistic values of the Old and New Testaments.

The Washington Ethical Society case involved denial of the Society's application for tax exemption as a religious organization. The U.S. Court of Appeals reversed the Tax Court's ruling, defined the Society as a religious organization, and granted its tax exemption.

The Court Stated: The sole issue raised is whether petitioner falls within the definition of a "church" or a "religious society" . . . . The taxing authority urges denial of the tax exemption asserting petitioner is not a religious society or church and that it does not use its buildings for religious worship since "religious" and "worship" require a belief in and teaching of a Supreme Being who controls the universe. The position of the tax Court, in denying tax exemption, was that belief in and teaching of the existence of a Divinity is essential to qualify under the statute. . . . To construe exemptions so strictly that unorthodox or minority forms of worship would be denied the exemption benefits granted to those conforming to the majority beliefs might well raise constitutional issues . . . . We hold on this record and under the controlling statutory language petitioner qualifies as "a religious corporation or society" . . . .

It is incumbent upon Congress to utilize this broad definition of religion in all its legislative actions bearing on the support or non-support of religion, within the context of the "no-establishment" clause of the First Amendment.

Other Justices have reflected back on the Torcaso opinion and confirmed our analysis.

Justice Scalia wrote:In Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488, 495, n. 11 (1961), we did indeed refer to "SECULAR HUMANISM" as a "religio[n]." Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987) note 6

Justice Harlan summed it all up: [Footnote 8] This Court has taken notice of the fact that recognized "religions" exist that "do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God," Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488, 495 n. 11, e. g., "Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, SECULAR HUMANISM and others." Ibid. See also Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia, 101 U.S. App. D.C. 371, 249 F.2d 127 (1957); 2 Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences 293; J. Archer, Faiths Men Live By 120-138, 254-313 (2d ed. revised by Purinton 1958); Stokes & Pfeffer, supra, n. 3, at 560. Welsh v. United States 398 U.S. 333 (1970) note 8

But many who favor a secularist "separation of church and state" will contend that fundamentalists invented the idea that Humanism is a religion. Like most Americans, these secularists do not understand the legal issues involved here.

The Humanist-dominated Court is permitting Secular Humanists to have their cake and eat it too.

Secular Humanism is a religion "for Free Exercise Clause purposes."

The Court has undeniably defined Secular Humanism as a religion "for free exercise purposes." When Secular Humanists want the benefits of a religion, they get them.

Tax Exemption.
Secular Humanism has been granted tax-exempt status as a religion. The Torcaso quote cited the cases.

Conscientious Objection.
Even though Congress originally granted conscientious objector status only to those who objected to war for religious reasons (i.e., because of a belief in God), the Supreme Court turned around and said that Humanists who don't believe in God are "religious" for C.O. purposes. U.S. v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163, 183, 85 S.Ct. 850, 13 L.Ed.2d 733, 746 (Holding that belief in a "Supreme Being" is not a necessary component of "religion," quoting a Secular Humanist source, "Thus the 'God' that we love . . . is . . . humanity.")
So Secular Humanism is emphatically and undeniably a religion -- "for free exercise purposes."
Any claim that "the clear weight of the caselaw" is against the proposition that Secular Humanism is a religion  is a misleading claim. Secular Humanism is a religion ("for free exercise clause purposes").

Secular Humanism is Not a religion "for Establishment Clause purposes."

But when Christians attempt to get the religion of Secular Humanism out of the government schools, based on the same emotional frame of mind which atheists had when they went to court against God in schools, then pro-secularist courts speak out of the other side of their faces and say that Secular Humanism is NOT a religion "for establishment clause purposes." This is slimy deceitful legalism at its worst.

But it explains why so many are confused about whether Secular Humanism is a religion.

Here is the rule: When Secular Humanists want the benefits of religion, Secular Humanism is a religion. When Secular Humanists are challenged for propagating their religion in public schools, it is not a religion. If that sounds insane, it is; but all insane people are still rational. This insanity is cloaked in the rational-sounding rhetoric of constitutional law. Remember:

Secular Humanism is a religion "for free exercise clause purposes," and it is not a religion "for establishment clause purposes."

Here's how it works. In Peloza v. Capistrano Unified School Dist., 37 F.3d 517 (9th Cir. 1994), a high school biology teacher tried to balance the teaching of evolutionism with creationism based on the claim that Secular Humanism (and its core belief, evolutionism) is a religion. The court emphatically rejected this claim:

We reject this claim because neither the Supreme Court, nor this circuit, has ever held that evolutionism or secular humanism are "religions" for Establishment Clause purposes. Indeed, both the dictionary definition of religion and the clear weight of the caselaw5 are to the contrary. The Supreme Court has held unequivocally that while the belief in a divine creator of the universe is a religious belief, the scientific theory that higher forms of life evolved from lower forms is not. Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 107 S.Ct. 2573, 96 L.Ed.2d 510 (1987) (holding unconstitutional, under Establishment Clause, Louisiana's "Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public School Instruction Act").

Note 5: See Smith v. Board of School Com'rs of Mobile County, 827 F.2d 684, 690-95 (11th Cir. 1987) (refusing to adopt district court's holding that "secular humanism" is a religion for Establishment Clause purposes; deciding case on other grounds); United States v. Allen, 760 F.2d 447, 450-51 (2d Cir. 1985) (quoting Tribe, American Constitutional Law 827-28 (1978), for the proposition that, while "religion" should be broadly interpreted for Free Exercise Clause purposes, "anything `arguably non-religious' should not be considered religious in applying the establishment clause").

Thus a teacher who wants to tell his students about his religious beliefs is free to do so if his religion is the religion of Secular Humanism, but may not tell his students about his religious beliefs if his religion is Christianity. Christians are not even allowed to discuss Christianity with students during lunch break, while Secular Humanists are allowed to teach the tenets of the religion of Secular Humanism from the blackboard during class.

Peloza alleges the school district ordered him to refrain from discussing his religious beliefs with students during "instructional time," and to tell any students who attempted to initiate such conversations with him to consult their parents or clergy. He claims the school district, in the following official reprimand, defined "instructional time" as any time the students are on campus, including lunch break and the time before, between, and after classes:

You are hereby directed to refrain from any attempt to convert students to Christianity or initiating conversations about your religious beliefs during instructional time, which the District believes includes any time students are required to be on campus as well as the time students immediately arrive for the purposes of attending school for instruction, lunch time, and the time immediately prior to students' departure after the instructional day.

Complaint at 16. Peloza seeks a declaration that this definition of instructional time is too broad, and that he should be allowed to participate in student-initiated discussions of religious matters when he is not actually teaching class.

The school district's interest in avoiding an Establishment Clause violation trumps Peloza's right to free speech.

While at the high school, whether he is in the classroom or outside of it during contract time, Peloza is not just any ordinary citizen. He is a teacher. He is one of those especially respected persons chosen to teach in the high school's classroom. He is clothed with the mantle of one who imparts knowledge and wisdom. His expressions of opinion are all the more believable because he is a teacher. The likelihood of high school students equating his views with those of the school is substantial. To permit him to discuss his religious beliefs with students during school time on school grounds would violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Such speech would not have a secular purpose, would have the primary effect of advancing religion, and would entangle the school with religion. In sum, it would flunk all three parts of the test articulated in Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602, 91 S.Ct. 2105, 29 L.Ed.2d 745 (1971). See Roberts v. Madigan, 921 F.2d 1047, 1056-58 (10th Cir. 1990) (teacher could be prohibited from reading Bible during silent reading period, and from stocking two books on Christianity on shelves, because these things could leave students with the impression that Christianity was officially sanctioned), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 112 S.Ct. 3025, 120 L.Ed.2d 896 (1992).
Secular Humanist teachers and school administrators (who are protected by the "free exercise" clause of the First Amendment as members of tax-exempt religious organizations and religious conscientious objectors) are free to propagate their views in schools, but Christians are not. If Christians propagate their views, it is an "establishment clause" violation, but not if Secular Humanists propagate their views.
Secular Humanism is a religion "for free exercise clause purposes," and it is not a religion "for establishment clause purposes.""
  1. Fact: Supreme court conscientious objection cases in 1965 and 1970 is shown may exist in a person/possessor a “sense of things as in true, correct” that equates in similar regard as a "Supreme Being as in true, correct” outside of a traditional religion, still amounts to religion. “A sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God” U.S. v Seeqer 380 U.S. 162,176 (1965) and Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333 (1970).

  2. Fact: The courts concluded humanism is a secular religion. The U.S. Supreme Court in the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins (367 U.S. 488) refers to the 1957 case of Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia (101 U.S. App. D.C. 371) in its holding that Secular Humanism is a non-theistic religion within the meaning of the First Amendment

  3. Fact: The courts concluded the "Theory of Evolution" isn't a secular religion even though its a tenet of the secular religion of humanism, on the false assumption, basis that the theory of evolution is unbiased science. Peloza v. Capistrano Unified School Dist., 37 F.3d 517 (9th Cir. 1994), Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 107 S.Ct. 2573, 96 L.Ed.2d 510 (1987)

  4. Fact: The "theory of Evolution" may have some scientific bells and whistles that it seemingly appears to be legitimate science, but it lacks one thing an unbiased panel of judges.

  5. Fact: The US SUPREME court failed to take into account evidence their assumption that evolution is unbiased science is flawed, being the "Theory of Evolution" was introduced on government universities and colleges where exist- extreme bias, having major conflicts of interest, deceitfulness, bigotry --  in a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors, scientist and administration.

  1. Professors, scientist and administration coveted POLITICAL POWER and WEALTH in prominence, name recognition, as individuals, as a group, job protection, increased salaries, tenure, increased pensions, chased lucrative government research grants, combined with similar bias scientist, and journals, resulted in atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science.
  2. They created as many possible atheistic and infidel philosophy adherents and an muti-billion dollar industry of jobs involving the "Theory of Evolution" in government academia, in many other branches of government such as k-12, museums, and in the private sector such as movies, numerous documentaries, and thousands of books.
  3. All combined became an extremely bias panel of judges that bullied/bigotry forced the "Theory of Evolution" to be taught as true/fact and to continued being taught as true/fact.
  4. All due to the unconstitutional, unchecked power of Big Government Academia, 1800 government Universities and Colleges.
  1. Fact: The "theory of evolution" is merely atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group combined with similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science.

  2. Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows "Evolution" to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the defined principle by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.

  3. Fact: When a government institution employee teaches the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact, its a reflection, extension of Congress in its government bureaucracy of government schools had made law respecting the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact.

  4. Fact: The "Theory of Evolution" began to be unconstitutionally taught as "fact" in public K-12, where 9 out of 10 children in America are coerced to attend in effect a monopoly, also unconstitutional.

  5. Fact: Their is no human experiment, tool, device, finding in the field, exhibit prop or illustration could prove without a doubt the theory of Evolution is true/fact.

  6. Fact: There can never be achieved anywhere in elected government, its bureaucracy or even outside of government a totally unbiased panel, or judge to determine the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact.

  7. Fact: Any employee of a government university or any other government institution that teaches the "Theory of Evolution" is true/fact, is nothing more then teaching - atheistic and infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group, and similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science -, is a sham and scam played on American citizens to rob us of our tax dollars in the trillions, rob us of our our full measure of constitutional political power/influence individually and as groups outside of government, rob us of our tradition religion Christianity, rob us of our nation's Judeo-Christian principled heritage society and rob us of our Judeo-Christian heritage principled government.

  8. Fact: The evidence allows for only teaching "The theory of Evolution" as solely a theory would be constitutional, and that is only when "Intelligent Design" was also taught as a theory is also constitutional.

  9. Fact: However, since it is obvious that the "theory of Evolution" will be given an undue advantage over the "theory of Intelligent Design", in the government school system with an atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy lopsided leaning tenured professors/teachers, administrations and similar bias scientist, journals will inevitably not give the "theory of intelligent design" a fair objective presentation, so neither theory can be taught by any government employee or institution. Only would be allowed to be taught by any non government group on the outside of government through private means/funding only, be allowed access to government funded academia and public schools K-12 to present a case for either the "Theory of Evolution" or the theory of "Intelligent Design". There will be no more government grants for either teaching, or research on the "Theory of Evolution", which would also exclude the theory of "Intelligent Design". 

  10. Fact:  When the State University Atheistic, Infidel Secular Religion is officially recognized as a secular religion, then its followers, believers should not be granted conscientious objector status based upon:

  1. The Secular Religion origins is based on a factual State created fraud, would lend itself baseless the claim of conscious objector status.
  2. The state can't afford in the time of war, due to a massive State fraud, created millions to believe in a State Secular religion, to allow a mass exodus of soldiers, based upon a conscientious objector status.
  1. 1879 Infidel philosophy psychology - based on atheistic world view: (Late 1800's onward) 
  1. Constitutional Principled Argument: The State Left Neutrality and Began to Respect Human Behavior Group/Establishment

  1. Fact: In 1991, I had studied the bible for seven years since 1984, using a 100 year old resource called the Strong's concordance written and researched by over 100 biblical scholars; specifically use for identifying the usages (definitions) of words in biblical times. In my biblical research, had identified the word "spirit" in the Strongs' concordance that rendered its usage in biblical times as "mental disposition".

  2. Fact: 1984 edition Strong’s Concordance 4151: spirit = mental disposition, etc spirit, spiritual, spiritually, mind.

  3. Fact: In the bible the words "spirit, spiritual and spiritually" were use for thousands years for identifying the "mental disposition" in people, the same, equivalent and predates by thousands of years, the modern day words "Psychology, psychological and psychologically".

  4. Fact: The bible is not merely one book, but a library of of 66 books by over 40 authors crossing a large span of time, the bible having worldly logic and knowledge (secular information) at times independent/separated or combined at times with supernatural logic and knowledge (non-secular information). 

  5. Fact: Particularly the book of "Proverbs" contained in the bible, written in the tenth century B.C., among other books in the bible is in effect is a large source of in the field observational findings of both animal and human behavior, both lower and higher order of human behavior, to establish, define, predict and manipulate many secular aspects of human behavior to obtain beneficial secular results.

  6. Fact: Precedent USA Supreme court cases recognizes the separation of secular from non-secular information content in the bible, School District of Abington Twp.v.Schempp, 374 U.S. 374 U.S.203,225 (1963) Wwiley v. Franklin, 475 F. Supp. 390 (D. Tex 1910).

  7. Fact: A strong persuasive constitutional argument case can be made, the establishment of psychology and the establishments of traditional religion particular those who follow the bible, are both human behavior groups offering worldly logic and knowledge (secular information) and that for Congress/government to respect/ favor one over the other (with exception to the Judeo-Christian principled heritage of the nation) is unconstitutional, violates the premise and intent of the First Amendment Establishment Clause.

  1. (1879) Psychology Philosophy (University of Leipzig, Germany the first psychology laboratory)

  2. Fact: Around 1991 in my research at the University of Buffalo library, I sense had found a smoking gun, evidence in some research papers by Psychology researchers, their dismay of their own findings, evidence that shows the human behavior group in the establishment of psychology exhibited as a whole laboratory ineffectiveness, unreplicatiablity, bias, faddish, fraud and merely subjective in effect junk science.

  1. Laboratory Ineffectiveness = "...the laboratory is often ineffective because much human behavior is so sensitive to incidental sources of stimulation, that adequate control wouldn’t be achieved” -Psychological Research Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst. (1981)-

  2. Unreplicatible = "There is no more fundamental requirement in science that the replicability of findings be established. Yet, in psychology few replication studies are attempted, and of these only a small proportion are published ( see N. C. Smith, 1970, for a more extensive discussion of this issue and for other arguments that experimental method as normally practiced has serious limitations).", "Perhaps the most important reason for the widespread belief in the replicability of psychological experiments in the absence of replicability is that experimentalist often fail to distinguish between concurrent and temporal reliability." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-

  3. Bias = "Some journals state that they do not accept replication studies, and others cast doubt on accepted conclusions." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-

  4. Faddish = "As Greenwald (1975) has observed, findings in psychology often have a faddish quality about them. At one point, studies that support a particular phenomenon are favored, and at another point, studies that refute the phenomenon are favored." -Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-

  5. Fraud = "Moreover, for the person who makes no attempt to replicate his or her own findings, there is little danger that others will demonstrate that the findings are unreplicatable because in the rare event that the replication is undertaken by someone else, discrepant results can almost always be dismissed as the result of minor procedural differences.-Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts- Amherst.-" "Typically there is not sufficient detail for readers to fully reconstruct what was done in a particular experiment, especially given the lack of agreement within psychology about the methods to be used." -The Needs of Other J.M. Innes, University of Adelaide South Australia-

  1. Fact: I also notice around 1991, an article titled "Are Universities Biased in Favor of Liberal Faculties?" in the Buffalo Newspaper by Hans Tirpak, Director, Law Student Bar Association, university of Buffalo, Amherst (1991). The article pointed out some valid observations of "extreme bias" on government universities and colleges, are dominated by leftest professors and administration and pertinent Supreme court case law that defined a Secular Religion.

  1. (Buffalo Newspaper 1991 Testimonial Evidence) Government Universities Preferred Hiring Awarding Tenure to Liberal Professors, Overall Leftest Bias Dominate: "...colleges and universities have been and are in the practice of hiring and awarding tenure to liberal professors over equally qualified conservative professors,..", “...the growing awareness that most of America’s colleges and universities, including UB (university of Buffalo), have become dominated by leftist professors and administrators strongly support the inference.", "It might be stretching things a bit to assert that UB and/or similarly situation colleges or  universities do not hire conservative professors. I hear UB has some in it’s political science department. I even met one about a year ago. I was quite surprised. With that exception, every professor I have met at UB in the 2 1/2 years I’ve been a student has seemed leftist" - Hans Tirpak, Director, Law Student Bar Association, university of Buffalo, Amherst (1991)

  2. Fact: Precedent U.S Supreme Court cases that reveal types of known secular religions in existence and identifies the particular element that constitutes a secular religion in  “A sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God” in 1961, 1965 and 1970. 

  1. Fact: Additional evidence - extreme bias:

  1. (2009) Evidence of Bias Against Men and Boys in Mental Health Research (video) "We have all grown to trust "research" and when we hear that a study shows that "X is correct" we tend to automatically believe that "X" is correct. Research has taken on an almost divine ethos that carries the seal of approval of correctness. If science says it, it must be so. The problem of course is that science, especially social science, is less than concrete and is much more slippery than measuring a distance or the tensile strength of a bar of steel. Mental health research is much more vulnerable to values and ideologies of the researchers. If a scientist believes a certain thing it usually has little impact on his measurements of the tensile strength of the bar of steel. No matter what he believes the measurement will likely be the same. But what about issues in social sciences where researchers come to the table with a large amount of preconceived ideas, allegiances to ideologies that espouse strong opinions about those being studied or have traumatic life histories that bias them against certain groups? Can those sorts of things influence the "findings" of a social science study? You bet they can. Gone is the impartial judge weighing the evidence and sifting through the data to find the truth. In today's world of social science research the opposite is happening: researchers are starting at their pre-conceived bias's and then designing research to prove that bias...."

  1. Fact: An universal code, principle of conduct concerning a conflict of interest in any type of judge over any matter, can be obtained in 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:

(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

  1. Fact: (2012 -The Washington Times- Evidence ) Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement

  • "...surveyed a roughly representative sample of academics and scholars in social psychology and found that “In decisions ranging from paper reviews to hiring, many social and personality psychologists admit that they would discriminate against openly conservative colleagues.”
  • "...80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats."
  • "...90 percent identified as liberal and only 4 percent as conservative."
  • Fact: (2015) Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results "In the investigation, a whopping 75% of the social psychology experiments were not replicated, meaning that the originally reported findings vanished when other scientists repeated the experiments. Half of the cognitive psychology studies failed the same test.", "Even when scientists could replicate original findings, the sizes of the effects they found were on average half as big as reported first time around."
  1. Fact: (2013 Article by Deathbytrolly Evidence) Why many professors are atheists: Academe as a secular religious community "The university campus is akin to something between a big church or a small Vatican. Frequently comprised of a mixture of historic classical architecture harkening back to a nobler, more charming past, and modern state-of-the-art research and educational facilities, universities are made to impress and dazzle. This grandiosity is enhanced by rich use of symbology: regal coats of arms, robes, idealistic ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions, massive painted portraits of esteemed former Presidents and eminent scholars, and the ivy, it’s hard to get over the ivy!"

  2. Fact: (2014 - Inside Higher ED - Evidence) Retaliation Claim Vindicated "Seven years after Mike Adams sued the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, charging that he was denied a promotion because of his political views, a federal jury agreed" "Adams sued in 2007 after being denied a promotion to full professor of sociology. He cited emails and statements from faculty colleagues taking issue with his views, which are outspoken and conservative.The Adams case was of particular interest to many who charge political bias in the academy because he is a political (and religious) convert.  He presented evidence that his faculty colleagues liked him when he was an atheist Democrat, but started to have concerns when he became a Christian Republican."

  3. 2015 Exposed: Christian Students Rejected, Failed, and Expelled for their Faith by State Universities "Public colleges and universities are taking the gloves off when it comes to Christian students on their campuses. Gone are the days of surreptitious slights against Christians; now it is open season on faith.  Blatant, in-your-face anti-Christian discrimination is the new norm. Christian students now face their applications being rejected because they let it slip out that they are a person of faith, receiving failing grades for daring to allow their religious beliefs to outweigh the omniscience of the educational elites, or being outright expelled for having the audacity to live in accordance with their faith."

  1. Fact: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY needed one more deception up its sleeve in what I call a cloak to deceive:

  1. Fact: Much of human behavior (higher order) experimentation is not scientifically replicatable in a laboratory to meet the bar of science.

  2. Fact: Rudimentary animal and human behavior experimentation findings shown replicatablity meets the bar of a science

  3. Fact: The psychology establishment's cloak to deceive is made up of an aura of scientific respectability in their rudimentary animal and human behavior experimentation has replication barely meets the bar of science, that was used to cloak, to deceptively emit/associate a sense of scientific respectability onto higher order of human behavior that experimentation findings show is not scientifically replicatable, a classic shell game to deceive.

  1. Fact: The psychology establishment's cloak to deceive is made up of rudimentary animal and human behavior laboratory experimentation, is used to create a “sense of things/cloak” that covers higher order of human behavior teaching, training and counseling that is not scientifically replicatable in a laboratory; with an appearance of SCIENCE, combine the -extreme bias- atheistic and infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group, and similar extreme bias journals constitutes as JUNK SCIENCE, even so is as associated with TRUTH, CORRECTNESS evokes sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor in a place parallel/equivalent to that filled by a SUPREME BEING as associated with TRUTH AND CORRECTNESS, can be constitutionally persuasively argued meets the Supreme court's ruling that defines a religion (secular) U.S. v Seeqer 380 U.S. 162,176 (1965) and Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333 (1970).

  2. Fact: Again it was a forgone conclusion science wasn't the main decided factor but the - extreme bias - among the 1800 government universities and colleges having a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientists to teach and to continued being taught "psychology" as a "science".

  3. Fact: The psychology establishment has shown to exhibit as a whole:

  1. (2012 -The Washington Times- Evidence ) Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement
  2. 90 percent identified as liberal and only 4 percent as conservative."
  3. laboratory ineffectiveness due to human behavior is so sensitive to incidental sources of stimulation, that adequate control wouldn’t be achieved
  4. unreplicatiable, few replication studies are attempted, often fail to distinguish between concurrent and temporal reliability
  5. bias journals,
  6. faddish favoring at one point then disfavoring at another point,
  7. fraud little danger that others will demonstrate that the findings are unreplicatable, discrepant results can almost always be dismissed as the result of minor procedural differences
  8. merely subjective, In reality, a person is deviant if a society says they are
  9. The extremely bias liberal government academia, stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientists, and administration,
  10. (August 2015 Evidence) Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results
  11. A cloak of rudimentary science to deceptively emit/associate a sense of scientific respectability onto higher order of human behavior that experimentation shows non replicatiablity,
  12. When shows some higher order of human behavior replicatablity must be deemed temporary due to the changing society norms and values impact on individuals and society
  13. The atheistic and infidel philosophy state secular religion due to being in all government Universities/Colleges, all government 100,000 elementary/secondary schools 9 out of 10 children attend (unconstitutional monopoly), all government jails, all government hospitals, all government Courts and all government protective services is a major contributing impact on individuals and society which is now tainting their so called observations, the driving force of human behavior manifestation in experimental results.
  1. Fact: You end up with a smoke and mirrors, a mere appearance show of junk science that deceives, that bypasses the cautionary guard of many citizens and especially when it unconstitutionally bypasses the U.S. Constitutional First Amendment Establishment Clause Wall, in essence Congresses erroneously put their stamp of approval (billions of tax dollars) on it, when it is at most an atheistic secular religion.

  2. Fact: The establishment of psychology originated from infidel philosophy entered U.S. State universities in the 1890's afforded by rudimentary human behavior replicatablity having an aura of scientific respectability, obtained Government funding, publicity and prominence. While in govt had violated the Establishment clause of the First Amendment, transformed itself into a secular religion by an aura of scientific respectability in the use of the cloak onto higher order of human behavior experimentation that is non- replicatable is pawned to deceive and sold to Congresses and many citizens.

  3. Fact: When government/Congress had made law respecting one particular human behavior group (secular religion) in the establishment of psychology, over the establishments of Judeo-Christian human behavior groups (traditional religion) that uses secular information contained in the library of books called the bible, such as the bible's earlier terminologies "spirit, spiritual and spiritually" defining "mental disposition" and the bible's a large source of in effect, in the field observational findings of both animal and human, both lower and higher order of human behavior, it can be constitutionally persuasively argued that government/Congress in effect had violated indirectly and directly the core, primary, supreme premise, intent and principle of our Constitutional First Amendment Establishment Clause "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion"

  4. Fact: The establishment of psychology is in fact a State Atheistic Secular Religion that had unconstitutionally received respect from Congress (violation of Establishment Clause) over other human behavior groups particularly traditional religion.

(Early 1900's) Morphed-Infidelism (anti-Christian regurgitated, morphed, rebranded ancient Greek philosophy) taken over a number of protestant institutions, churches, colleges and seminaries using the "inclusivist strategy":

(Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch pp 223-235)

        1. Fact: "Under the spell of the evolutionary principle and a philosophy of immanence, the influential Christian theologians came to view Christianity as the highest expression of an essence common to all religions and to regard Christian experience as fully explainable from the study of naturalistic and behavioristic psychology.'

        2. Fact: "The bible was all but abandoned, and they turned to the universal movements of thought for the most significant disclosures of God and moral and spiritual absolutes"

        3. Fact: “no two liberals thought exactly the alike, but the general principles were the same.”

        4. Fact: "The Bible was to them merely a historical record of the developing religious consciousness of the Jewish people"

        5. Fact: "The Gospel, for the liberals, was utterly changed from the means of reconciliation with God, or the redemption of the soul from sin, or the liberation of man from the bondage of evil, to a sense of final piety, or brotherhood, or of mutual understanding and human betterment."

        6. Fact: "the church became, for liberals, merely a fraternal society with certain social benefits."

        7. Fact: "Liberals were not interested in carrying out the imperative the great commission, but they were vitally concerned with the control of machinery that would give them world influence and an opportunity to remake the international social order."

        8. Fact: "The liberal movement swept Christendom as wildfire, carried along by the growing popular evolutionary philosophy and the upsurge of science and invention. Higher education abandoned the Christian philosophy upon which it had grown to mammoth proportions. God-centered education was exchanged for a man-centered process, God's will was no longer the basic norm.  Man's mind became the measure of all things. The moral and spiritual ultimates, even truth itself,  were scrapped for relative values. Human social welfare became a matter of primary concern. The goal of education was no longer to fit men to live in harmony with the will of God. Education, in the new view, became an instrument by which the developing and changing person might continue in the quest for certainty. Genuine values and tenable ends and ideals could be found said liberals, only within movement of experience and not from authority, human or supernatural." 

        9. Fact: "In the atmosphere of the colleges and universities and their associated theological seminaries. the new intellectual movement found its most effective breeding ground. The new Baptist-related university of Chicago, backed by Rockefeller millions, headed by Dr. William  Rainey influence in the United States. Theological liberals first attacked strategic chairs of religion and the well = endowed seminaries of the leading protestant denominations. Bible believing professors were discredited by well  directed propaganda which made them appear as naive, obscurantist, unscholarly, and reactionary.

        10. Fact: "In many instances liberals falsely represented themselves to be evangelical, accepting under oath evangelical confessions of faith "with mental reservations' using orthodox words to convey liberal thought, and moving with caution until circumstances afforded safe opportunity to take on open stand for the new doctrines. 

        11. Fact: Often they used the so-called -- "inclusivist strategy" -- persuading orthodox institutions to admit liberals to their faculties on the ground that the principle of academic freedom required presentation of all viewpoints. When liberals attained majority status they set up new standards and by various devices eliminated all bible-believing professors. Once firmly entrenched in the institutions that trained the leadership of the churches, they next directed their strategies to obtain control of the important boards and commissions, and finally the administrative machinery of the whole denomination.” (Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, James D. Murch pp 223-23

        12. Fact: "Protestant institutions that supports premeditated murder of innocent Complete Genetic Human Lives (abortion): United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, the Episcopalian Church, United Presbyterian Church, Lutheran Women's Caucus, The American Baptist Churches USA, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA)

  1.   1950's Infidel Philosophy psychiatry - based on atheistic world view:
  1. Equivalent God = God effect, so called -- expert, professional -- of human behavior, false mere appearance of truth and correctness, which automatically receives respect from Congress (violation of Establishment Clause) over other human behavior groups particularly traditional religion. Used a cloak in a mere use and appearance of methodologies of science to deceive Congress and the American people (Unconstitutional).
  1. (1900's) Psychiatry = Psychiatry morphed into constant inhuman, so called treatments:
  1. The History of Neuroleptics/psychiatric drugs (2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit

    The modern history of psychiatric drugs dates back to the early 1950s, when derivatives of the synthetic dye and rocket fuel industries were found to have medicinal properties. Following World War II, a wide variety of compounds came to be tested in humans. The antihistamine known as chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is generally regarded as the first “anti-psychotic” drug, responsible for igniting the psychopharmacology revolution. As Thorazine grew in popularity, medications replaced neurosurgery and shock therapies as the favored treatments for the institutionalized mentally ill.

    When, in 1955, Drs. Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker coined the term “neuroleptic” to describe Thorazine, they identified five defining properties of this prototype: the gradual reduction of psychotic symptoms, the induction of psychic indifference, sedation, movement abnormalities (parkinsonism), and predominant subcortical effects.4 At its inception, Thorazine was celebrated as a chemical lobotomizer due to behavioral effects which paralleled those associated with the removal of brain tissue.5 As the concept of lobotomy fell into disfavor, the alleged antipsychotic features of the neuroleptics came to be emphasized. Ultimately, the two terms became synonymous. Ignorant of the historical definition of neuroleptics as chemical lobotomizers, members of the psychiatric profession have only rarely acknowledged the fact that these dopamine blocking compounds have been, and continue to be, a major cause of brain injury and dementia. Nevertheless, the emergence of improved technologies and epidemiological investigations have made it possible to demonstrate why these medications should be characterized as neurotoxins, rather than neurotherapies.'Biological' psychiatry has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything neurological, 'biological, 'chemically-imbalanced' or 'genetic'" (1998) Dr. Fred Baughman Jr. Child Neurologist, Fellow of the American
  1. Biological' psychiatry has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything neurological, 'biological, 'chemically-imbalanced' or 'genetic'" (1998) Dr. Fred Baughman Jr. Child Neurologist, Fellow of the American

  2. DSM where they have almost 400 so called mental disorders, basically new moral laws simply voted on at a convention, based on solely behaviorsm, so they can bill and rip off the government, you and me by the billions (Unconstitutional) (1952)  DSM, Equivalent Bible, moral laws = The DSM-5 is the New World Order, Atheist's Moral Code, the psychiatrist's Bible .
  1. First psych drug become known as a chemical lobotomy: (1994) The dark side of psychiatric drugs (USA Today Magazine) "The major tranquilizers were able to create a zombie state, identical to that seen after a lobotomy, in a person whose brain remained intact. For this reason, Thorazine became known as a "chemical lobotomy."

  2. Later drugs hid negative study results, short term studies, sugar pills placebo have better results, major conflicts of interest with BIG PHARMA abound, and bribery involved

  3. (Early 1990's) Hillary Clinton attempted to have universal psychology, psychiatry (State Secular Religion) coverage in her health care plan

  4. (2007) Robert Whitaker Affidavit of evidence, a journalist writer about science and medicine, in a variety of forums for about 20 years.

  • They increase the likelihood that a person will become chronically ill.
  • They lead to early death (shorten by 25 years).
  • Drugs that were effective in curbing psychosis over the short term were making patients more likely to become psychotic over the long term.
  • The new “atypical” anti psychotics are not better than the old ones in terms of their safety and tolerability, and quality of life may even be worse on the new drugs than on the old ones.
  • Anti psychotics cause a host of debilitating physical, emotional and cognitive side effects:
  • Tardive dyskinesia,
  • Akathisia,
  • Emotional impairment,
  • and Cognitive impairment.
  • Other side effects of standard neuroleptics include an increased incidence of blindness,
  • fatal blood clots,
  • arrhythmia,
  • heat stroke,
  • swollen breasts,
  • leaking breasts,
  • obesity,
  • sexual dysfunction,
  • skin rashes and seizures,
  • and early death.
  • Schizophrenia patients now commit suicide at 20 times the rate they did prior to the use of neuroleptics.
  1. (2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit evidence before the Supreme Court for the State of Alaska: 

1) postmortem studies of human brain tissue
2) neuroimaging studies of living humans
3) postmortem studies of lab animal brain tissue
4) biological markers of cell damage in living humans
5) lab studies of cell cultures/chemical systemsfollowing drug exposureneuroleptic therapy- significant tissue damage - black dots represent scar tissue
    • Creates scaring and neuronal loss,
    • shrinkage and/or loss of brain tissue,
    • significant reduction in the total brain weight and volume.
    • Increase the concentration of tTG (a marker of programmed cell death) in the central nervous system of living humans.
  1. ((2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit Evidence before the Supreme Court for the State of Alaska: In 1977, Jellinger published his findings of neur opathological changes in the brain tissue of twenty-eight patients who had been exposed to neuroleptics for an average of four to five years. In most cases, the periods of drug treatment had been intermittent. . An example of the abnormalities is shown. This photo demonstrates reactive  gliosis (black dots  represent scar tissue) in the caudate of a patient who had received neuroleptic therapy. Patients in this study had received the following drug treatments: chlorpromazine (Thorazine), reserpine, haloperidol (Haldol), trifluoperazine (Stelazine), chlorprothixen (Taractan), thioridazine (Mellaril), tricyclic antidepressants, and/or minor tranquilizers.

  2. (1994) Studies documenting that long-term recovery rates are much higher for patients off antipsychotic medications (2008) Dr. Grace E. Jackson Affidavit evidence before the Supreme Court for the State of Alaska: studies documenting that long-term recovery rates are much higher for patients off antipsychotic medications. In 1994, Courtenay Harding at Boston University reported on the long-term outcomes of 82 chronic schizophrenics discharged from Vermont State Hospital in the late 1950s. She found that one-third of this cohort had recovered completely, and that all who did shared one characteristic: They had all stopped taking antipsychotic medication.  The notion that schizophrenics needed to stay on antipsychotics all their lives was a “myth,” Harding said.In the World Health Organization studies, 63% of patients in the poor countries had good outcomes, and only one-third became chronically ill. In the U.S and other developed countries, only 37% of patients had good outcomes, and the remaining patients did not fare so well. In the undeveloped countries, only 16% of patients were regularly maintained on antipsychotics, versus 61% of patients in the developed countries.  In response to this body of literature, physicians in Switzerland, Sweden and Finland have developed programs that involve minimizing use of antipsychotic drugs, and they are reporting much better results than what we see in the United States.  In particular, Jako Seikkula recently reported that five years after initial diagnosis, 82% of his psychotic patients are symptom-free, 86% have returned to their  jobs or to school, and only 14% of his patients are on antipsychotic medications. This spring, researchers at the University of Illinois Medical School reported on the long-term outcomes of schizophrenia patients in the Chicago area since 1990. They found that 40% of those who refused to take their antipsychotic medications were recovered at five-year and 15-year follow up exams, versus five percent of the medicated patients

  3. Dr. David Healy Bio  is an internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, scientist, and author. (2014) Psychiatry Gone Astray,

  • A professor of Psychiatry in Wales
  • studied medicine in Dublin, and at Cambridge University.
  • a former Secretary of the British Association for Psychopharmacology
  • has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, 200 other pieces, and 20 books, including The Antidepressant Era
  • The Creation of Psychopharmacology from Harvard University Press, The Psychopharmacologists Volumes 1-3 and Let Them Eat Prozac from New York University Press, and Mania from Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • David’s main areas of research are clinical trials in psychopharmacology, the history of psychopharmacology, and the impact of both trials and psychotropic drugs on our culture.
  • He has been involved as an expert witness in homicide and suicide trials involving psychotropic drugs, and in bringing problems with these drugs to the attention of American and British regulators, as well raising awareness of how pharmaceutical companies sell drugs by marketing diseases and co-opting academic opinion-leaders, ghost-writing their articles. 

"Our citizens would be far better off if we removed all the psychotropic drugs from the market, as doctors are unable to handle them. It is inescapable that their availability creates more harm than good. Psychiatrists should therefore do everything they can to treat as little as possible, in as short time as possible, or not at all, with psychotropic drugs."

  • Myth 1: Your disease is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain,
  • Myth 2: It’s no problem to stop treatment with antidepressants,
  • Myth 3: Psychotropic Drugs for Mental Illness are like Insulin for Diabetes,
  • Myth 4: Psychotropic drugs reduce the number of chronically ill patients,
  • Myth 5: Happy pills do not cause suicide in children and adolescents,
  • Myth 6: Happy pills have no side effects,
  • Myth 7: Happy pills are not addictive,
  • Myth 8: The prevalence of depression has increased a lot.
  • Myth 9: The main problem is not over treatment, but under treatment,
  • Myth 10: Antipsychotics prevent brain damage"
  1. Psychiatry drugs thousands of horror stories, SSRI Stories Antidepressant Nightmares documented

  2. School Shootings

  3. 6,000.000 Public teachers become as referral agents towards their students for Big Pharma, Psychiatry dangerous drugs, based on the fraudulent claim of Chemical Imbalance.

  4. 60 Minutes Does Chemical Imbalance Cause Depression? (video)

  5. 60 Minutes Treating Depression: Is there a placebo effect?

  6. (2008 PBS) The Medicated Child (video)

  7. (2008) Congress snuck in a rider to the TARP legislation to guarantee the State Secular religion passage that insurance companies to also pay for a secular religion establishment of Psychology's counseling, psychiatry drugging comparable in cost amount as to physical illnesses.

  8. A large number of psychiatrists are dishonest, because I see them giving people drugs that they know are brain damaging therapeutics, that they know do not have positive, long-term outcomes, that they know will not cure anything. They just take a list of symptoms and call it a mental illness or disorder.", "Children are given fake diagnosis left and right and put on mind altering drugs with suicidal side effects. Psychiatrists can diagnose mental illness today without any scientific proof. No blood tests, urine tests, or PET scans are required. The result is millions of children are labeled and stuck on these drugs, trapped in a culture of hopelessness." (2009) Ex Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Comes Clean, Reveals Horrors of Western Medicine  (Video) "

  9. Pharmaceutical companies want to keep people sick. They want to make others think that they are sick. And they do this for one reason: money. Did you know: * Pharmaceutical companies invest more than 35,000 Euro (over $50,000) per physician each year to get them to prescribe their products? * More than 75 percent of leading scientists in the field of medicine are "paid for" by the pharmaceutical industry? * Corruption prevailed in the approval and marketing of drugs in some cases? * Illnesses are made up by the pharmaceutical industry and specifically marketed to enhance sales and market shares for the companies in question? * Pharmaceutical companies increasingly target children? (2010) Side Effects: Death. Confessions of a Pharma-Insider "I bribed a Swedish professor to enhance the registration of Prozac in Sweden." -John Virapen  "Side Effects: Death" is the true story of corruption, bribery and fraud written by Dr. John Virapen, who has been called THE Big Pharma Insider. During his 35 years in the pharmaceutical industry internationally (most notably as general manager of Eli Lilly and Company in Sweden), Virapen was responsible for the marketing of several drugs, all of them with side effects. Now, Virapen is coming clean and telling all of the little secrets you were never intended to know

  10. (2012) Evidence There Is No Such Thing as Mental Illness - Stefan Molyneux- (video)

  11. The public mental health system is creating a huge class of chronic mental patients through forcing them to take ineffective, yet extremely harmful drugs Jim Gottstein Psych Rights Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) is a non-profit, public interest law firm whose mission is to mount a  strategic legal campaign against forced psychiatric drugging and electroshock in the United States akin to what Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP mounted in the 40's and 50's on behalf of African American civil rights. "Currently, due to the massive growth in psychiatric drugging of children and youth and the current targeting of them for even more psychiatric drugging, PsychRights has made attacking this problem a priority.  Children are virtually always forced to take these drugs because it is the adults in their lives who are making the decision.  This is an unfolding national tragedy of immense proportions.  As part of its mission, PsychRights is further dedicated to exposing the truth about these drugs and the courts being misled into ordering people to be drugged and subjected to other brain and body damaging interventions against their will."

  12. Neuroleptics

  13. GlaxoSmithKline: GUILTY in Largest Health Fraud Settlement in US History 3 billion (2012)

  14. Big Pharma’s Big Fines (2009 -2013)

  15. TED TALKS: Ben Goldacre: What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe (2012) (video)

  16. Bad Pharma: Drug research riddled with half truths, omissions, lies (Jan 27, 2013)

  17. (2013) Grand Total  0-17 Years - 8,389,034 of 74,500,000 (USA) are on psychiatric drugs Breakdown:(2013) Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.,  

    0-1 Years                274,804
    2-3 Years                370,778
    4-5 Years                500,948
    6-12 Years               4,130,340
    13-17 Years             3,617,593

  18. (2013) Over 274,000 infants (0-1 year olds) and some 370,000 toddlers (1-3 years age) in the U.S. were on anti anxiety (e.g. Xanax) and antidepressant (e.g. Prozac) drugs. This report also found over 1,400 infants were on ADHD drugs." -The Wall Street Journal"-"An analysis of 2013 IMS Data , Over 274,000 infants (0-1 year olds) and some 370,000 toddlers (1-3 years age) in the U.S. were on anti anxiety (e.g. Xanax) and antidepressant (e.g. Prozac) drugs. This report also found over 1,400 infants were on ADHD drugs." -The Wall Street Journal"- 

  1. (2014) Hillary care is now Obama care, on heath has a psychology, psychiatry drugging (State Secular Religion) coverage.

  2. (Feb 2015) Why Are So Many Toddlers Taking Psychiatric Drugs? Prozac for babies?

  3. (March 2015) Senate panel examines why California foster care system 'addicted' to psychiatric drugs

  1. Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems. In short, it is not only dangerous to start taking psychiatric drugs, it can also be dangerous to stop them.

  2. (2014) GlaxoSmithKline Fined $488.8M for 'Massive Bribery Network'

  3. Parents for label and drug free education,

  4. Mindfreedom Win human rights in the mental heath system

  5. Congress, the establishment of psychology plays both sides of the political aisle to assure their unconstitutional Congress's respect, so it won't be halted by the establishment wall of separation.The establishment of psychology and particularly psychiatry spends a large amount of lobby funds that enters the pockets on both sides of the political aisle of Congress, and billions in advertising for the national media that silences the national news media from exposing their bread and butter.

  • "The top twenty pharmaceutical companies and their two trade groups, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PHRMA) and Biotechnology Industry Organization, lobbied on at least 1,600 pieces of legislation between 1998 and 2004. According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, pharmaceutical companies spent $900 million on lobbying between 1998 and 2005, more than any other industry. During the same period, they donated $89.9 million to federal candidates and political parties, giving approximately three times as much to Republicans as to Democrats.[1] According to the Center for Public Integrity, from January 2005 through June 2006 alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent approximately $182 million on Federal lobbying.[2] The industry has 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C." Political influence, Pharmaceutical lobby in the U.S.
  1. Our nation's Constitution was as if sold down the river for perhaps decades more of continual violation of the Establishment Clause. The Supreme Court failed to upheld the Constitution, has sadly permitted the continued breach of the primary most important principle, the corner stone of the our constitution in the Establishment Clause that supports and holds together the frame work of rights to all citizens.

  2. Forced Drugging Defense Package

  3. Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows "Psychiatry" to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the defined principle by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.
  1. Psychs in Hot WATER

  1. Fact:  The "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" was introduced on government universities and colleges where exist - extreme bias in significant conflicts of interest, deceitfulness, bigotry --  by way of a stacked deck of open professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientist and administration. They coveted POLITICAL POWER INFLUENCE and WEALTH in prominence, name recognition, as individuals, as a group, job protection, increased salaries, tenure, increased pensions, chased lucrative government research grants, combined with similar bias scientist, journals, resulted in atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science. They unconstitutionally created significant numbers of atheistic and infidel philosophy adherents in a muti-trillion dollar State Secular Religion industry in government academia, in many other branches of government such as k-12, armed services, jails, courts, hospitals, protective services and in the private sector. All combined became an extremely bias panel of judges that UNCONSTITUTIONALLY bullied/determined  the  "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" should be taught as true/correct/fact and continues being taught as true/correct/fact, when its merely atheists and infidels stacked deck bias junk science.
  1. Fact: An universal code, principle of conduct concerning a conflict of interest in any type of judge over any matter, can be obtained in 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:

(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

  1. Fact: It was a forgone conclusion - science wasn't the decided factor - but the - extremely bias, major conflicts of interest, deceitful, bigoted - liberal government academia, stacked deck of opening professing and leaning towards atheist and infidel philosophy tenured professors/scientists and administration combined with similar bias, scientists, journals to teach and to continued being taught the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" as "true/correct/fact".

  2. Fact: Any government institution employee teaching the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" as "true/correct/fact", that is merely atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group derived junk science combined with similar bias scientists, journals, is unconstitutional according to precedent Supreme Court cases that defines a secular religion establishment, when has the element in a supreme being/God effect, the junk science that is falsely perceived as unbiased science, has an equivalent sense of true and correctness as a supreme being/God effect which many believe in, defines a secular religion Torcaso v. Watkins, 397 U.S. 488, 495, n.ll (1961), U.S. v Seeqer 380 U.S. 162,176 (1965) and Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333 (1970), and consequently violates the Establishment Clause "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...".

  3. Fact: Any employee of a government university or any other government institution that teaches the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry" is true/fact, is nothing more then teaching - atheistic and infidel philosophy bias derived junk science, is a sham and scam, organized crime in a Rico violation committed against American citizens to rob us of:

  1. Fact: When government/Congress had made law respecting one particular human behavior group (secular religion) in the establishment of the "Theory of Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry", over the establishments of Judeo-Christian human behavior groups (traditional religion) that uses secular information contained in the library of sixty six books by thirty nine authors called the bible, such as the bible's earlier terminologies "spirit, spiritual and spiritually" defining "mental disposition" and the bible's a large source of in effect, in the field observational findings of both animal and human, lower and higher order behavior, it can be constitutionally persuasively argued that government/Congress in effect had violated indirectly and directly the core, primary, supreme premise, intent and principle of our Constitutional First Amendment Establishment Clause "Congress shall not make law respecting an establishment of religion"

  2.  Fact: The founding Fathers did not envision or establish in the formation of government, in the Constitution, such a large transfer of unchecked political power to 1800 government universities and colleges in effect political megaphones, a colossal government institutional bureaucracy respecting a secular religion of atheistic and infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group derived junk science, combined with similar bias scientist, journals, having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct which millions of impressionable youthful citizens are hood winked into believing, and where particularly Democratic politicians are in lock step, taking their marching orders.

  3. Fact: Even though overwhelming evidence shows Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry to be atheistic and infidel philosophy bias junk science, it is instead deceitfully portrayed as unbiased science having a God, Supreme being effect is perceived as true and correct where millions believe in and direct their every aspect of life equivalent to the Judeo-Christian religion groups; which constitutes and fits the definition by the United States Supreme court as a secular religion.

  4. Fact: All religions be they secular or traditional could claim they promote the nation's general welfare, however this does not grant Presidents, Congresses and Judges the authority of the "General Welfare Clause" to breach the wall of separation in the "Establishment Clause".

  5. Fact: Presidents, Congresses and Judges for decades have violated the U.S. Constitution, have made law and ruled, respecting an establishment of a Secular Religion of Morphed-Infidelism.

  6. Fact: All courts of the land, including the U.S. Supreme Court have been unduly influence, through 150 years by merely atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group combined with similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science.

  7. Fact: All judges of the land now have major conflicts of interest in the many thousands of rulings supporting a mere atheistic and morphed infidel philosophy bias lopsided government institutional group combined with similar bias scientist, journals derived junk science in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry that it automatically excludes them from judging the constitutionality of the matter. Leaving such an important matter in the hands of so few, would be both unlawful according to 28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge and extremely unwise.

  8. For the many reasons above, I John Jerome Nowak propose an amendment to the constitution is in order, if not according to the constitutional provision through Congress then convening a constitutional convention to inscribe as if in stone as much as possible an unmovable supreme law of the land, Amendment 28 Secular religions shall be removed from all Government

Section III

(2007) Solutions: Constitutional Spirit, Amendments to the Constitution and Federal law:

Amendment 28: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government

Section One: Secular religions shall be removed from all Government.

Section Two: Religion to be officially recognized by the United States government as a human behavioral group with having a belief in God or a substitute in a sincere and meaningful belief that occupied in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God. Such as may exist in a person/possessor a “sense of things as in true, correct” that equates in similar regard as a “Supreme Being as in true, correct” outside of a traditional religion, still amounts to religion.

Section Three: The "Theory of Evolution" and the theory of "Intelligent Design" will  only be allowed to be taught by any non government group on the outside of government through private means/funding only, be allowed access to government funded academia and public schools K-12 to present a case for either. There will be no more government grants for either teaching, or research on the "Theory of Evolution", which would also exclude the theory of "Intelligent Design".

Section Four: Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology and Philosophy (infidel philosophy) to be officially recognized by the United States government, as human behavior groups, secular religions. 

Section Five: Government shall make no law respecting an establishment of Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology and Philosophy (infidel philosophy), or prohibiting free exercise of.  Government will neither promote or establish psychologists, psychiatrist instead promote and establish social workers for feeding, sheltering, clothing, giving medical care, and stabilizing the emotional disturbed from harming themselves. Most rarest, special circumstances, such as if someone dangers themselves or others, a group of people employed by the state, will be given the most minimal task, of stabilization, without drugs or counseling. 

Section Six: Constitutional rights of the stabilized emotional disturbed, to choose from a list of groups for their counseling. Equal access to the stabilized emotional disturbed, by all law abiding groups outside of government, either philosophy, psychology (non-traditional religion), or traditional religion and morality. 

Section Seven: All influences, counseling will be given strictly to groups who are private funding only, religious or secular. All human behavior groups, establishments non-traditional secular religion, or traditional religion will only be on the outside of government, who fairly complete for private funding, the trust of the People, by the People only. 

Section Eight: All law abiding groups non-traditional secular religion, or traditional religion can submit their name of their group and what they offer counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, as examples, on a list, which would be given to anyone who goes through the courts, jails, hospitals, schools, all state institutions of our nation. Which allows any individual to choose from the list for his or her counseling “private funded only”. No longer will people as in years past, be at the mercy of government employees, to insure their government jobs: 

Section Nine: All providence would be private funding only, be left to the people to decide with their donations alone, to a human behavior group of their choosing, this solely to decide which type and the extant of a human behavior group’s reach, providing counseling, fellowship, daily living needs, prescription drugs, as examples would be offered. The empowerment will return to the people as it was originally designed in the constitution. The people will determine, dependent upon what they observe in their society, if they will allow such use of drugs or limitation of such drugs.

Section Ten: The category of prescription drugs, psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, to be voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone under the age of 12 years old, under the age of 18 years old. If enough qualified signatures on a petition, placed on a balled to be voted to prohibited all together. Voted upon by the people in each state, if to be prohibited to anyone in jail.

  1. If not prohibited all together, only voluntarily and with the permission of all three below, will be permitted to receive a psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, for the maximum of three months:

  1. A judge elected by the people every four years, anyone of the jurisdiction can be a candidate, if be for, against, or the limitation of granting and prohibiting specific psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, presented before the electorate. The judge will decided each case of his or her jurisdiction only, presented before his or her court. The person who will take the psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, must be present in front of the judge. The Judge cannot force anyone to take psychiatric drugs, antidepressants. 

  2. Medical doctor

  3. Human behavior group of one’s choosing. 

  1. All three permissions from a judge, medical doctor and a human behavior group of one’s choosing, to renew the prescription up to one year maximum usage of the prescription. Every year must go through same renewal process, including their presence before the judge.

  2. If the judge determines will end the prescription, there will be provided a gradual lower dosage for weaning off the drugs that are addictive.

  3. The people must retain a control, in voting for which judge to serve for four years, in granting or prohibiting psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, use.

Section Eleven: Break up the monopoly colossal government primary education (bias towards Infidelism morphed) establishment into three parts - Our Nation has a New Enemy Within Army of Disciples in Philosophy (Infidelism) 5-17-2010) :

  1. One third state education

  2. One third supported by vouchers private education

  3. One third who home school their children (supported by a smaller percentage of money provided for mothers).

Section Twelve: The government schools, lock, trust, monopoly on education, absolutely will be broken up, through vouchers (100 percentage amount of government school pays for per pupil), where the money follows to the child:

  1. Parents to choose the particular institutions of government or a private institution that has a particular human behavioral persuasion of the parents choosing. 

  2. Private schools will receive government funds per student, parents choosing. They must meet standards of safety, be law abiding and minim hours per subject. As to religious instructions, being they are a private institutions of the people, are exempt from restrictions from teaching tenets of their human behavior group, be it consisting of a God or not. Example such as any human behavior group, Christianity, Muslim, philosophy, psychology, atheism, etc. 

  3. Private schools must be law abiding, violations of laws will loose their prevision to student's funds from government. With the principle of equality to all human behavior groups, allows then public funds be used strictly according to the parent's sole choice of school. 

  4. All public school, will hand out diplomas at 10 grade, 16 years of age. Where some young men and woman will move on to marriage, not being hampered by not receiving a diploma, young woman will begin families, instead of murdering their babies in abortion. Young men will work to support their family. 

  5. Their will be optional two grades for occupational studies, especially for them who do not marry. 

  6. School with grades 9 to 12, will become open to other human behavior groups to use as facilities, consequently will then minus the among of pupil percentage government funds that follows the student, equal to upkeep of the facilities. To keep order and peace in the facilities, all apostatizing, converting, would be excluded from the halls, except for a standardized bill board beside each doorway, what is offered in the room. Their will be limits to volume of sound coming form the rooms. 

  7. Facilities from 9 to 12 grades, will one hour after the regular classes, will be open to all human behavior groups of the local district, all ages, all citizens, for multiple use facilities, with a small fee required to rent rooms, hall, or gym for the expenses of the facilities to operate. All government facilities for 8 grade or lower, will be restricted from other groups use and after hours facility use, for safety concerns, unless voted individually in each local district, the amount of facility availability, as long as equal to all.

  8. Government must also encourage home schooling, such as an amount of money would be giving to the mothers to home school. 

  9. Half the money that would be normally used by government schools per pupil, as an incentive for homeschooling. 

  10. 50 percent of the full amount, due to more expenses when having children leave home for a school, the added cost of buildings and so the mother aren't only interested in the money. This to encourage mothers and make it more easier for them to remain home. Where mothers and fathers training their own children is the idea setting over any other setting imagined by man or government bureaucracy. For mothers and fathers to care, nurture and teach their children in the ways of their choosing of a particular human behavior group, and in the ways of good citizenship. 

  11. To safe guard from abuses, from age of 5 to 11, every six months monitoring through standardized test, and 12 years old to 15 years old, quarterly monitoring through government standardize test would be administered in the government school, for the basics reading, writing, math, history. Supervised by a government official, If not pass, then the child has to to be either sent to public school, or a private school. 

  12. To protect home schooling from abuse and not to encourage an over abundance of having children, for financial gain only, each child addition, would receive one half of financial support, each child's before them. For example say the first child receive 7,000, second would receive 3500, third child would receive 1750, forth child and beyond will receive a minim of 1750. 

  13. As to discourage adultery, for any children born out of the marriage with another woman, will not be eligible to receive financial support, for home schooling, will only be eligible for private schooling or public schooling. 

  14. Any child born in the marriage, by another man, then her husband, will also not be eligible for financial support for home schooling for the particular child.

  15. Either parent convicted of felon, will be not be eligible for seven years to receive financial support, for home schooling.


  1. All Physical world Philosophy associates itself with particularly rudiments/elements/properties of nature, the physical world around us, can be still be studied and only used in their respective science class rooms.

  2. All Human Behavior Philosophy (infidel philosophy) and it's offspring Psychology, Sociology and Psychiatry departments, must all cease and desist their operations, be removed from all State institutions. Where no so called teacher/professor, student/disciple in these can received any tuition funds of the public institution, government subsidies of government student aid, and pensions must be ended. Why because its a violation of the Establishment Clause.

  3. All political Philosophy such as Political (so called) science departments being they have human behavior philosophy at their center, if not closed should be very much scrutinized and some compromise may be a more appropriate solution.

  4. All the above philosophies, would still be allowed access to particularly public higher education institutions approx 2,000 public universities and colleges.

  5. Traditional or non-traditional religion will each be offered the same respect and allowances, where they can rent a room in a public institution as a club, and be treated the same, no less and no more then any other club, traditional religion or non-traditional religion. I propose they can also be offered to use for hourly periods of time rooms and halls free of charge on the campus, with the State institution's guidelines of total impartiality shown towards all groups.


  1. Classrooms and halls, are to be used by either a non traditional or traditional religion by appointment only, appointed hourly time limits, the group must be law abiding, sound levels must be under certain limits, absolutely no request for money while in the free classroom or hall, when the classroom or hall is occupied their proselytizing is limited to the inside the classroom or hall. In the hall way proselytizing is limited to only a simple sign, what the group offers can be easily slid the information in a standard adapter on the outside of the room near the side of the door, when the room would soon be occupied, for anyone to read. No leader, teacher or however one is called by the group, can receive any of the institution's tuition from the students or government subsidies for students.

  2. Each group, secular religion or tradition religion, only source of funds will be solely by private means off campus, such as directing anyone to a groups website, and/or in a rented groups room on campus where request for donations is allowed to occur.

Secular Religion Gate